Intro to Java Programming, 6E -

来源:互联网 发布:手机八字排盘命理软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 14:11
package UI;import java.awt.*;import javax.swing.JPanel;public class FigurePanel extends JPanel {    // Define constants    public static final int LINE = 1;    public static final int RECTANGLE = 2;    public static final int ROUND_RECTANGLE = 3;    public static final int OVAL = 4;    private int type = 1;    private boolean filled;    /**     * Construct a default FigurePanel     */    public FigurePanel() {    }    /**     * Construct a FigurePanel with the specified type     */    public FigurePanel(int type) {        this.type = type;    }    /**     * Construct a FigurePanel with the specified type and filled     */    public FigurePanel(int type, boolean filled) {        this.type = type;        this.filled = filled;    }    /**     * Draw a figure on the panel     */    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {        super.paintComponent(g);        // Get the appropriate size for the figure        int width = getSize().width;        int height = getSize().height;        switch (type) {            case LINE: // Display two cross lines                g.setColor(Color.BLACK);                g.drawLine(10, 10, width - 10, height - 10);                g.drawLine(width - 10, 10, 10, height - 10);                break;            case RECTANGLE: // Display a rectangle                g.setColor(Color.BLUE);                if (filled) {                    g.fillRect((int) (0.1 * width), (int) (0.1 * height),                            (int) (0.8 * width), (int) (0.8 * height));                } else {                    g.drawRect((int) (0.1 * width), (int) (0.1 * height),                            (int) (0.8 * width), (int) (0.8 * height));                }                break;            case ROUND_RECTANGLE: // Display a round-cornered rectangle                g.setColor(Color.RED);                if (filled) {                    g.fillRoundRect((int) (0.1 * width), (int) (0.1 * height),                            (int) (0.8 * width), (int) (0.8 * height), 20, 20);                } else {                    g.drawRoundRect((int) (0.1 * width), (int) (0.1 * height),                            (int) (0.8 * width), (int) (0.8 * height), 20, 20);                }                break;            case OVAL: // Display an oval                g.setColor(Color.BLACK);                if (filled) {                    g.fillOval((int) (0.1 * width), (int) (0.1 * height),                            (int) (0.8 * width), (int) (0.8 * height));                } else {                    g.drawOval((int) (0.1 * width), (int) (0.1 * height),                            (int) (0.8 * width), (int) (0.8 * height));                }        }    }    /**     * Set a new figure type     */    public void setType(int type) {        this.type = type;        repaint();    }    /**     * Return figure type     */    public int getType() {        return type;    }    /**     * Set a new filled property     */    public void setFilled(boolean filled) {        this.filled = filled;        repaint();    }    /**     * Check if the figure is filled     */    public boolean isFilled() {        return filled;    }    /**     * Specify preferred size     */    public Dimension getPreferredSize() {        return new Dimension(80, 80);    }}



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