mongodb python image 图像存储读取

来源:互联网 发布:ubuntu文件大小怎么看 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 10:32




 1 ''' 2 Created on 2013-8-6 3 class mongoInsert 4 @author: tree 5 ''' 6 __metaclass__ = type 7  8 import os 9 from pymongo.database import Database10 import time11 import gridfs12 13 class mongoImg(object):14     """mongoInsert is a class for inserting document15     16     17     """18     def __init__(self, database, dir):19         """Create a new instance of :class:mongoInsert20         :Parameters:21           - `database`: database to use22           - `dir` : directory of document 23           """24         if not isinstance(database, Database):25             raise TypeError("database must be an instance of Database")26         if len(dir) < 1:27             raise TypeError("dir must be an string of directory")28         29 #         self.__con = Connection()30         self.__imgdb = database31         self.__imgfs = gridfs.GridFS (self.__imgdb)32         self.__dir = dir33         self.__filelist=[]34 35     #save filepath in list.txt36     def __dirwalk(self,topdown=True):37         """traverse the documents of self.__dir and save in self.__filelist38         """39         sum=040         self.__filelist.clear()41         42         for root,dirs,files in os.walk(self.__dir,topdown):43             for name in files:44                 sum+=145                 temp=os.path.join(root,name)46                 self.__filelist.append(temp)47         print(sum)48 49     #insert image 50     def insert(self):51         """insert images in mongodb52         """53         self.__dirwalk()54 55         tStart = time.time()        56         for fi in self.__filelist:       57             with open (fi,'rb') as myimage:58                         59                 self.__imgfs.put(data, content_type = "jpg", filename =fi)60     61         tEnd =time.time ()62         print ("It cost %f sec" % (tEnd - tStart))63         64     #get image by filename65     def getbyname(self,filename,savepath):66         """get img from mongdb by filename67         """68         if len(savepath) < 1:69             raise TypeError("dir must be an string of directory")70         dataout=self.__imgfs.get_version(filename)71         try:72             imgout=open(savepath,'wb')73                imgout.write(data)75         finally:76             imgout.close()77         


1 from pymongo import Connection2 import mongoImg3 4 filedir=r'D:\image'5 con = Connection()6 db = con.imgdb7 imgmongo=mongoImg.mongoImg(db,filedir)8 imgmongo.insert()




gridfs.GridFS.put 函数

put(data, **kwargs)Put data in GridFS as a new file.Equivalent to doing:try:    f = new_file(**kwargs)    f.write(data)    finallyf.close()



pipe = open('/dev/input/js0','rb')



ps:初学python 数据库操作也忘得差不多 欢迎大家批评和指正~

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