
来源:互联网 发布:快易通中医处方软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 21:14
Digital clock use 4 digits to express time, each digit is described by 3*3 characters (including”|”,”_”and” “).now given the current time, please tell us how can it be expressed by the digital clock.
There are several test cases.
Each case contains 4 integers in a line, separated by space.
Proceed to the end of file.
For each test case, output the time expressed by the digital clock such as Sample Output.
1 2 5 6
2 3 4 2
    _  _  _
  | _||_ |_
  ||_  _||_|
 _  _     _
 _| _||_| _|
|_  _|  ||_
去年10月份,提交了代码,结果AC了,但不是很满意。今天忽然想到这个题目,竟然不晓得自己当初是怎么做出来的,然后就翻阅自己以前提交的代码的记录,... ...,被吓到了,代码居然有90+行。实在是看不下去了,然后就开始修改,万万想不到的是,修改后的代码综合质量比以前的还差(原本排第5位,现在第6位)。
#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>using namespace std;int main(void){    char zero[10]={' ','_',' ',  '|',' ','|',  '|','_','|'};    char  one[10]={' ',' ',' ',  ' ',' ','|',  ' ',' ','|'};    char  two[10]={' ','_',' ',  ' ','_','|',  '|','_',' '};    char thre[10]={' ','_',' ',  ' ','_','|',  ' ','_','|'};    char four[10]={' ',' ',' ',  '|','_','|',  ' ',' ','|'};    char five[10]={' ','_',' ',  '|','_',' ',  ' ','_','|'};    char  six[10]={' ','_',' ',  '|','_',' ',  '|','_','|'};    char seve[10]={' ','_',' ',  ' ',' ','|',  ' ',' ','|'};    char eigh[10]={' ','_',' ',  '|','_','|',  '|','_','|'};    char nine[10]={' ','_',' ',  '|','_','|',  ' ','_','|'};    char input[8],*A[4];//用来指向4个数字    while(gets(input)!=NULL)    {        input[1] = input[2];        input[2] = input[4];        input[3] = input[6];        for(int i=0; i<4; i++)//提取4个数字,同时让4个指针分别指向他们           switch (input[i]-'0')//让这个4个指针,明白要指向谁           {               case 0:A[i] = zero;break;               case 1:A[i] = one ;break;               case 2:A[i] = two ;break;               case 3:A[i] = thre;break;               case 4:A[i] = four;break;               case 5:A[i] = five;break;               case 6:A[i] = six ;break;               case 7:A[i] = seve;break;               case 8:A[i] = eigh;break;               case 9:A[i] = nine;break;           }        for(int i=0; i<3; i++)//一个数字的图案有3行。        {           for(int j=0; j<4; j++)//最终的图案是由4个数字的图案分别组成。              for(int k=0; k<3; k++)//一个数字的图案其每行是由3个字符构成。                 cout<<*A[j]++;           cout<<endl;//打印完一行,就另起一行。        }    }    return 0;}/**************************************    Problem id    : SDUT OJ 2272    User name     : 李俊    Result        : Accepted    Take Memory   : 428K    Take Time     : 0MS    Submit Time   : 2014-02-09 18:25:07 **************************************/
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