
来源:互联网 发布:单片机上电复位电路 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 15:00



var index = Random.Range(0, myArray.Length);myArray[index];


function Choose(probs: float[]) {     var total = 0;     for (elem in probs) {          total += elem;     }     var randomPoint = Random.value * total;     for (i = 0; i < probs.Length; i++) {          if (randomPoint < probs[i])               return i;          else               randomPoint -= probs[i];     }     return probs.Length - 1;}


Shffling a List——随机出一个列表,比如洗牌。方法是把牌堆里的每张牌按序和一张随机位置的牌交换顺序:

function Shuffle(deck: int[]) {     for (i = 0; i < deck.Length; i++) {          var temp = deck[i];          var randomIndex = Random.Range(0, deck.Length);          deck[i] = deck[randomIndex];          deck[randomIndex] = temp;     }}


var spawnPoints: Transform[];function ChooseSet(numRequired: int) {     var result = new Transform[numRequired];     var numToChoose = numRequired;     for (numLeft = spawnPoints.Length; numLeft > 0; numLeft--) {          // Adding 0.0 is simply to cast the integers to float for the division.          var prob = numToChoose + 0.0 / numLeft + 0.0;          if (Random.value <= prob) {               numToChoose--;               result[numToChoose] = spawnPoints[numLeft - 1];               if (numToChoose == 0)                    break;          }     }     return result;}



cube空间中取随机点:var randVec = Vector3(Random.value, Random.value, Random.value);因为Random.value返回的值介于0和1之间,如果cube的x,y,z不为1,则将Random.value分别乘以各个轴上的值即可。

半径为radius的sphere空间中取随机点:var randWithinRadius = Random.insideUnitSphere * radius;

注:Note that if you set one of the resulting vector's components to zero, you will *not* get a correct random point within a circle. Although the point is indeed random and lies within the right radius, the probability is heavily biased toward the edge of the circle and so points will be spread very unevenly. You should use Random.insideUnitCircle for this task instead:
var randWithinCircle = Random.insideUnitCircle * radius;


Animation Scripting:

Animation Blending:动画Blending就是在两个角色动画片段之间的平滑过渡,比如从走路动画过渡到站立动画,首先设置Wrap Mode为Loop,关闭play automatically,这样动画控制完全由Script掌控。以下是实现两种状态自然过渡的javascript代码:

function Update () {if (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") > 0.2)animation.CrossFade ("walk");elseanimation.CrossFade ("idle");}

动画层(Layer):在两个动画blending的时候有个权重的概念,而且权重和是要标准化为1的,比如动画run和walk的权重各为1,blending以后各为0.5(加起来为1),但是当我需要做”射击“动作的时候,希望”射击“动画的权重是100%,即立即切换为射击动画。简单的实现方法是让射击动画的层放在比run和walk更高的层,这样需要”射击“动画Fade in的时候直接在极短的时间内从0到100%。

function Start () {// Set all animations to loopanimation.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;// except shootinganimation["shoot"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Once;// Put idle and walk into lower layers (The default layer is always 0)// This will do two things// - Since shoot and idle/walk are in different layers they will not affect// each other's playback when calling CrossFade.// - Since shoot is in a higher layer, the animation will replace idle/walk// animations when faded in.animation["shoot"].layer = 1;// Stop animations that are already playing//(In case user forgot to disable play automatically)animation.Stop();}function Update () {// Based on the key that is pressed,// play the walk animation or the idle animationif (Mathf.Abs(Input.GetAxis("Vertical")) > 0.1)animation.CrossFade("walk");elseanimation.CrossFade("idle");// Shootif (Input.GetButtonDown ("Fire1"))animation.CrossFade("shoot");}

Animation Mixing:和Blending不同,Blending是两阶段动画的自然过渡,Mixing则是两种动画的混合,比如挥手动画,如果在站定和走路两种状态都有挥手动画,那么如果不使用Mixing就需要做两个动画,一个是站立挥手,一个是边走路边挥手。现在可以把挥手动画和肩膀的移动混合起来,这样挥手就只要做一个动画,然后和肩膀动画混合起来即可。

/// Adds a mixing transform using a Transform variable/// 此处shoulder是一个transform变量。var shoulder : Transform;animation["wave_hand"].AddMixingTransform(shoulder);


function Start () {// Adds a mixing transform using a path insteadvar mixTransform : Transform = transform.Find("root/upper_body/left_shoulder");animation["wave_hand"].AddMixingTransform(mixTransform);}

拿身体倾斜和行走/跑步来说,做好行走/跑步循环,身体倾斜(左倾、右倾)的动画,然后用下面的脚本把倾斜叠加到行走/跑步上。Additive Animation:叠加动画。比如行走,跑步,身体左倾,身体右倾,这几个动作可以组成4个动画,行走+身体左倾,行走+身体右倾,跑步+身体左倾,跑步+身体右倾。如果再加上转头(左转和右转)动画,就要做2x2x2=8个动画。如果继续增加,动画制作的工作量会急剧增大。叠加动画的作用是把这些动画分解,只需要做2+2+2=6个动画,然后叠加起来。

private var leanLeft : AnimationState;private var leanRight : AnimationState;function Start () {leanLeft = animation["leanLeft"];leanRight = animation["leanRight"];// Put the leaning animation in a separate layer// So that other calls to CrossFade won't affect it.leanLeft.layer = 10;leanRight.layer = 10;// Set the lean animation to be additiveleanLeft.blendMode = AnimationBlendMode.Additive;leanRight.blendMode = AnimationBlendMode.Additive;// Set the lean animation ClampForever// With ClampForever animations will not stop// automatically when reaching the end of the clipleanLeft.wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;leanRight.wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;// Enable the animation and fade it in completely// We don't use animation.Play here because we manually adjust the time// in the Update function.// Instead we just enable the animation and set it to full weightleanRight.enabled = true;leanLeft.enabled = true;leanRight.weight = 1.0;leanLeft.weight = 1.0;// For testing just play "walk" animation and loop itanimation["walk"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;animation.Play("walk");}// Every frame just set the normalized time// based on how much lean we want to applyfunction Update () {var lean = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");// normalizedTime is 0 at the first frame and 1 at the last frame in the clipleanLeft.normalizedTime = -lean;leanRight.normalizedTime = lean;}

Tip: When using Additive animations, it is critical that you also play some other non-additive animation on every transform that is also used in the additive animation, otherwise the animations will add on top of the last frame's result. This is most certainly not what you want.


解决方法是在animation面板中插入animation event:


// This JavaScript function can be called by an Animation Eventfunction PrintFloat (theValue : float) {Debug.Log ("PrintFloat is called with a value of " + theValue);}


点图示按钮插入animation envent,或者在事件线上双击

点图示按钮插入animation event,或者在事件线上双击






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