
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝账号怎么多个账号 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 11:13

主要用到了IAC 通讯机制


 init: function tv_init() {    this.dataSource = [];    this.index = 0;    this.view.addEventListener('click', this);    this.view.addEventListener('input', this);    this.view.addEventListener('touchend', this);    this.searchInput.addEventListener('focus', this);  },handleEvent: function tv_handleEvent(evt) {    function tv_resetSearch(self) {      evt.preventDefault();      self.searchInput.value = '';      SearchView.clearSearch();    }    var target =;    if (!target)      return;    switch (evt.type) {      case 'touchend':                 //1,先响应此case        // Check for tap on parent form element with event origin as clear buton        // This is workaround for a bug in input_areas BB. See Bug 920770        if ( === 'views-tiles-search') {          var id =;          if (id && id !== 'views-tiles-search-input' &&            id !== 'views-tiles-search-close') {            tv_resetSearch(this);            return;          }        }        if ( === 'views-tiles-search-clear') {          tv_resetSearch(this);          return;        }        break;      case 'click':                      //2,后响应click        if ( === 'views-tiles-search-close') {          if (ModeManager.currentMode === MODE_SEARCH_FROM_TILES) {            ModeManager.pop();          }          this.hideSearch();          evt.preventDefault();        } else if (target.dataset.index) {          var handler;          var index = target.dataset.index;          var data = this.dataSource[index];          handler = tv_playAlbum.bind(this, data, index);  //这里有个handler          target.addEventListener('transitionend', handler);        }        break;      case 'focus':        if ( === 'views-tiles-search-input') {          if (ModeManager.currentMode !== MODE_SEARCH_FROM_TILES) {            ModeManager.push(MODE_SEARCH_FROM_TILES);  ;          }        }        break;      case 'input':        if ( === 'views-tiles-search-input') {;        }        break;      default:        return;    }    function tv_playAlbum(data, index) {         //3,对应上面的handler处理,此函数中播放音乐      var key = 'metadata.album';      var range = IDBKeyRange.only(data.metadata.album);      var direction = 'next';      ModeManager.push(MODE_PLAYER, function() {        PlayerView.clean();        // When an user tap an album on the tilesView        // we have to get all the song data first        // because the shuffle option might be ON        // and we have create shuffled list and play in shuffle order        playerHandle = musicdb.enumerateAll(key, range, direction,          function tv_enumerateAll(dataArray) {            PlayerView.setSourceType(TYPE_LIST);            PlayerView.dataSource = dataArray;            if (PlayerView.shuffleOption) {              PlayerView.setShuffle(true);    [0]);            } else {    ;            }          }        );      });      target.removeEventListener('transitionend', handler);    }  }};


 this.mrc = new MediaRemoteControls();


MediaRemoteControls.prototype.notifyAppInfo = function(info) {  // Send the app info via IAC.  this._postMessage('appinfo', info);   //system中处理的一种};...// Now, send it via IAC.  this._postMessage('nowplaying', metadata);   //system中处理的一种...// Now, send it via IAC.this._postMessage('status', status);    //system中处理的一种...MediaRemoteControls.prototype._postMessage = function(name, value) {  var message = {type: name, data: value};  if (!this._ports) {    if (this._queuedMessages)      this._queuedMessages.push(message);  } else {    this._ports.forEach(function(port) {      port.postMessage(message);    });  }};


 "connections": {    "mediacomms": {      "description": "Communication with media apps for now playing info",      "rules": {}    },    "ftucomms": {      "description": "Communicate between communications/ftu and System",      "rules": {}    },    "bluetoothTransfercomms": {      "description": "Communication with bluetooth apps for sending files info",      "rules": {}    }


var IACHandler = {  _eventPrefix: 'iac-',  _ports: {},  init: function onInit() {    var self = this;    window.navigator.mozSetMessageHandler('connection',      function onConnected(request) {       ...       var evtName = self._eventPrefix + keyword;          var iacEvt = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');          iacEvt.initCustomEvent(evtName,            /* canBubble: */ true, /* cancelable */ false, message);          window.dispatchEvent(iacEvt);          ...


window.addEventListener('iac-mediacomms', this.handleMessage.bind(this)); ...  MediaPlaybackWidget.prototype = {  handleMessage: function mpw_handleMessage(event) {    var message = event.detail;    switch (message.type) {    case 'appinfo':      this.updateAppInfo(;      break;    case 'nowplaying':      this.updateNowPlaying(;      break;    case 'status':      this.updatePlaybackStatus(;      break;    }  }, ...

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