Spark Catalyst 源码分析

来源:互联网 发布:逆战雷蛇宏数据设置 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 11:50


Ø 把输入的SQL,parse成unresolved logical plan,这一步参考SqlParser的实现

Ø 把unresolved logical plan转化成resolved logical plan,这一步参考analysis的实现

Ø 把resolved logical plan转化成optimized logical plan,这一步参考optimize的实现

Ø 把optimized logical plan转化成physical plan,这一步参考QueryPlanner Strategy的实现

Source Code Module


Rule是一个抽象类,拥有一个名字,默认为类名。Rule的实现有很多,渗透在不同的处理过程(analyze, optimize)里。


RuleExecutor 支持的策略:一次或多次。用来控制converge结束的条件。这里的Strategy名字感觉有点误导人。

/**   * An execution strategy for rules that indicates the maximum number of executions. If the   * execution reaches fix point (i.e. converge) before maxIterations, it will stop.   */  abstract class Strategy { def maxIterations: Int }  /** A strategy that only runs once. */  case object Once extends Strategy { val maxIterations = 1 }  /** A strategy that runs until fix point or maxIterations times, whichever comes first. */  case class FixedPoint(maxIterations: Int) extends Strategy

/** A batch of rules. */  protected case class Batch(name: String, strategy: Strategy, rules: Rule[TreeType]*)  /** Defines a sequence of rule batches, to be overridden by the implementation. */  protected val batches: Seq[Batch]

/**   * Executes the batches of rules defined by the subclass. The batches are executed serially   * using the defined execution strategy. Within each batch, rules are also executed serially.   */  def apply(plan: TreeType): TreeType = {    var curPlan = plan    batches.foreach { batch =>      var iteration = 1       var lastPlan = curPlan      curPlan = batch.rules.foldLeft(curPlan) { case (plan, rule) => rule(plan) }      // Run until fix point (or the max number of iterations as specified in the strategy.      while (iteration < batch.strategy.maxIterations && !curPlan.fastEquals(lastPlan)) {        lastPlan = curPlan        curPlan = batch.rules.foldLeft(curPlan) {          case (plan, rule) =>            val result = rule(plan)            if (!result.fastEquals(plan)) {              logger.debug(...)            }            result        }        iteration += 1      }    }    curPlan  }



Analyzer使用于对最初的unresolved logical plan转化成为logical plan。这部分的分析会涵盖整个analysis package。


/** * Provides a logical query plan analyzer, which translates [[UnresolvedAttribute]]s and * [[UnresolvedRelation]]s into fully typed objects using information in a schema [[Catalog]] and * a [[FunctionRegistry]]. */class Analyzer(catalog: Catalog, registry: FunctionRegistry, caseSensitive: Boolean)  extends RuleExecutor[LogicalPlan] with HiveTypeCoercion {

trait Catalog {  def lookupRelation(    databaseName: Option[String],    tableName: String,    alias: Option[String] = None): LogicalPlan  def registerTable(databaseName: Option[String], tableName: String, plan: LogicalPlan): Unit}

class SimpleCatalog extends Catalog {  val tables = new mutable.HashMap[String, LogicalPlan]()  def registerTable(databaseName: Option[String],tableName: String, plan: LogicalPlan): Unit = {    tables += ((tableName, plan))  }  def dropTable(tableName: String) = tables -= tableName  def lookupRelation(      databaseName: Option[String],      tableName: String,      alias: Option[String] = None): LogicalPlan = {    val table = tables.get(tableName).getOrElse(sys.error(s"Table Not Found: $tableName"))    // If an alias was specified by the lookup, wrap the plan in a subquery so that attributes are    // properly qualified with this alias. => Subquery(a.toLowerCase, table)).getOrElse(table)  }}

在查找的时候可以代入一个别名,会把他包装成一个Subquery。Subquery是个简单的case class。
case class Subquery(alias: String, child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode {  def output = :: Nil))  def references = Set.empty}

FunctionRegistry类似于Catalog,记录的是函数,在hive package里,处理的是Hive的UDF
trait FunctionRegistry {  def lookupFunction(name: String, children: Seq[Expression]): Expression}

/** * A trivial catalog that returns an error when a function is requested.  Used for testing when all * functions are already filled in and the analyser needs only to resolve attribute references. */object EmptyFunctionRegistry extends FunctionRegistry {  def lookupFunction(name: String, children: Seq[Expression]): Expression = {    throw new UnsupportedOperationException  }}

@transientprotected[sql] lazy val catalog: Catalog = new SimpleCatalogprotected[sql] lazy val analyzer: Analyzer =    new Analyzer(catalog, EmptyFunctionRegistry, caseSensitive = true)

class Analyzer(catalog: Catalog, registry: FunctionRegistry, caseSensitive: Boolean)  extends RuleExecutor[LogicalPlan] with HiveTypeCoercion {  // TODO: pass this in as a parameter.  val fixedPoint = FixedPoint(100)  val batches: Seq[Batch] = Seq(    Batch("MultiInstanceRelations", Once,      NewRelationInstances),    Batch("CaseInsensitiveAttributeReferences", Once,      (if (caseSensitive) Nil else LowercaseAttributeReferences :: Nil) : _*),    Batch("Resolution", fixedPoint,      ResolveReferences ::      ResolveRelations ::      NewRelationInstances ::      ImplicitGenerate ::      StarExpansion ::      ResolveFunctions ::      GlobalAggregates ::      typeCoercionRules :_*)  )


Batch One


/** * If any MultiInstanceRelation appears more than once in the query plan then the plan is updated so * that each instance has unique expression ids for the attributes produced. */object NewRelationInstances extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {  def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {    val localRelations = plan collect { case l: MultiInstanceRelation => l} // 这一步是搜集所有的多实例关系    val multiAppearance = localRelations      .groupBy(identity[MultiInstanceRelation])      .filter { case (_, ls) => ls.size > 1 }      .map(_._1)      .toSet // 这一步是做过滤    plan transform { // 这一步是把原来plan里的多实例关系,凡是出现多个,就变成一个新的单一实例      case l: MultiInstanceRelation if multiAppearance contains l => l.newInstance    }  }}

LogicalPlan本身是TreeNode的子类,TreeNode具备collect等一些scala collection操作的能力,这个例子里第一步搜集的过程中体现了collect能力。


Batch Two


/**   * Makes attribute naming case insensitive by turning all UnresolvedAttributes to lowercase.   */  object LowercaseAttributeReferences extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {    def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {      case UnresolvedRelation(databaseName, name, alias) => // 第一类:未确定的关系        UnresolvedRelation(databaseName, name,      case Subquery(alias, child) => Subquery(alias.toLowerCase, child) // 第二类:子查询      case q: LogicalPlan => q transformExpressions { // 第三类: 其他类型        case s: Star => s.copy(table =  // 指的是 * 号        case UnresolvedAttribute(name) => UnresolvedAttribute(name.toLowerCase) // 未确定的属性        case Alias(c, name) => Alias(c, name.toLowerCase)() // 别名      }    }  }




/** * Used to assign a new name to a computation. * For example the SQL expression "1 + 1 AS a" could be represented as follows: *  Alias(Add(Literal(1), Literal(1), "a")() *

Batch Three


Batch("Resolution", fixedPoint,      ResolveReferences :: // 确定属性      ResolveRelations :: // 确定关系(从catalog里)      NewRelationInstances :: // 去掉同一个实例出现多次的情况      ImplicitGenerate :: // 把包含Generator且只有一条的表达式转化成Generate操作      StarExpansion :: // 扩张 *       ResolveFunctions :: // 确定方法(从FunctionRegistry里)      GlobalAggregates :: // 把包含Aggregate的表达式转化成Aggregate操作      typeCoercionRules :_*) // 来自于HiveTypeCoercion,主要针对Hive语法做强制转换,包含多种规则


/**   * Replaces [[UnresolvedAttribute]]s with concrete   * [[expressions.AttributeReference AttributeReferences]] from a logical plan node's children.   */  object ResolveReferences extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {    def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transformUp {      case q: LogicalPlan if q.childrenResolved =>        logger.trace(s"Attempting to resolve ${q.simpleString}")        q transformExpressions {          case u @ UnresolvedAttribute(name) =>            // Leave unchanged if resolution fails.  Hopefully will be resolved next round.            val result = q.resolve(name).getOrElse(u)            logger.debug(s"Resolving $u to $result")            result        }    }  }



/**   * Replaces [[UnresolvedRelation]]s with concrete relations from the catalog.   */  object ResolveRelations extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {    def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {      case UnresolvedRelation(databaseName, name, alias) =>        catalog.lookupRelation(databaseName, name, alias)    }  }


/**   * When a SELECT clause has only a single expression and that expression is a   * [[catalyst.expressions.Generator Generator]] we convert the   * [[catalyst.plans.logical.Project Project]] to a [[catalyst.plans.logical.Generate Generate]].   */  object ImplicitGenerate extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {    def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {      case Project(Seq(Alias(g: Generator, _)), child) =>        Generate(g, join = false, outer = false, None, child)    }  }


/**   * Replaces [[UnresolvedFunction]]s with concrete [[expressions.Expression Expressions]].   */  object ResolveFunctions extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {    def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {      case q: LogicalPlan =>        q transformExpressions {          case u @ UnresolvedFunction(name, children) if u.childrenResolved =>            registry.lookupFunction(name, children)        }    }  }


trait HiveTypeCoercion {  val typeCoercionRules = List(PropagateTypes, ConvertNaNs, WidenTypes, PromoteStrings, BooleanComparisons, BooleanCasts, StringToIntegralCasts, FunctionArgumentConversion)


/**   * Converts string "NaN"s that are in binary operators with a NaN-able types (Float / Double) * to the appropriate numeric equivalent.   */  object ConvertNaNs extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {    val stringNaN = Literal("NaN", StringType)    def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {      case q: LogicalPlan => q transformExpressions {        // Skip nodes who's children have not been resolved yet.        case e if !e.childrenResolved => e        /* Double Conversions */        case b: BinaryExpression if b.left == stringNaN && b.right.dataType == DoubleType =>          b.makeCopy(Array(b.right, Literal(Double.NaN)))        case b: BinaryExpression if b.left.dataType == DoubleType && b.right == stringNaN =>          b.makeCopy(Array(Literal(Double.NaN), b.left))        case b: BinaryExpression if b.left == stringNaN && b.right == stringNaN =>          b.makeCopy(Array(Literal(Double.NaN), b.left))        /* Float Conversions */        case b: BinaryExpression if b.left == stringNaN && b.right.dataType == FloatType =>          b.makeCopy(Array(b.right, Literal(Float.NaN)))        case b: BinaryExpression if b.left.dataType == FloatType && b.right == stringNaN =>          b.makeCopy(Array(Literal(Float.NaN), b.left))        case b: BinaryExpression if b.left == stringNaN && b.right == stringNaN =>          b.makeCopy(Array(Literal(Float.NaN), b.left))      }    }  }


Optimizer用于把analyzedplan转化成为optimized plan。目前Catalyst的optimizer包下就这一个类,SQLContext也是直接使用的这个类。


object Optimizer extends RuleExecutor[LogicalPlan] {  val batches =    Batch("Subqueries", Once,      EliminateSubqueries) ::    Batch("ConstantFolding", Once,      ConstantFolding,      BooleanSimplification,      SimplifyCasts) ::    Batch("Filter Pushdown", Once,      EliminateSubqueries,      CombineFilters,      PushPredicateThroughProject,      PushPredicateThroughInnerJoin) :: Nil}

Batch One


/** * Removes [[catalyst.plans.logical.Subquery Subquery]] operators from the plan.  Subqueries are * only required to provide scoping information for attributes and can be removed once analysis is * complete. */object EliminateSubqueries extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {  def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {    case Subquery(_, child) => child // 处理方式是凡是带child的,都用child替换自己  }}


Batch Two


Batch("ConstantFolding", Once,      ConstantFolding, // 常量折叠      BooleanSimplification, // 提早短路掉布尔表达式      SimplifyCasts) // 去掉多余的Cast操作

/** * Replaces [[catalyst.expressions.Expression Expressions]] that can be statically evaluated with * equivalent [[catalyst.expressions.Literal Literal]] values. */object ConstantFolding extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {  def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {    case q: LogicalPlan => q transformExpressionsDown {      // Skip redundant folding of literals.      case l: Literal => l      case e if e.foldable => Literal(e.apply(null), e.dataType)    }  }}


/**   * Returns true when an expression is a candidate for static evaluation before the query is   * executed.   *   * The following conditions are used to determine suitability for constant folding:   *  - A [[expressions.Coalesce Coalesce]] is foldable if all of its children are foldable   *  - A [[expressions.BinaryExpression BinaryExpression]] is foldable if its both left and right   *    child are foldable   *  - A [[expressions.Not Not]], [[expressions.IsNull IsNull]], or   *    [[expressions.IsNotNull IsNotNull]] is foldable if its child is foldable.   *  - A [[expressions.Literal]] is foldable.   *  - A [[expressions.Cast Cast]] or [[expressions.UnaryMinus UnaryMinus]] is foldable if its   *    child is foldable.   */  // TODO: Supporting more foldable expressions. For example, deterministic Hive UDFs.  def foldable: Boolean = false


/** * Simplifies boolean expressions where the answer can be determined without evaluating both sides. * Note that this rule can eliminate expressions that might otherwise have been evaluated and thus * is only safe when evaluations of expressions does not result in side effects. */object BooleanSimplification extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {  def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {    case q: LogicalPlan => q transformExpressionsUp {      case and @ And(left, right) =>        (left, right) match {          case (Literal(true, BooleanType), r) => r          case (l, Literal(true, BooleanType)) => l          case (Literal(false, BooleanType), _) => Literal(false)          case (_, Literal(false, BooleanType)) => Literal(false)          case (_, _) => and        }      case or @ Or(left, right) =>        (left, right) match {          case (Literal(true, BooleanType), _) => Literal(true)          case (_, Literal(true, BooleanType)) => Literal(true)          case (Literal(false, BooleanType), r) => r          case (l, Literal(false, BooleanType)) => l          case (_, _) => or        }    }  }}


/** * Removes [[catalyst.expressions.Cast Casts]] that are unnecessary because the input is already * the correct type. */object SimplifyCasts extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {  def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transformAllExpressions {    case Cast(e, dataType) if e.dataType == dataType => e  }}

Batch Three

一批 过滤下推 规则,

Batch("Filter Pushdown", Once,      EliminateSubqueries, // 消除子查询      CombineFilters, // 过滤操作取合集      PushPredicateThroughProject, // 为映射操作下推谓词      PushPredicateThroughInnerJoin) // 为inner join下推谓词



/**   * Prepares a planned SparkPlan for execution by binding references to specific ordinals, and   * inserting shuffle operations as needed.   */  @transient  protected[sql] val prepareForExecution = new RuleExecutor[SparkPlan] {    val batches =      Batch("Add exchange", Once, AddExchange) ::      Batch("Prepare Expressions", Once, new BindReferences[SparkPlan]) :: Nil  }



TreeNode Library支持的三个特性:

    · Scala collection like methods (foreach, map, flatMap, collect, etc)

    · transform accepts a partial function that is used to generate a newtree.

    · debugging support pretty printing, easy splicing of trees, etc.





object TreeNode {  private val currentId = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong  protected def nextId() = currentId.getAndIncrement()}


/** * A [[TreeNode]] that has two children, [[left]] and [[right]]. */trait BinaryNode[BaseType <: TreeNode[BaseType]] {  def left: BaseType  def right: BaseType  def children = Seq(left, right)}/** * A [[TreeNode]] with no children. */trait LeafNode[BaseType <: TreeNode[BaseType]] {  def children = Nil}/** * A [[TreeNode]] with a single [[child]]. */trait UnaryNode[BaseType <: TreeNode[BaseType]] {  def child: BaseType  def children = child :: Nil}


  def sameInstance(other: TreeNode[_]): Boolean = { ==  }  def fastEquals(other: TreeNode[_]): Boolean = {    sameInstance(other) || this == other  }foreach的时候,先做自己,再把孩子们做一遍def foreach(f: BaseType => Unit): Unit = {    f(this)    children.foreach(_.foreach(f))  }


def map[A](f: BaseType => A): Seq[A] = {    val ret = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[A]()    foreach(ret += f(_))    ret  }



map, flatMap, collect,

mapChildren,  withNewChildren,

transform, transformDown, transformChildrenDown 前序

                    transformUp,  transformChildrenUp          后序





Ø  其一是定义了output,是对外输出的一个属性序列

    def output:Seq[Attribute]

Ø  其二是借用TreeNode的那套transform方法,实现了一套transformExpression方法,用途是把partialfunction遍历到各个子节点上。


Ø  其三是一个expressions方法,返回Seq[expression],用于搜集本query里所有的表达式。



Logical Plan


1.      references 用于生成output属性列表的参考属性列表

          def references: Set[Attribute]


2.      lazy val inputSet: Set[Attribute] = children.flatMap(_.output).toSet


3.      自己及children是否resolved


4.      resolve方法,重要,看起来费劲

def resolve(name: String): Option[NamedExpression] = {    val parts = name.split("\\.")    // Collect all attributes that are output by this nodes children where either the first part    // matches the name or where the first part matches the scope and the second part matches the    // name.  Return these matches along with any remaining parts, which represent dotted access to    // struct fields.    val options = children.flatMap(_.output).flatMap { option =>      // If the first part of the desired name matches a qualifier for this possible match, drop it.      val remainingParts = if (option.qualifiers contains parts.head) parts.drop(1) else parts      if ( == remainingParts.head) (option, remainingParts.tail.toList) :: Nil else Nil    }    options.distinct match {      case (a, Nil) :: Nil => Some(a) // One match, no nested fields, use it.      // One match, but we also need to extract the requested nested field.      case (a, nestedFields) :: Nil =>        a.dataType match {          case StructType(fields) =>            Some(Alias(nestedFields.foldLeft(a: Expression)(GetField), nestedFields.last)())          case _ => None // Don't know how to resolve these field references        }      case Nil => None         // No matches.      case ambiguousReferences =>        throw new TreeNodeException(          this, s"Ambiguous references to $name: ${ambiguousReferences.mkString(",")}")    }  }


/** * A logical plan node with no children. */abstract class LeafNode extends LogicalPlan with trees.LeafNode[LogicalPlan] {  self: Product =>  // Leaf nodes by definition cannot reference any input attributes.  def references = Set.empty}/** * A logical plan node with single child. */abstract class UnaryNode extends LogicalPlan with trees.UnaryNode[LogicalPlan] {  self: Product =>}/** * A logical plan node with a left and right child. */abstract class BinaryNode extends LogicalPlan with trees.BinaryNode[LogicalPlan] {  self: Product =>}



/** * A logical node that represents a non-query command to be executed by the system.  For example, * commands can be used by parsers to represent DDL operations. */abstract class Command extends LeafNode {  self: Product =>   def output = Seq.empty}/** * Returned for commands supported by a given parser, but not catalyst.  In general these are DDL * commands that are passed directly to another system. */case class NativeCommand(cmd: String) extends Command/** * Returned by a parser when the users only wants to see what query plan would be executed, without * actually performing the execution. */case class ExplainCommand(plan: LogicalPlan) extends Commandcase object NoRelation extends LeafNode {  def output = Nil}






Spark Plan


在SQL模块的execution package的basicOperator类里,有许多SparkPlan的实现,包括



这些实现和Catalyst的basicOperator类里有很多重了,区别在于,SparkPlanQueryPlan的实现,同logical plan不同的是,SparkPlan会被Spark实现的Strategy真正执行,所以SQL模块里的basicOperator内的这些caseclass,比Catalyst多了execute()方法




Query Planner


abstract class QueryPlanner[PhysicalPlan <: TreeNode[PhysicalPlan]] {  /** A list of execution strategies that can be used by the planner */  def strategies: Seq[Strategy]  /**   * Given a [[plans.logical.LogicalPlan LogicalPlan]], returns a list of `PhysicalPlan`s that can   * be used for execution. If this strategy does not apply to the give logical operation then an   * empty list should be returned.   */  abstract protected class Strategy extends Logging {    def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): Seq[PhysicalPlan]  }  /**   * Returns a placeholder for a physical plan that executes `plan`. This placeholder will be   * filled in automatically by the QueryPlanner using the other execution strategies that are   * available.   */  protected def planLater(plan: LogicalPlan) = apply(plan).next()  def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): Iterator[PhysicalPlan] = {    // Obviously a lot to do here still...    val iter = strategies.view.flatMap(_(plan)).toIterator    assert(iter.hasNext, s"No plan for $plan")    iter  }}

QueryPlanner impl



protected[sql] class SparkPlanner extends SparkStrategies {    val sparkContext = self.sparkContext    val strategies: Seq[Strategy] =      TopK ::      PartialAggregation ::      SparkEquiInnerJoin ::      BasicOperators ::      CartesianProduct ::      BroadcastNestedLoopJoin :: Nil  }


val hivePlanner = new SparkPlanner with HiveStrategies {    val hiveContext = self    override val strategies: Seq[Strategy] = Seq(      TopK,      ColumnPrunings,      PartitionPrunings,      HiveTableScans,      DataSinks,      Scripts,      PartialAggregation,      SparkEquiInnerJoin,      BasicOperators,      CartesianProduct,      BroadcastNestedLoopJoin    )  }

Strategy & impl

Strategy的实现主要包含Spark Strategy和Hive Strategy。前者基本上对应了sql.execution包里的类。后者是在Spark策略的基础上附加的一些策略。



1.      带DataType,并且自带一些inline方法帮助一些dataType的转换

2.      带reference,reference是Seq[Attribute],Attribute是NamedExpression子类。

3.      foldable ,即静态可以直接执行的表达式


object Literal {  def apply(v: Any): Literal = v match {    case i: Int => Literal(i, IntegerType)    case l: Long => Literal(l, LongType)    case d: Double => Literal(d, DoubleType)    case f: Float => Literal(f, FloatType)    case b: Byte => Literal(b, ByteType)    case s: Short => Literal(s, ShortType)    case s: String => Literal(s, StringType)    case b: Boolean => Literal(b, BooleanType)    case null => Literal(null, NullType)  }}case class Literal(value: Any, dataType: DataType) extends LeafExpression {  override def foldable = true  def nullable = value == null  def references = Set.empty  override def toString = if (value != null) value.toString else "null"  type EvaluatedType = Any  override def apply(input: Row):Any = value // 执行这个叶子表达式的话就是返回value值}

4.      resolved 具体关心children是否都resolved。




abstract class BinaryExpression extends Expression with trees.BinaryNode[Expression] {  self: Product =>  def symbol: String  override def foldable = left.foldable && right.foldable  def references = left.references ++ right.references  override def toString = s"($left $symbol $right)"}abstract class LeafExpression extends Expression with trees.LeafNode[Expression] {  self: Product =>}abstract class UnaryExpression extends Expression with trees.UnaryNode[Expression] {  self: Product =>  def references = child.references}

Expression impl



trait Row extends Seq[Any] with Serializable



  // =========================================================================================  // RDD functions: Copy the interal row representation so we present immutable data to users.  // =========================================================================================  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[Row] =    firstParent[Row].compute(split, context).map(_.copy())  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = firstParent[Row].partitions  override protected def getDependencies: Seq[Dependency[_]] =    List(new OneToOneDependency(queryExecution.toRdd))  // 该SchemaRDD与优化后的RDD是窄依赖

二是DSL function的实现,如

def select(exprs: NamedExpression*): SchemaRDD =    new SchemaRDD(sqlContext, Project(exprs, logicalPlan))



DSL Operator的实现都依赖Catalyst的basicOperator,basicOperator里的操作都是LogicalPlan的继承类,主要分两类,一元UnaryNode和二元BinaryNode操作。而UnaryNode和BinaryNode都是TreeNode的实现,TreeNode里还有一种就是LeafNode。



Hive Context

HiveContext是Spark SQL执行引擎之一,将hive数据结合到Spark环境中,读取的配置在hive-site.xml里指定。


HiveContext里的sql parser使用的是HiveQl,



protected def runHive(cmd: String, maxRows: Int = 1000): Seq[String]





abstract class QueryExecution extends super.QueryExecution {


Hive Catalog






通过hive的接口创建了Table,Partition,TableDesc,并带一个隐式转换HiveMetastoreTypes类,因为在把Schema里的Field转成Attribute的过程中,借助HiveMetastoreTypes的toDataType把Catalyst支持的DataType parse成hive支持的类型

Hive QL


Hive UDF

object HiveFunctionRegistry  extends analysis.FunctionRegistry with HiveFunctionFactory with HiveInspectors {


HiveFunctionFactory主要做反射的事情,以及把hive的类型转化成为catalyst type


  def getFunctionInfo(name: String) = FunctionRegistry.getFunctionInfo(name)  def getFunctionClass(name: String) = getFunctionInfo(name).getFunctionClass  def createFunction[UDFType](name: String) =    getFunctionClass(name).newInstance.asInstanceOf[UDFType]

HiveInspectors是Catalyst DataType和Hive ObjectInspector的转化

Java类到Catalyst dataType的转化

def javaClassToDataType(clz: Class[_]): DataType = clz match 

Hive Strategy

val hivePlanner = new SparkPlanner with HiveStrategies {    val hiveContext = self    override val strategies: Seq[Strategy] = Seq(      TopK,      ColumnPrunings,      PartitionPrunings,      HiveTableScans,      DataSinks,      Scripts,      PartialAggregation,      SparkEquiInnerJoin,      BasicOperators,      CartesianProduct,      BroadcastNestedLoopJoin    )  }


之前的那篇Spark SQL组件源码分析走读了SQLContext的整个执行过程,有很多内容不够具体。本文结合Catalyst,做了更详细的说明。

全文完 :)

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