
来源:互联网 发布:剑三好看的纯阳脸数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 14:23




1,实现后台任务的逻辑代码,必须是一个WinRt Component,例如:

namespace MyApp.BackgroundTasks { // NOTE: determines filename "MyApp.BackgroundTasks.WinMD"using Windows.ApplicationModel.Background; // For IBackgroundTask & IBackgroundTaskInstance// NOTE: WinRT components MUST be public and sealedpublic sealed class MyBackgroundTask : IBackgroundTask {public void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance) {// Register cancelation handler (see the "Background task cancellation" section)// NOTE: Once canceled, a task has 5 seconds to complete or the process is killedtaskInstance.Canceled +=(IBackgroundTaskInstance sender, BackgroundTaskCancellationReason reason) => {// TODO: Tell task it should cancel itself as soon as possible...};// Recommended: Adjust task behavior based on CPU and network availability// For example: A mail app could download mail for all folders when cost is// low and only download mail for the Inbox folder when cost is highswitch (BackgroundWorkCost.CurrentBackgroundWorkCost) {case BackgroundWorkCostValue.Low: // The task can use CPU & networkcase BackgroundWorkCostValue.Medium: // The task can use some CPU & networkcase BackgroundWorkCostValue.High: // The task should avoid using CPU & network// This example records the last trigger time in an application data setting// so the app can read it later if it chooses. We do regardless of work cost.ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values["LastTriggerTime"] =DateTimeOffset.Now;break;}}}}



Trigger触发条件频率是否需要锁屏宿主进程MaintenanceTrigger交流电每15分钟一次1次或多次 BackgroundTaskHost.exeTimeTrigger同上,电池也可以1次或多次是BackgroundTaskHost.exeSystemTrigger 1次或多次 BackgroundTaskHost.exeLocationTrigger进入或离开Geofence多次 BackgroundTaskHost.exePushNotificationTrigger收到推送多次是BackgroundTaskHost.exe或App自身ControlChannelTrigger实时通信多次 App





  • 当连上网时,
  • 网络状态切换时(3G/WiFi),
  • 安装新版本的App时,
  • 登陆的微软账户变化时,
  • 时区改变时,
  • 收到短信时,
  • App被添加到锁屏桌面时
  • App从锁屏桌面移除时
  • 后台任务的性能成本变化时
  • 用户从离开变成回来(输入)时
  • 用户从活跃到离开时(4分钟无输入)
  • 用户登陆时
  • 网络连接被重置需要重新连接时
private async Task InitializeGeofenceMonitorAsync() {// Get a reference to the app's singleton GeofenceMonitor objectGeofenceMonitor gm = GeofenceMonitor.Current;gm.Geofences.Clear(); // Erase all its Geofence objects// Get the PC's current location (requires Location capability)Geoposition geoposition = await new Geolocator().GetGeopositionAsync();// Register a Geofence whose state changes whenever the PC goes within 1 meter of itGeofence gf = new Geofence("InitialPCLocation", // Geofence Idnew Geocircle(geoposition.Coordinate.Point.Position, 1), // Point & radiusMonitoredGeofenceStates.Entered | MonitoredGeofenceStates.Exited, // When task should runfalse, // Not 1 timeTimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), // Dwell timeDateTimeOffset.UtcNow, // Start timeTimeSpan.FromHours(1)); // Durationgm.Geofences.Add(gf); // Add the Geofence object to the GeofenceMonitor's collection}

public sealed class GeofenceLocationTask : IBackgroundTask {public void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance) {IReadOnlyList<GeofenceStateChangeReport> reports = GeofenceMonitor.Current.ReadReports();foreach (GeofenceStateChangeReport report in reports) {// This loop processes a report for each Geofence object that changed// Each report includes the Geofence object affected, its position,// the NewState of the Geofence (Entered or Exited), and the reason why// the report was generated (Used or Expired):Geofence geofence = report.Geofence; // The Geofence object affectedGeoposition pos = report.Geoposition; // The Geofence object’s positionGeofenceState state = report.NewState; // Entered or ExitedGeofenceRemovalReason reason = report.RemovalReason; // Used or Expired// TODO: Process the Geofence object affected here...}}}



Entry Point字段指定类名(包括namespace)



var btb = new BackgroundTaskBuilder {Name = "Some friendly name", // See the "Debugging background tasks" section// Specify the full name of the class implementing the IBackgroundTask interface// You could specify a literal string here, but I prefer to do it this// way to get compile-time safety and rename refactoring supportTaskEntryPoint = typeof(Wintellect.BackgroundTasks.SystemTriggerTask).FullName};// Specify the desired trigger (TimeTrigger, MaintenanceTrigger, SystemTrigger,// LocationTrigger, or PushNotificationTrigger). This example uses a TimeTriggerbtb.SetTrigger(new TimeTrigger(freshnessTime: 60, oneShot: false));// Optional: add 1+ system conditions and// indicate whether the task should stop if any condition is lostbtb.AddCondition(new SystemCondition(SystemConditionType.InternetAvailable));btb.CancelOnConditionLoss = true; // System tells task to cancel if any condition is lost// Register the task with WindowsBackgroundTaskRegistration registeredTask = btb.Register();// Use registeredTask to Unregister, or if the app wants Progress/Completed notifications


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