API GetCurrentTime She would d1

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She would gladly have stopped at the door to listen, as she came out; but her mistress just then calling, she was obliged to hasten away.(Windows API Declare Function GetCurrentTime Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTickCount" () As Long)Still she thought she heard the trader make an offer for her boy;could she be mistaken? Her heart swelled and throbbed, and she involuntarily strained him so tight that the little fellow looked up into her face in astonishment.(Windows API Declare Function GetCurrentTime Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTickCount" () As Long)Eliza, girl, what ails you today? said her mistress, when Eliza had upset the wash-pitcher, knocked down the workstand, and finally was abstractedly offering her mistress a long nightgown in place of the silk dress she had ordered her to bring from the wardrobe.(Windows API Declare Function GetCurrentTime Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTickCount" () As Long)Eliza started. O, missis! she said, raising her eyes; then, bursting into tears, she sat down in a chair, and began sobbing.Why, Eliza child, what ails you? said her mistress.d1