1 How the GNU Radio scheduler iscalled and what it does

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝供销平台一件代发 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 17:50

1 How the GNU Radio scheduler iscalled and what it does     1
2 How a thread of each block works                       5

1.  GNU Radio 调度器怎样调用 和怎么工作
2. 每个模块的线程怎么工作
1 How the GNU Radio scheduler is called and what itdoes
As we become quite familiar with GNU Radio Python codes now,it is essential to figure out
what's going on behind the plain Python codes; that is, howGNU radio core works. A typical
example of GNU Radio 3 is as follows. (There is an olddial-tone example using flow_graph(),
which is obsolete! )
How <wbr>GNU <wbr>Radio <wbr>Core <wbr>Works <wbr>-- <wbr>An <wbr>Analysis <wbr>of <wbr>GNU <wbr>Radio <wbr>3.3.0 <wbr>Sources
Besides some routine connections for blocks, the GNU Radiorunning thread starts at
We are going to figure out what's going on after thiscode. Since Python and C++ classes are 1-1corresponding via SWIG, We have to go deeper andto find the run() function in C++class gr_top_block.
这里告诉你,PYTHON和C++通过SWIG对应起来,我们要了解 python里run()这个函数,就要深入C++去了解。
Infile: gr top block.cc

Then, go to start();

In file: grtop block.cc

d_impl is a member thatpoints to the class gr_top_block_impl with the followingcodes:
看到start() 其实是调用了d_impl->start(),去classgr_top_block_impl 再去看
In file: grtop block impl.cc


  if (d_state != IDLE)
    throwstd::runtime_error("top_block::start: top block already running orwait() not called after previous stop()");

  if (d_lock_count> 0)
    throwstd::runtime_error("top_block::start: can't start with flow graphlocked");

  // Create new flat flowgraph by flattening hierarchy
  d_ffg =d_owner->flatten();

  // Validate new simpleflow graph and wire it up

  d_scheduler =make_scheduler(d_ffg);
  d_state = RUNNING;

The codes do some sanitycheck and then create the GNU Radio Scheduler bycalling
d_scheduler =make_scheduler(d_ffg);
Let go to function make_scheduler()as follows
上面的代码通过调用d_scheduler = make_scheduler(d_ffg);很严谨的检查并且创建了GNURadio的调度器。让我们去make_scheduler(d_ffg)看看
In file : gr top blockimpl.cc
static gr_scheduler_sptr
make_scheduler(gr_flat_flowgraph_sptr ffg)
  static scheduler_maker factory = 0;

  if (factory == 0){
    char *v= getenv("GR_SCHEDULER");
     factory = scheduler_table[0].f; // usedefault
     for (size_t i = 0; i <sizeof(scheduler_table)/sizeof(scheduler_table[0]); i++){
if (strcmp(v, scheduler_table[i].name) == 0){
 factory = scheduler_table[i].f;
     if (factory == 0){
std::cerr << "warning: InvalidGR_SCHEDULER environment variable value \""
 << v<< "\".  Using \""<< scheduler_table[0].name<< "\"\n";
factory = scheduler_table[0].f;
  return factory(ffg);

In the above program, whatis the variable static scheduler_makerfactory
we can look into the file and find,
在上面的程序中,scheduler_maker factory是什么玩意?我们在文件中找找
typedef gr_scheduler_sptr(*scheduler_maker) (gr_flat_flowgraph_sptr ffg);

Well, factory is a function pointer!Where does it points to? We can find
factory =schedulertable[i].f

OK. Let us find what is inscheduler_table:
static struct scheduler_table {
  const char     *name;
  scheduler_maker f;
} scheduler_table[] = {
  { "TPB",gr_scheduler_tpb::make }, // first entry is default
  { "STS",gr_scheduler_sts::make }

Great! It points to a memberfunction, make, in a scheduler's class. Then theprogram 
is veryeasy to understand: it checks whether there exists a Linuxenvironment variable: 
GR_SCHEDULER. If no, use thedefault scheduler; otherwise, use user's choice. And we donot 
have somany choices on the scheduler:
1. TPB (default): multi-threadedscheduler.
2. STS: single-threadedscheduler.

By default, gr_scheduler_tpb::make will becalled.

In file: gr scheduler_tpb.cc
gr_scheduler_tpb::make(gr_flat_flowgraph_sptr ffg)
  returngr_scheduler_sptr(new gr_scheduler_tpb(ffg));

The constructor ofgr_scheduler_tpbis called.

In file: grscheduler tpb.cc

  : gr_scheduler(ffg)
  // Get a topologicallysorted vector of all the blocks in use.
  // Being topologicallysorted probably isn't going to matter, but
  // there's a non-zerochance it might help...

  gr_basic_block_vector_tused_blocks = ffg->calc_used_blocks();
  used_blocks =ffg->topological_sort(used_blocks);
  gr_block_vector_t blocks =gr_flat_flowgraph::make_block_vector(used_blocks);

  // Ensure that the doneflag is clear on all blocks

  for (size_t i = 0; i< blocks.size(); i++){

  // Fire off a thead foreach block

  for (size_t i = 0; i< blocks.size(); i++){
   std::stringstream name;
    name<< "thread-per-block["<< i <<"]: " << blocks[i];

Nothing strange here, theonly thing needs to mention is

thread_body_wrapper wrapsthe main thread with the block name. Then, thethread 
begins from thread_body_wrapper(). Let ussee part of the program to find what happens.
In file: thread_body_wrapper.h




  template<class F>
   F d_f;
   std::string d_name;


   explicit thread_body_wrapper(F f, conststd::string &name="")
     : d_f(f), d_name(name){}

   void operator()()

     try {
    catch(boost::thread_interrupted const&)
     catch(std::exception const&e)
std::cerr<< "thread["<< d_name<< "]: "
 <<e.what() << std::endl;
std::cerr<< "thread["<< d_name<< "]: "
 <<"caught unrecognized exception\n";

See the overloading ofoperate(), actually, d_f() is called, which is explicitly linkedto
tpb_container(). So go to the code of tpb_container:
In file:gr_scheduler_tpb.cc

class tpb_container
  tpb_container(gr_block_sptrblock) : d_block(block) {}

  void operator()()
   gr_tpb_thread_body body(d_block);

Well. the overloading ofoperate() just constructs another class,gr_tpb_thread_body, 
with theblock pointer. From here, the scheduler's work isdone.
Let's briefly summarize whatis going on with the GNU Radio scheduler.
1. Analyzeused blocks in gr_top_block.
2. Defaultscheduler is TPB, which creates multi-threads forblocks.
3. Thescheduler creates one concurrent thread for eachblock.
4. For eachblock, the thread's entry is gr_tpb_thread_bodybody(d_block).
总结GNU RADIO调度器作用:
    1. 分析在gr_top_block中每个block
4.对于每个block,线程入口都在gr_tpb_thread_body 里边
2 How a thread of each blockworks

As we discussed, the TPB scheduler generatesa thread for each block whose entry starts from
theconstructor of class gr_tpb_thread_body. Let us go over theconstructor:
In file:gr_tpb_thread_body.cc

  // std::cerr<< "gr_tpb_thread_body: "<< block<< std::endl;

  gr_block_detail *d =block->detail().get();
  pmt_t msg;

//Here startsthe main loop of the thread.
  while (1){

//First, thethread processes all signals
   // handle any queued up messages
   while ((msg =d->d_tpb.delete_head_nowait()))


    s =d_exec.run_one_iteration();

   case gr_block_executor::READY: // Tell neighborswe made progress.

   case gr_block_executor::READY_NO_OUTPUT: //Notify upstream only

   case gr_block_executor::DONE: // Game over.

   case gr_block_executor::BLKD_IN: // Wait forinput.
 // wait for inputor message

 // handle allpending messages
 while ((msg =d->d_tpb.delete_head_nowait_already_holding_mutex())){
  guard.unlock(); // release lock while processingmsg

   case gr_block_executor::BLKD_OUT: // Wait foroutput buffer space.
 // wait for outputroom or message

 // handle allpending messages
 while ((msg =d->d_tpb.delete_head_nowait_already_holding_mutex())){
  guard.unlock(); // release lock while processingmsg


So far so good. We can seerun_one_iteration() is the key in the whole thread,it 
includes the major functionality of theblock. Go to its source. Woo! it is a littlelong.
In file:gr_block_executor.cc

// Do the actual work of the block int n =m->general_work (noutput_items, d_ninput_items,d_input_items, d_output_items); LOG(*d_log<< " general_work: noutput_items = "<< noutput_items<< " result = "<< n <<std::endl);

Overall,the code first checks

1. whether thereexists 
dataspace for output. No → returnBLKD_OUT
2. whether thereare 
input data available,No → 
If thereare sufficient input data and sufficient output space, the coderuns the actual work
of the block:general_work().
So up to now, we can know how each thread inthe GNU radio core works. Let us briefly
1. A thread for each block has a while (1)loop.
2. The loop processes signals and run the key functionrun_one_iteration().
3. run_one_iteration() checks if there are sufficientdata for input and sufficient available 
space for output for theblock.
4. If yes, call general_work() to run the mainfunctionality of the block. Otherwise,return 
BLKD_OUT, BLKD_IN, orothers.

1. 每个block的线程都有一个while(1)循环
2. 循环处理信号并且运行主要函数 run_one_iteration()
3. run_one_iteration() 检查是否有足够的数据输入和为这个block输出足够的可靠的空间
4. 如果都可以,调用general_work() 去跑这个block主要的功能。否则,返回BLKD_OUT,BLKD_IN,或者其他。
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