
来源:互联网 发布:组织结构图画图软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 16:57
#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main (){   const int Size=10;   char f_name[Size],l_name[Size],grade[Size], age[Size];   cout << "What is your first name?"<<endl;   cin.getline(f_name,Size);   cout << "What is your last name?"<<endl;   cin >> l_name;   cout << "What letter grade do you deserve?"<< endl;   cin >> grade;   cout << "What is your age?"<<endl;   cin >> age;   grade[0]=(int)grade[0]+1;   cout << "Name: "<<l_name<<", "<<f_name<<endl;   cout << "Grade: "<<grade<< endl;   cout << "Age: "<< age <<endl;   return 0;}

#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;int main (){   string f_name,l_name,grade, age;   cout << "What is your first name?"<<endl;   getline(cin,f_name);   cout << "What is your last name?"<<endl;   cin >> l_name;   cout << "What letter grade do you deserve?"<< endl;   cin >> grade;   cout << "What is your age?"<<endl;   cin >> age;   grade[0]=(int)grade[0]+1;   cout << "Name: "<<l_name<<", "<<f_name<<endl;   cout << "Grade: "<<grade<< endl;   cout << "Age: "<< age <<endl;   return 0;}

#include <iostream>#include <cstring>using namespace std;int main (){   const int Size=10;   char f_name[Size],l_name[Size];   cout << "Enter your first name: "<<endl;   cin >> f_name;   cout << "Enter your last name: "<<endl;   cin >> l_name;   strcat(l_name,", ");   strcat(l_name,f_name);   cout << "Here's the information in a single string: "<< l_name<<endl;   return 0;}

#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;int main (){   string f_name,l_name;   cout << "Enter your first name: "<<endl;   cin >> f_name;   cout << "Enter your last name: "<<endl;   cin >> l_name;   l_name+=", ";   l_name+=f_name;   cout << "Here's the information in a single string: "<< l_name<<endl;   return 0;}

#include <iostream>using namespace std;struct CandyBar{    char brand[20];    float weight;    int calories;};int main (){    CandyBar snack=    {        "Mocha Munch",        2.3,        350    };    cout << "The brand is "<< snack.brand << endl;    cout << snack.calories << " calorise" << endl;    cout << snack.weight << " pound" << endl;    return 0;}

#include <iostream>using namespace std;struct pizza{    char name[20];    float dia;    float weight;};int main(){    pizza example;    cout << "Please enter the pizza company name: "<<endl;    cin.getline(,20);    cout << "Please enter the diameter of pizza:" << endl;    cin >> example.dia;    cout << "Please enter the weight of pizza :" << endl;    cin >> example.weight;    cout << "name: "<<<<endl;    cout << "diameter: "<< example.dia << endl;    cout << "weight: " << example.weight<< endl;    return 0;}

#include <iostream>using namespace std;struct pizza{    char name[20];    float dia;    float weight;};int main(){    pizza *example=new pizza;//分配内存    cout << "Please enter the diameter of pizza:" <<endl;    cin >> (*example).dia;    cin.get();    cout << "Please enter the pizza company name: "<<endl;    cin.get((*example).name,20);    cout << "Please enter the weight of pizza :" <<endl;    cin >> (*example).weight;    cout << "name: "<<(*example).name<<endl;    cout << "diameter: "<< (*example).dia << endl;    cout << "weight: " << (*example).weight<< endl;    delete example;//释放内存    return 0;}

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