
来源:互联网 发布:软件乚g公司 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 02:27


          1.CommonHttpSolrServer (SolrServer的子类) 
          3.SolrRequest (基类) 
          4.AbstractUpdateRequest (抽象类、SolrRequest的子类) 
          5.UpdateRequest  (AbstractUpdateRequest的子类) 
          6.SolrInputDocument  (设置需要索引的名称和值、这个应该放在第一位) 


  1.        查询数据库数据,或者其他文档数据进行索引
              private void updateBook(String sql, String url, String idColumn,String timeColumn,BufferedWriter dataFile) throws Exception {long start = System.currentTimeMillis();                <span></span> SolrUtil solrUtil = new SolrUtil(url);//初始化索引SolrDocument doc = SqlSh.getSolrMaxDoc(solrUtil, idColumn, timeColumn);if (doc == null) {CommonLogger.getLogger().error("solr no data.");return;}int maxId = Integer.parseInt(doc.get(idColumn).toString());long maxTime = Long.parseLong(doc.get(timeColumn).toString())*1000;Date maxDate = new Date(maxTime);DateFormat dateFormat2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");                //获取数据库需要索引的数据ResultSet rs = stmt_m.executeQuery(String.format(sql,dateFormat2.format(maxDate)));//获取需要创建索引的key                initColumeMeta(rs.getMetaData());                //解析数据并索引parseRs(rs, solrUtil);rs.close();                               //优化索引solrUtil.server.optimize();CommonLogger.getLogger().info("update book time:" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)/ 1000 + "s");}

  2. 咱们看下上面代码的parseRs方法

     private void parseRs(ResultSet rs, SolrUtil solrUtil) throws <span></span> Exception {Collection<SolrInputDocument> docs=new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>();SolrInputDocument doc = null;int locBk = 0;boolean flag=true;StringBuilder sb=null;String vl=null;try {while ( {doc = new SolrInputDocument();for (int i = 0; i < ToolMain.columnNames.length; i++) {doc.addField(    ToolMain.columnNames[i],getColumnValue(    rs.getObject(ToolMain.columnNames[i]),ToolMain.columnTypes[i]));//此方法为设置一个域,可以添加一个参数来设置权重}docs.add(doc);locBk++;if (docs.size() >= 1000) {solrUtil.addDocList(docs);//创建索引和提交索引操作都在这里面docs.clear();}}if (docs.size() > 0) {solrUtil.addDocList(docs);docs.clear();}} catch (Exception e) {throw e;} finally {docs.clear();docs = null;}}

    import java.util.Collection;import log.CommonLogger;import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CommonsHttpSolrServer;import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;public class SolrUtil {public CommonsHttpSolrServer server = null;public String url = "";//url为solr服务的地址public  String shards = "";public SolrUtil(String url) {this.url = url;initSolr();}public SolrUtil(String url,String shards) {this.url = url;this.shards=shards;initSolr();}       //初始化Serverprivate void initSolr() {try {server = new CommonsHttpSolrServer(url);server.setSoTimeout(60*1000);server.setConnectionTimeout(60*1000);server.setDefaultMaxConnectionsPerHost(1000);server.setMaxTotalConnections(1000);server.setFollowRedirects(false);server.setAllowCompression(true);} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();System.exit(-1);}}//封装了add、commitpublic void addDocList(Collection<SolrInputDocument> docs) {try {server.add(docs);server.commit();docs.clear();//释放} catch (Exception e) {CommonLogger.getLogger().error("addDocList error.", e);}}public void deleteDocByQuery(String query) throws Exception { try {server.deleteByQuery(query);server.commit();} catch (Exception e) {CommonLogger.getLogger().error("deleteDocByQuery error.", e);throw e;}}}


        其实源码执行的操作无非是 生成请求request  返回response

        1.上面代码中的SolrInputDocument 类所做的操作

        public class SolrInputDocument implements Map<String,SolrInputField>, Iterable<SolrInputField>, Serializable   //实现了Map和Iterable的接口并且实现了接口中的方法,其主要的类为SolrInputFiled类

        public class SolrInputField implements Iterable<Object>, Serializable //类中只有三个属性,String key,Object value,还包括评分  float boost = 1.0f; 默认是1.0f(如果做权重的话可以设置这个值)



    public UpdateResponse add(Collection<SolrInputDocument> docs )                         throws SolrServerException, IOException {

                UpdateRequest req = new UpdateRequest();//创建一个request

              req.add(docs);//调用UpdateRequest的add方法,添加索引文档          return req.process(this);//亲 重点是这个方法(返回的是response)   }

            //再看下UpdateRequest的add方法        private List<SolrInputDocument> documents = null;        public UpdateRequest add( final Collection<SolrInputDocument> docs )        {            if( documents == null ) {                  documents = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>( docs.size()+1 );            }            documents.addAll( docs );            return this;        }

     3.提交方法 commit,调用的是SolrServer类中的
     public UpdateResponse commit( boolean waitFlush, boolean waitSearcher ) throws Solr    ServerException, IOException {        return new UpdateRequest().setAction( UpdateRequest.ACTION.COMMIT, waitFlush, waitSearcher ).process( this );//看到了吗?<pre class="brush:java; toolbar: true; auto-links: false;"> setAction都是为了对对象ModifiableSolrParams(这个对象在最终CommonHttpSolrServerrequest的request方法中用的到)</pre><span></span> 在提交索引的时候也是调用的process方法  }

       public UpdateResponse optimize(boolean waitFlush, boolean waitSearcher,                 int maxSegments ) throws SolrServerException, IOException {            return new UpdateRequest().setAction( UpdateRequest.ACTION.OPTIMIZE, waitFlush, waitSearcher, maxSegments ).process( this );//同样调用process,通过setAction参数,在CommonHttpSolrServer类方法request()中主要执行的是合并和压缩  setAction都是为了对对象ModifiableSolrParams(这个对象在最终CommonHttpSolrServer的request方法中用的到)进行赋值   }

    @Override     public UpdateResponse process( SolrServer server ) throws SolrServerException,             IOException     {           long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();           UpdateResponse res = new UpdateResponse();           res.setResponse( server.request( this ) );//这里面这个方法可是重点之重啊,这是调用了 CommonHttpSolrServer类中的request方法           res.setElapsedTime( System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime );           return res;     }

    public NamedList<Object> request(final SolrRequest request, ResponseParser processor    ) throws SolrServerException, IOException {        HttpMethod method = null;    InputStream is = null;    SolrParams params = request.getParams();    Collection<ContentStream> streams = requestWriter.getContentStreams(request);    String path = requestWriter.getPath(request);        //创建索引进来的是/update  /select 为查询      if( path == null || !path.startsWith( "/" ) ) {      path = "/select";    }        ResponseParser parser = request.getResponseParser();    if( parser == null ) {      parser = _parser;    }        // The parser 'wt=' and 'version=' params are used instead of the original params    ModifiableSolrParams wparams = new ModifiableSolrParams();    wparams.set( CommonParams.WT, parser.getWriterType() );    wparams.set( CommonParams.VERSION, parser.getVersion());    if( params == null ) {      params = wparams;    }    else {      params = new DefaultSolrParams( wparams, params );    }        if( _invariantParams != null ) {      params = new DefaultSolrParams( _invariantParams, params );    }    int tries = _maxRetries + 1;    try {      while( tries-- > 0 ) {        // Note: since we aren't do intermittent time keeping        // ourselves, the potential non-timeout latency could be as        // much as tries-times (plus scheduling effects) the given        // timeAllowed.        try {//通过使用查看solr源码,在使用UpdateRequest对象时会自动设置为Post          if( SolrRequest.METHOD.GET == request.getMethod() ) {            if( streams != null ) {                  <span></span>throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "GET can't send streams!" );            }            method = new GetMethod( _baseURL + path + ClientUtils.toQueryString( params, false ) );          }          else if( SolrRequest.METHOD.POST == request.getMethod() ) {//所以我们直接看            String url = _baseURL + path;            boolean isMultipart = ( streams != null && streams.size() > 1 );            if (streams == null || isMultipart) {              PostMethod post = new PostMethod(url);//设置post,包括request头部、内容、参数、等等一些操作              post.getParams().setContentCharset("UTF-8");              if (!this.useMultiPartPost && !isMultipart) {                post.addRequestHeader("Content-Type",                    "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");              }              List<Part> parts = new LinkedList<Part>();              Iterator<String> iter = params.getParameterNamesIterator();              while (iter.hasNext()) {                String p =;                String[] vals = params.getParams(p);                if (vals != null) {                  for (String v : vals) {                    if (this.useMultiPartPost || isMultipart) {                      parts.add(new StringPart(p, v, "UTF-8"));                    } else {                      post.addParameter(p, v);                    }                  }                }              }              if (isMultipart) {                int i = 0;                for (ContentStream content : streams) {                  final ContentStream c = content;                  String charSet = null;                  PartSource source = new PartSource() {                    public long getLength() {                      return c.getSize();                    }                    public String getFileName() {                      return c.getName();                    }                    public InputStream createInputStream() throws IOException {                      return c.getStream();                    }                  };                                  parts.add(new FilePart(c.getName(), source,                                          c.getContentType(), charSet));                }              }              if (parts.size() > 0) {                post.setRequestEntity(new MultipartRequestEntity(parts                    .toArray(new Part[parts.size()]), post.getParams()));              }              method = post;            }            // It is has one stream, it is the post body, put the params in the URL            else {              String pstr = ClientUtils.toQueryString(params, false);              PostMethod post = new PostMethod(url + pstr);              // Single stream as body              // Using a loop just to get the first one              final ContentStream[] contentStream = new ContentStream[1];              for (ContentStream content : streams) {                contentStream[0] = content;                break;              }              if (contentStream[0] instanceof RequestWriter.LazyContentStream) {                post.setRequestEntity(new RequestEntity() {                  public long getContentLength() {                    return -1;                  }                  public String getContentType() {                    return contentStream[0].getContentType();                  }                  public boolean isRepeatable() {                    return false;                  }                  public void writeRequest(OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {                    ((RequestWriter.LazyContentStream) contentStream[0]).writeTo(outputStream);                  }                }                );              } else {                is = contentStream[0].getStream();                post.setRequestEntity(new InputStreamRequestEntity(is, contentStream[0].getContentType()));              }              method = post;            }          }          else {            throw new SolrServerException("Unsupported method: "+request.getMethod() );          }        }        catch( NoHttpResponseException r ) {          // This is generally safe to retry on          method.releaseConnection();          method = null;          if(is != null) {            is.close();          }          // If out of tries then just rethrow (as normal error).          if( ( tries < 1 ) ) {            throw r;          }          //log.warn( "Caught: " + r + ". Retrying..." );        }      }    }    catch( IOException ex ) {      throw new SolrServerException("error reading streams", ex );    }    method.setFollowRedirects( _followRedirects );    method.addRequestHeader( "User-Agent", AGENT );    if( _allowCompression ) {      method.setRequestHeader( new Header( "Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflate" ) );    }    try {      // Execute the method.      //System.out.println( "EXECUTE:"+method.getURI() );      //执行请求,返回状态码,然后组装response 最后返回      int statusCode = _httpClient.executeMethod(method);      if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {        StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();        msg.append( method.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase() );        msg.append( "\n\n" );        msg.append( method.getStatusText() );        msg.append( "\n\n" );        msg.append( "request: "+method.getURI() );        throw new SolrException(statusCode,, "UTF-8") );      }      // Read the contents      String charset = "UTF-8";      if( method instanceof HttpMethodBase ) {        charset = ((HttpMethodBase)method).getResponseCharSet();      }      InputStream respBody = method.getResponseBodyAsStream();      // Jakarta Commons HTTPClient doesn't handle any      // compression natively.  Handle gzip or deflate      // here if applicable.      if( _allowCompression ) {        Header contentEncodingHeader = method.getResponseHeader( "Content-Encoding" );        if( contentEncodingHeader != null ) {          String contentEncoding = contentEncodingHeader.getValue();          if( contentEncoding.contains( "gzip" ) ) {            //log.debug( "wrapping response in GZIPInputStream" );            respBody = new GZIPInputStream( respBody );          }          else if( contentEncoding.contains( "deflate" ) ) {            //log.debug( "wrapping response in InflaterInputStream" );            respBody = new InflaterInputStream(respBody);          }        }        else {          Header contentTypeHeader = method.getResponseHeader( "Content-Type" );          if( contentTypeHeader != null ) {            String contentType = contentTypeHeader.getValue();            if( contentType != null ) {              if( contentType.startsWith( "application/x-gzip-compressed" ) ) {                //log.debug( "wrapping response in GZIPInputStream" );                respBody = new GZIPInputStream( respBody );              }              else if ( contentType.startsWith("application/x-deflate") ) {                //log.debug( "wrapping response in InflaterInputStream" );                respBody = new InflaterInputStream(respBody);              }            }          }        }      }      return processor.processResponse(respBody, charset);    }    catch (HttpException e) {      throw new SolrServerException( e );    }    catch (IOException e) {      throw new SolrServerException( e );    }    finally {      method.releaseConnection();      if(is != null) {        is.close();      }    }  }


              1.查询数据库或者读取文件等等  按找自己的方式存入SolrInputDocument中、 SolrInputDocument中会定义一个map来存储  (正真的对象是SolrInputFiled

              2.初始化CommonHttpSolrServer  ,包括服务url(solr服务地址)、超时时间、最大链接数等等 (SolrUtil类) 

              3.SolrServer类的add/commit/optimize方法最终调用的都是 AbstractUpdateRequest类中的process方法 

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