API AddFontResource Sir, said1

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Sir, said Mr.
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(Windows API Declare Function AddFontResource Lib "gdi32" Alias "AddFontResourceA" (ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long)
Shelby, if you wish to communicate with me, you must observe something of the decorum of a gentleman.
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(Windows API Declare Function AddFontResource Lib "gdi32" Alias "AddFontResourceA" (ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long)
Andy, take Mr.
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(Windows API Declare Function AddFontResource Lib "gdi32" Alias "AddFontResourceA" (ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long)
Haleys hat and riding-whip. Take a seat, sir. Yes, sir; I regret to say that the young woman, excited by overhearing, or having reported to her, something of this business, has taken her child in the night, and made off.I did expect fair dealing in this matter, I confess, said Haley.Well, sir, said Mr. Shelby, turning sharply round upon him, what am I to understand by that remark? If any man calls my honor in question, I have but one answer for him.The trader cowered at this, and in a somewhat lower tone said that it was plaguy hard on a fellow, that had made a fair bargain, to be gulled that way.Mr. Haley, said Mr. Shelby, if I did not think you had some cause for disappointment, I should not have borne from you the rude and unceremonious style of your entrance into my parlor this morning. I say thus much, however, since appearances call for it, that I shall allow of no insinuations cast upon me, as if I were at all partner to any unfairness in this matter. Moreover, I shall feel bound to give you every assistance, in the use of horses, servants, &c., in the recovery of your property. So, in short, Haley, said he, suddenly dropping from the tone of dignified coolness to his ordinary one of easy frankness, the best way for you is to keep good-natured and eat some breakfast, and we will then see what is to be done.d1