API mixerGetLineInfo Ho, ho! d1

来源:互联网 发布:如何查看usb端口电压 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 16:43
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Ho, ho! said Sam, skeery, ar ye? and his black visage lighted up with a curious, mischievous gleam.
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(Windows API Declare Function mixerGetLineInfo Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mixerGetLineInfoA" (ByVal hmxobj As Long, pmxl As MIXERLINE, ByVal fdwInfo As Long) As Long)
Ill fix ye now! said he.
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(Windows API Declare Function mixerGetLineInfo Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mixerGetLineInfoA" (ByVal hmxobj As Long, pmxl As MIXERLINE, ByVal fdwInfo As Long) As Long)
There was a large beech-tree overshadowing the place, and the small, sharp, triangular beech-nuts lay scattered thickly on the ground.
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(Windows API Declare Function mixerGetLineInfo Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mixerGetLineInfoA" (ByVal hmxobj As Long, pmxl As MIXERLINE, ByVal fdwInfo As Long) As Long)
With one of these in his fingers, Sam approached the colt, stroked and patted, and seemed apparently busy in soothing his agitation. On pretence of adjusting the saddle, he adroitly slipped under it the sharp little nut, in such a manner that the least weight brought upon the saddle would annoy the nervous sensibilities of the animal, without leaving any perceptible graze or wound.Dar! he said, rolling his eyes with an approving grin; me fix em!At this moment Mrs. Shelby appeared on the balcony, beckoning to him. Sam approached with as good a determination to pay court as did ever suitor after a vacant place at St. James or Washington.d1