
来源:互联网 发布:php pdo bindparam 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 11:12



Public Const titol_max = 100

Sub タイトル抽出()

    Dim csh As Worksheet
    Dim tsh As Worksheet
    Dim titols_area As Range
    Dim dirname As String
    Dim filename As String
    Dim ci As Long
    Dim ss As String
    Dim s As String
    Dim k As Long
    Dim N As Long
    Dim ti As Long
    Dim tj As Long
    Dim tj_max As Long

    Dim val
    Const chk_string0 = "title"
    Dim chk_len0 As Long
    chk_len0 = Len(chk_string0)

    Const chk_string1 = "resultHeading"
    Dim chk_len1 As Long
    chk_len1 = Len(chk_string1)
    Const chk_string2 = "resultName"
    Dim chk_len2 As Long
    chk_len2 = Len(chk_string2)
    Dim line_cnt(2) As Long
    Dim ttop As Long
    Dim body As Boolean
    Dim titol As String
    Dim resultHead As String
    Dim resultName As String
    Dim oldj As Long
    Dim newj As Long
    Dim oldend_j As Long
    Dim newend_j As Long
    Dim titol_unmatch As Long
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set csh = Worksheets("control")
    For ci = 1 To 100
        If csh.Cells(ci, 1).Value = "●" Then GoTo mark_found
    Next ci
    Stop  '●指定が無い
    Set titols_area = csh.Range(Cells(ci + 5, 5), Cells(ci + 7, titol_max + 4))
    line_cnt(1) = 0
    line_cnt(2) = 0
    For N = 1 To 2  '(N=1:旧、N=2:新)
        ti = 1
        ttop = 1
        dirname = csh.Cells(ci + N, 3).Value
        filename = csh.Cells(ci + N, 7).Value
        Open dirname & filename For Input As #1
        If N = 1 Then
            Set tsh = Worksheets("old")
            Set tsh = Worksheets("new")
        End If
        tsh.Cells(1, 1).Value = chk_string0
        tsh.Cells(1, 2).Value = chk_string1
        tsh.Cells(1, 3).Value = chk_string2
        titols_area.Cells(N, 1).Value = chk_string0
        titols_area.Cells(N, 2).Value = chk_string1
        titols_area.Cells(N, 3).Value = chk_string2

        While Not EOF(1)
            body = False
            Line Input #1, ss
            line_cnt(N) = line_cnt(N) + 1
            If line_cnt(N) Mod 100 = 1 Then
                csh.Cells(5, 6).Value = "旧:" & CStr(line_cnt(1)) & " 新:" & CStr(line_cnt(2))
                Application.ScreenUpdating = True
                Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            End If
            k = InStr(ss, chk_string0)
            If k > 0 Then
                resultHead = Mid(ss, chk_len0 + k + 1) '=の次の文字から取得
                Line Input #1, ss
                line_cnt(N) = line_cnt(N) + 1
                k = InStr(ss, chk_string1)
                If k > 0 Then
                    resultName = Mid(ss, chk_len1 + k + 1) '=の次の文字から取得
                    Line Input #1, ss
                    line_cnt(N) = line_cnt(N) + 1
                    k = InStr(ss, chk_string2)
                    If k > 0 Then
                        resultName = Mid(ss, chk_len2 + k + 1) '=の次の文字から取得
                        Stop  'resultHeadの次の行は、resultNameが期待値
                    End If
                    Stop  'resultHeadの次の行は、resultNameが期待値
                End If
            End If
            If Trim(ss) = "<z:row" Then
                body = True
                ti = ti + 1
            End If

            While body
                Line Input #1, ss
                line_cnt(N) = line_cnt(N) + 1
                If line_cnt(N) Mod 100 = 1 Then
                    csh.Cells(5, 6).Value = "旧:" & CStr(line_cnt(1)) & " 新:" & CStr(line_cnt(2))
                    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
                    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
                End If
                k = InStr(ss, "=")
                If k > 0 Then
                    titol = Trim(Left(ss, k - 1))
                    val = Trim(Mid(ss, k + 1))
                    tj = 3
                    While titols_area.Cells(N, tj).Value <> ""
                        If titols_area.Cells(N, tj).Value = titol Then
                            GoTo found
                        End If
                        tj = tj + 1
'titol not found
                    titols_area.Cells(N, tj).Value = titol
                    tsh.Cells(1, tj).Value = titol
                    tj_max = tj
                    tsh.Cells(ti, 1).Value = resultHead
                    tsh.Cells(ti, 2).Value = resultName
                    tsh.Cells(ti, tj).Value = val
                    body = False
                End If
        Close #1
        csh.Cells(ci + N, 12).Value = line_cnt(N)
        csh.Cells(ci + N, 13).Value = ti
        csh.Cells(ci + N, 14).Value = tj_max
    Next N
    titol_unmatch = 0
    oldend_j = csh.Cells(ci + 1, 14).Value
    newend_j = csh.Cells(ci + 2, 14).Value
    csh.Cells(ci + 5, 4).Value = oldend_j
    csh.Cells(ci + 6, 4).Value = newend_j
    For newj = 1 To newend_j
        titol = titols_area.Cells(2, newj).Value
        For oldj = 1 To oldend_j
            If titols_area.Cells(1, oldj).Value = titol Then
                titols_area.Cells(3, newj).Value = oldj
                GoTo titol_found
            End If
        Next oldj
        titols_area.Cells(3, newj).Value = ""
        titol_unmatch = titol_unmatch + 1
    Next newj
    csh.Cells(ci + 9, 4).Value = titol_unmatch
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set csh = Nothing
    Set tsh = Nothing
    Set titols_area = Nothing
End Sub




Sub 新旧シートの比較()
    Dim csh As Worksheet
    Dim wsh As Worksheet
    Dim dsh As Worksheet
    Dim oldsh As Worksheet
    Dim newsh As Worksheet
    Dim titols_area As Range
    Dim unmatch_area As Range
    Dim ci As Long
    Dim wi As Long
    Dim di As Long

    Dim oldend_i As Long
    Dim newend_i As Long
    Dim oldend_j As Long
    Dim newend_j As Long
    Dim oldi As Long
    Dim newi As Long
    Dim oldj As Long
    Dim newj As Long
    Dim oldkeyj As Long 'マッチングkeyの列No
    Dim newkeyj As Long
    Dim oldkeysj(5) As Long '最大5ケのkey指定可能
    Dim newkeysj(5) As Long
    Dim key_cnt As Long  '指定key数
    Dim key_val As String
    Dim k As Long
    Dim keymatch_rec_cnt As Long
    Dim record_match As Boolean
    Dim record_match_cnt As Long
    Dim work As String
    Dim unmatch_titol As String
    Dim i As Long
    Dim i2 As Long
    Dim j As Long
    Dim j2 As Long
    Dim old_col(titol_max) As Long
    Dim unmatch(titol_max) As Boolean   '新旧で一致ならtrue,不一致ならばfalse(行単位)
    Dim checkType(titol_max) As String  'controlシートでの特殊処理指定

    Dim titol As String
    Dim titol_unmatch As Long
    Dim key
    Dim color_val As Long
    Dim date02_y As String
    Dim date02_m As String
    Dim date02_d As String
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set csh = Worksheets("control")
    Set wsh = Worksheets("work")
    Set dsh = Worksheets("difflist")
    Set oldsh = Worksheets("old")
    Set newsh = Worksheets("new")
    For ci = 1 To 100
        If csh.Cells(ci, 1).Value = "●" Then GoTo mark_found
    Next ci
    Stop  '●指定が無い
    oldend_i = csh.Cells(ci + 1, 13).Value
    newend_i = csh.Cells(ci + 2, 13).Value
    oldend_j = csh.Cells(ci + 1, 14).Value
    newend_j = csh.Cells(ci + 2, 14).Value
    csh.Cells(ci + 12, 5).Value = oldend_i - 1
    csh.Cells(ci + 13, 5).Value = newend_i - 1
    Set titols_area = csh.Range(Cells(ci + 5, 5), Cells(ci + 8, titol_max + 4))
    Set unmatch_area = csh.Range(Cells(ci + 15, 5), Cells(ci + 17, titol_max + 4))
    For newj = 1 To newend_j
        old_col(newj) = titols_area.Cells(3, newj).Value
        checkType(newj) = titols_area.Cells(4, newj).Value
    Next newj
    For i = 1 To 3
        For j = 1 To titol_max
            unmatch_area.Cells(i, j).Value = ""
        Next j
    Next i

    di = di + 1
    dsh.Cells(di, 1).Value = "'" & String(100, "=")
    dsh.Cells(di + 1, 1).Value = "旧ファイル" & csh.Cells(ci + 1, 7).Value
    dsh.Cells(di + 2, 1).Value = "新ファイル" & csh.Cells(ci + 2, 7).Value
    di = di + 3
    dsh.Cells(di, 1).Value = "項目名"
    For j = 1 To newend_j
        dsh.Cells(di, j + 1).Value = titols_area.Cells(2, j).Value
    Next j

    For k = 1 To 5
        oldkeysj(k) = 0   'oldkeysj,newkeysjは、有効アリア内の相対列番号
        newkeysj(k) = 0
    Next k
    key_cnt = 0
    For j = 1 To newend_j
        If checkType(j) = "key" Then
            newkeyj = j
            key_cnt = key_cnt + 1
            If key_cnt > 5 Then Stop 'key指定が多すぎる
            newkeysj(key_cnt) = j
            oldkeyj = old_col(j)
            If oldkeyj < 1 Then Stop
            oldkeysj(key_cnt) = oldkeyj
        End If
    Next j
    If key_cnt = 0 Then Stop  'key指定が無い

    keymatch_rec_cnt = 0
    record_match_cnt = 0
    wsh.Cells(1, 1).Value = "旧ファイル"
    wsh.Cells(1, 3).Value = "旧key"
    For i = 2 To oldend_i
        wsh.Cells(i, 2).Value = i
        key_val = oldsh.Cells(i, oldkeysj(1)).Value
        For k = 2 To key_cnt
            key_val = key_val & "|" & oldsh.Cells(i, oldkeysj(k)).Value
        Next k
        wsh.Cells(i, 3).NumberFormatLocal = "@"
        wsh.Cells(i, 3).Value = key_val
    Next i
    wsh.Cells(1, 6).Value = "新ファイル"
    wsh.Cells(1, 8).Value = "新key"
    For i = 2 To newend_i
        wsh.Cells(i, 7).Value = i
        key_val = newsh.Cells(i, newkeysj(1)).Value
        For k = 2 To key_cnt
            key_val = key_val & "|" & newsh.Cells(i, newkeysj(k)).Value
        Next k
        wsh.Cells(i, 8).NumberFormatLocal = "@"
        wsh.Cells(i, 8).Value = key_val

        For i2 = 2 To oldend_i
            If wsh.Cells(i2, 3).Value = key_val Then
                wsh.Cells(i2, 4).Value = i
                wsh.Cells(i, 9).Value = i2
                keymatch_rec_cnt = keymatch_rec_cnt + 1
                GoTo key_found
            End If
        Next i2
'key_not found
'               特に処理はない(new olny)
    Next i
    csh.Cells(ci + 12, 6).Value = csh.Cells(ci + 12, 5).Value - keymatch_rec_cnt
    csh.Cells(ci + 13, 6).Value = csh.Cells(ci + 13, 5).Value - keymatch_rec_cnt
    csh.Cells(ci + 12, 7).Value = keymatch_rec_cnt
'      旧
    oldsh.Cells.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    For oldi = 2 To oldend_i
        If wsh.Cells(oldi, 4).Value = "" Then
            oldsh.Rows(CStr(oldi) & ":" & CStr(oldi)).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 255, 255)
        End If
    Next oldi
'       新
    newsh.Cells.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    For newi = 2 To newend_i
        If wsh.Cells(newi, 9).Value = "" Then
            newsh.Rows(CStr(newi) & ":" & CStr(newi)).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 255, 255)
        End If
    Next newi

    For newi = 2 To newend_i
        If (newi Mod 10 = 2) Or (newi = newend_i) Then
            Application.ScreenUpdating = True
            csh.Cells(6, 6).Value = "'" & CStr(newi) & " / " & CStr(newend_i)
            Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        End If
        oldi = CLng(wsh.Cells(newi, 9).Value)
        If oldi > 0 Then   ' keyマッチ
'           項目単位チェック
            record_match = True
            For newj = 1 To newend_j
                unmatch(newj) = True
                If old_col(newj) = 0 Then GoTo next_col
                oldj = old_col(newj)

                Select Case checkType(newj)
                Case "key", "skip" '無視
                    GoTo cell_match
                Case ""  'そのままの値でチェック
                    If newsh.Cells(newi, newj).Value = oldsh.Cells(oldi, oldj).Value Then GoTo cell_match
                Case "date01"
                    work = Replace(oldsh.Cells(oldi, oldj).Value, "-", "/", 1, 2, vbTextCompare)
                    If newsh.Cells(newi, newj).Value = work Then GoTo cell_match
                Case "BZ"    '旧の0と新のNullは同一とみなす
                    If oldsh.Cells(oldi, oldj).Value = 0 Then
                        If newsh.Cells(newi, newj).Value = "" Then GoTo cell_match
                    End If
                    If newsh.Cells(newi, newj).Value = oldsh.Cells(oldi, oldj).Value Then GoTo cell_match
                Case "date02"
                    date02_y = "20" & Mid(newsh.Cells(newi, newj), 6, 2)
                    date02_m = Mid(newsh.Cells(newi, newj), 3, 3)
                    date02_d = Mid(newsh.Cells(newi, newj), 1, 2)
                    Select Case date02_m
                    Case "JAN"
                        If date02_y & "-01-" & date02_d = oldsh.Cells(oldi, oldj).Value Then GoTo cell_match
                    Case "FEB"
                        If date02_y & "-02-" & date02_d = oldsh.Cells(oldi, oldj).Value Then GoTo cell_match
                    Case "MAR"
                        If date02_y & "-03-" & date02_d = oldsh.Cells(oldi, oldj).Value Then GoTo cell_match
                    Case "APR"
                        If date02_y & "-04-" & date02_d = oldsh.Cells(oldi, oldj).Value Then GoTo cell_match
                    Case "MAY"
                        If date02_y & "-05-" & date02_d = oldsh.Cells(oldi, oldj).Value Then GoTo cell_match
                    Case "JUN"
                        If date02_y & "-06-" & date02_d = oldsh.Cells(oldi, oldj).Value Then GoTo cell_match
                    Case "JUL"
                        If date02_y & "-07-" & date02_d = oldsh.Cells(oldi, oldj).Value Then GoTo cell_match
                    Case "AUG"
                        If date02_y & "-08-" & date02_d = oldsh.Cells(oldi, oldj).Value Then GoTo cell_match
                    Case "SEP"
                        If date02_y & "-09-" & date02_d = oldsh.Cells(oldi, oldj).Value Then GoTo cell_match
                    Case "OCT"
                        If date02_y & "-10-" & date02_d = oldsh.Cells(oldi, oldj).Value Then GoTo cell_match
                    Case "NOV"
                        If date02_y & "-11-" & date02_d = oldsh.Cells(oldi, oldj).Value Then GoTo cell_match
                    Case "DEC"
                        If date02_y & "-12-" & date02_d = oldsh.Cells(oldi, oldj).Value Then GoTo cell_match
                    Case Else
                    End Select
                Case "date03"
                    work = Replace(oldsh.Cells(oldi, oldj).Value, "-", "", 1, 2, vbTextCompare)
                    work = Replace(work, "T00:00:00", "", 1, 2, vbTextCompare)
                    If newsh.Cells(newi, newj).Value = work Then GoTo cell_match
                Case "case"
                    If UCase(newsh.Cells(newi, newj).Value) = UCase(oldsh.Cells(oldi, oldj).Value) Then GoTo cell_match
                Case Else
                End Select
'cell unmatch
                record_match = False
                unmatch(newj) = False
                unmatch_titol = titols_area.Cells(2, newj).Value
                j2 = 1
                While unmatch_area.Cells(1, j2).Value <> ""
                    If unmatch_area.Cells(1, j2).Value = unmatch_titol Then GoTo already_set
                    j2 = j2 + 1
                unmatch_area.Cells(1, j2).Value = unmatch_titol
                unmatch_area.Cells(2, j2).Value = "旧=" & CStr(oldj) & " ,新=" & CStr(newj)
                unmatch_area.Cells(3, j2).Value = unmatch_area.Cells(3, j2).Value + 1
                GoTo next_col
            Next newj
            GoTo record_check_end
            record_match = False
        End If

        If record_match Then
            record_match_cnt = record_match_cnt + 1
        ElseIf oldi > 0 Then
'アンマッチがあるので、diffシートに 旧、新のレコードを表示
            dsh.Cells(di + 1, 1).Value = "旧"
            dsh.Cells(di + 2, 1).Value = "新"

'           旧色替
            For newj = 1 To newend_j
                If unmatch(newj) = False Then
                    oldj = old_col(newj)
                    oldsh.Range(Cells(oldi, oldj), Cells(oldi, oldj)).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 255, 255)
                End If
            Next newj
'           新色替
            For newj = 1 To newend_j
                If unmatch(newj) = False Then
                    newsh.Range(Cells(newi, newj), Cells(newi, newj)).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 255, 255)
                End If
            Next newj
'           diffシート色替&値セット
            For newj = 1 To newend_j
                If old_col(newj) = 0 Then
                    dsh.Cells(di + 1, newj + 1).Value = "<対象なし>"
                    oldj = old_col(newj)
                    dsh.Cells(di + 1, newj + 1).Value = "'" & CStr(oldsh.Cells(oldi, oldj).Value)
                    If unmatch(newj) = False Then
                        dsh.Range(Cells(di + 1, newj + 1), Cells(di + 1, newj + 1)).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 255, 255)
                    End If
                End If                        '文字列に変換してセット
                dsh.Cells(di + 2, newj + 1).Value = "'" & CStr(newsh.Cells(newi, newj).Value)
            Next newj
            di = di + 2
        End If
    Next newi
    csh.Cells(ci + 12, 8).Value = record_match_cnt

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Set csh = Nothing
    Set oldsh = Nothing
    Set newsh = Nothing
    Set titols_area = Nothing
    Set unmatch_area = Nothing
End Sub


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