严超的个人简历(Yanchao's Resume)

来源:互联网 发布:南阳网络营销策划公司 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 06:43

Personal  resume


Name: YanChao(严超)

Website: www.yanchao.net.cn

Email: yanchao.net.cn@gmail.com

MSN: yanchao1979@hotmail.com

Mobile phone :( +86)013564327044



姓名:严超    出生年月:1979-2-19   性别:男    婚姻状况:未婚 


l   19989月-20027月:   山东大学  机械设计与制造(汽车)  工科学士 

l   20059月 --- 至 今 : 上海师范大学  教育技术学专业(网络管理)  理学硕士


l   20078月至今,TD TECH(鼎桥通信)A Siemens & Huawei Company)测试工具组实习生,主要从事TD-SCDMA测试工具组工作,具体为ASN.13GLTTTCN3等测试工具的HSDPAHSUPAMBMS的脚本升级和协议工作。

l   20072月至20077月上海工商信息学校外聘全职教师。教授的课程:《微软认证70-270认证课程》、《Java编程》等若干计算机专业主干课程。

l   20067月至200612ERichNet(易路趣)网络信息有限公司实习生,主要从事C#/Asp.net开发电子商务相关的Win FormWeb Form的工作,具体涉及内容有网络多线程编程、程序UI设计、软件测试、软件用户手册文档撰写等工作。

l   20027月至20059月(三年),在山东交通职业学院,从事大专部计算机专业专业课教师工作。曾经教授过的课程:《C语言》,《VC++》,《JAVA》,《计算机网络》,《网页设计与制作》,《计算机维修与实践》,《计算机专业英语》,《网站架设技巧》,《物流信息技术》等若干计算机专业主干课程。


l   20078月至今在TD TECH(鼎桥通信)参与公司TD-SCDMA 无线网络控制器( RNC3.1版本的测试工具工作,具体为ASN.13GLTTTCN3等测试工具的HSDPAHSUPAMBMS的脚本升级和协议工作。

l   20067月在ERichNet有限公司参与公司项目基于纳斯达克的中小股民炒股辅助系统的开发,主要从事的工作:Web Form UI的设计与修改,Win Form的代码开发,用户使用手册的撰写,软件测试,测试文档的撰写等工作。主要涉及的技术为:C#+ASP.Net+SqlServer2000+JavaScript等

l   200511-20061月在读硕士期间,参与jeast.net(东行记)网站建设项目,作为项目组组长职务,负责策划整个网站项目和分配、协调小组内成员的工作,目前网站仍然在很好的运作之中。从此项目中我很好的锻炼了自己的组织能力和团队协作的能力

l   200511月在读硕士期间以小组形式参与“在线内容发布系统”设计开发,主要负责的工作为数据库的设计、程序编码开发、文档整理的。主要用到的技术为:C#1.0+.net 1.1+Asp.net+Sql Server 2000

l   20005月在读本科期间策划组织“兴趣课堂”,主讲《Windows 2000多版本强大功能》兴趣课堂

l   199910月在读本科期间以学生会副主席的职位策划组织“保护黄河”大型义卖义演等多项社会活动。组织和交际能力得到很好的锻炼


l   英语:英语cet4,现有良好的读写译能力 ;

l   日语:国际日本语能力考试4

l   计算机:MCSE(微软认证系统工程师),MCDBA(微软认证数据库管理员),CCNA(思科认证网络助手),国家计算机2C,国家计算机3级(偏软),程序员证书,国家计算机网络管理员3级职业资格证书。

l   教师资格:国家高等学校教师资格证书(计算机科学技术),国家普通话2级甲等证书,Intel未来教育骨干教师证书

l   物流师:国家物流师2级职业资格证书


l   《魔灯在网络探究式学习中的应用》————信息技术教育,2006.12

l   《用Moodle构建家校合作互动平台》————中小学电教,2007.1

l   XML在关系数据库应用中的性能问题探究》————电脑与电信,2008.1


l   熟悉3GPP协议集Layer 1-3),特别是TD-SCDMAWCDMA协议。熟悉ASN.1/TTCN/3GLT3G测试工具及脚本工作。

l   擅长C#Asp.netSql Server开发环境,对面向对象编程有比较深刻的理解;熟悉Windows CE /Mobile 5.0DirectX3DCC++javaMySQL;并对Linux下的C/C++开发有一定了解。


l   Emailyanchao.net.cn@gmail.com   Mobile +86013564327044  MSNyanchao1979@hotmail.com

l  Website: www.yanchao.net.cn  通讯地址: 上海市浦东新区世纪大道88号金茂大厦5502 邮政编码: 200121




Personal Resume

Personal Information:

Family Name: Yan Name: Chao English NameCharles Sex: Male Marital Status: Unmarried Date of Birth: February 19, 1979 Mobile:+86)013564327044 Website: www.yanchao.net.cn Mailyanchao.net.cn@gmail.com

Education background

l   Sep. 2005--present: shanghai normal university for master degree, majoring in education technology Researching in Network Management).

l   Sep.1998--July 2002: Shandong University for bachelor degree, majoring in auto design.

Job Experience:

l   Oct.2007--Present: I am a internship in TD TECHA Siemens & Huawei Company ltd.  My team is RNC test tool , my mostly responsibility is writing test script and protocol about RNC test tool in TD-SCDMA. The main tool in my work are ASN.1TTCN3GLT and so on.

l   Feb.2007--july.2007: full time job for shanghai business and information collage, and my responsibility is teaching some courses about computer technology, such as MSCE 70-270》、《Java how to program.

l   Nov.2006--Jan.2007: Working for mathematics & Science College of shanghai normal university, and my responsibility is teaching some courses about computer.

l   July.2006--Dct.2006: Worked in Shanghai Erichnet Co., Ltd..., as a developer for full time job. Developed some Winforms and webForms in C# Asp.Net and SQL server, another responsibility was as a tester and wrote many develop&test documents.

l   July 2002--July 2005:Shandong Transport Vocational College, my responsibility was teaching major computer courses.

Project experience

l   Aug.2007--PresentI am as a intern in TD TECH(鼎桥通信) ltd. I am take part in the TD-SCDMA RNC 3.1 (newest 3G version) update project in RNC Test Tool Team. My main work is writing script by ASN.1 TTCN33GLT.

l   July 2006--Oct. 2006: took part in a stock Software Development Project In Shanghai Erichnet Co., Ltd... . Developed some Win forms and web Forms UI in C# and Asp.net, another responsibility was as a tester, I designed some test data and simulated the true stock deal status, after every test, I wrote the test document for it. Mostly technologies in this project:C#, Asp.net, JavaScript, Sql server 2000.

l   Nov.2005--Jan 2006: organized the jeast.net website project as the project manager. I n this project, I managed and assorted with my team member, got so many experience about PM and team work. I learned how to motivate people and to work together as a team.

l   Nov. 2005--Dec.2005: worked for my course with my classmates. The project is a web site about online content management system in C# / Asp.net / Sql server. My responsibility in our team was to design Database structure and implement it. In the project, I studied so many DB design Methods.

l   May 2000: schemed an interesting schoolroom and also as a teacher for windows 2000 new features.

Technical Qualifications/ Special Skills

l   Knowledge of 3GPP protocol on Layer 1-3, especially in TD-SCDMA and WCDMA. Testing experience in interface and protocol standardsSkilled in ASN.1TTCN33GLT script tools for test work.

l   Skilled in ASP.NET/C#/SQL Server; Familiar with Windows CE /Mobile 5.0C++, C, MySQL;

English Skills:

Have a good command of both reading and writing English, Past CET-4, and know a little Japanese, Past the Japanese-language proficiency test Level-4.


       Microsoft :MCSEMCDBA ;CISCO:CCNA; National Computer Rank Examination Certificate: Grade-2、Grade-3 B ;Language: CET-4, JPT-4; Mandarin Grade2A;Profession Qualification Certificate: National Logistics expert Grade-2、National Computer Network Administrator Grade-3、Computer Programmer National College Teacher Certification;Teacher/Trainer: National College Teacher Certification (for computer Science) Intel teach to the future teacher certificate;        

More Detailswww.yanchao.net.cn



证书 1 学士学位证书(bachelor degree)

证书 2 微软认证系统工程师证书(MCSE

证书 3(微软认证专家)证书(MCP)

证书 4(微软认证数据库管理员)证书(MCDBA

证书 5 (思科认证网络助手)证书(CCNA

证书 6英语四级证书(CET-4

证书 7 日本于能力4级证书(JPT-4


证书 8 国家计算机2级证书(National Computer Rank Examination Certificate: Grade-2)

证书 9 国家计算机3级证书(National Computer Rank Examination Certificate: Grade-3B

证书 10 国家中级物流师执业资格证书(National Logistics expert Grade2

证书 11 国家计算机网络管理员职业资格证书(National Computer Network Administrator Grade3

证书 12 高等学校教师岗前培训证书

证书 13 国家高等学校教师资格(计算机科学技术)证书(National College Teacher Certification (for computer science )

证书 14 国家普通话证书(Mandarin Grade2A

证书 15 Intel未来教育骨干教师证书(Intel teach to the future teacher certificate

证书 16 教育技术优质课证书(Education Technology excellent Course Certificate

证书 17 省级计算机文化基础证书

证书 18 省级计算机应用基础考试(C语言)证书

证书 19 计算机技术技能大赛证书

证书 20 优秀干部等证书

