Genymotion 2.0之后安装Google Play

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店要交保证金吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/13 15:55

Genymotion 2.0之后安装Google Play

Genymotion tablet version emulator doesn't provide any google apps, only Galaxy Nexus-4.2.2 with google apps-Api 17 -720x1280 comes with google app support. So in the tablet version need to install google apps. For this purpose I simply followed these steps.

For example consider installing google app on 10.1 Tablet 4.2.2 API 17 1280x800

1.Upgrade your genymotion to 2.0.1

2.Upgrade your VirtualBox to 4.2

3.Download the two zip files from the link ARM Translation Installer v1.1 - andGoogle Apps for Android 4.2 -

4.Then please copy these files to desktop

5.Open genymotion emulator and go to home screen then from the desktop drag and drop the first .A dialog will appear ans show as file transfer in progress ,then another dialog will appear and ask that do you want to flash it on the emulator then click OK and reboot the device or restart adb .

6.After this drag and drop the second file and repeat the same steps as above. restart adb and this will install google apps on your emulator.

In my case these steps resolved my issues...
Remember you can drag and drop files in to the emulator only from the desktop in case of ubuntu .

I got these instructions from the link mentioned in the question thanks for the help .

PS:好多软件都再模拟器上无法安装,原因是Emulator是x86架构的,不是arm架构的,安装 ARM Translation Installer之后应该没有问题了。

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