binary was not built with debug information

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝化妆品有假货吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 06:56
今天在vista上调试一个程序,引用了另一个工程生成的dll,结果在Debug 时出现这样的错误信息,“binary was not built with debug information.”,一时搞不懂是啥问题,而再xp上没有出错。
Its not an installation issue, the problem is, as the error message suggests, that you have not built your project with debug information.

To do this:
1) Goto Project->Properties
2) Make sure "Configuration" at the top is "Debug"
3) On the left, select "C/C++", then "General"
4) On the right, change "Debug information format" to "Program Database for edit and continue (/ZI)"
5) On the left, Select "Optimization"
6) On the right, Change "Optimization" to "Disabled (/Od)"
7) On the left, select "Code Generation"
8) On the right, change "Runtime library" to "Multi-Threaded Debug (/MTd)"
9) On the left, expand "Linker" and select "Debugging"
10) On the right, change "Generate Debug info" to "Yes (/DEBUG)"
11) Rebuild your project.