
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝助理5.4版本下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 02:12



typedef struct Node
    int data;
    struct Node *pNext;


int main(void)
    PNODE pHead = NULL; //<=>struct Node *pHead = NULL
    pHead = create_list();
    return 0;

3.PNODE create_list()函数:创建链表

需要注意的是定义一个 pTail结构体指针,使这个结构体把存储的上一次的pNew->pNext指向本次的pNew之后,又把本次pNew的结构体指针赋给自己:pTail = pNew。


4.void traverse_list(PNODE pHead)函数:遍历和打印链表



//list.c#include <stdio.h>#include <malloc.h>#include <stdlib.h>typedef struct Node{    int data;    struct Node *pNext;}NODE, *PNODE;static PNODE create_list(void);static void traverse_list(PNODE pHead);int main(void){    PNODE pHead = NULL; //<=>struct Node *pHead = NULL    pHead = create_list();    traverse_list(pHead);    return 0;}PNODE create_list(void){    int i;    int len;    int val;    PNODE pHead = NULL;    PNODE pTail = NULL;    PNODE pNew = NULL;    pHead = malloc(sizeof(NODE));    if (pHead == NULL)    {        printf("Allocation failure, Program termination");        exit(-1);    }    pTail = pHead;    pTail->pNext = NULL;    printf("Please enter a number of linked list nodes that you want to build: len = ");    scanf("%d", &len);    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)    {        printf("Please enter the %d node value = ", i+1);        scanf("%d", &val);        pNew = malloc(sizeof(NODE));        if (pNew == NULL)        {            printf("Allocation failure, Program termination!");            exit(-1);        }        pNew->data = val;        pTail->pNext = pNew;        pNew->pNext = NULL;        pTail = pNew;    }    return pHead;}void traverse_list(PNODE pHead){    PNODE p = NULL;    p = pHead;    while (p != NULL)    {        printf("%d ", p->data);        p = p->pNext;    }    printf("\n");    return;}

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