SAS DM数据准备读书笔记6(类别比较)

来源:互联网 发布:江恩矩阵图软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 07:45

可以通过Proc Freq来获得名义变量的类别及每个类别的频数,或者使用SQL的 select distinct+group by方式。有时,我们需要确保样本中的类别数能够保持和总体的的类别数是一致的,因此需要比较样本的类别数和总体的类别数是否一致。









Proc SQL noprint;create table CatB as select distinct &Var from &Base;select count(*) into:NB from CatB;create table CatS as select distinct &Var from &Sample;select count(*) into:NS from CatS;create table &V_Result (Category Char(32), ExistsInSample num, Comment char(80));run;quit;



data _Null_;set CatB;call symput('C_'||left(_n_),&Var);run;



proc SQL ;%do i=1 %to &NB;select count(*) into: Nxfrom CatS where &Var = "%trim(&&C_&i)";%if &Nx =0 %then %do;Insert into &V_Result values("%trim(&&C_&i)",0,'Category does not exist in sample.');%end;%if &Nx>0 %then %do;Insert into &V_Result values("%trim(&&C_&i)",1,'Category exists in sample.');%end;%end;quit;




/*** Data Preparation for Data Mining Using SAS     by Mamdouh Refaat     Morgan Kaufmann, 2006****/%macro CatCompare(Base, Sample, Var, V_Result, I_St);/* Comparing the categories of the variable Var in the Base dataset to test if all its categories are present in the Sample. The results of the categories are stored in V_Result and the final status (1/0) is stored in I_St.*//* Step 1: obtain the categories, and count them,    for both Base and Sample for the variable Var */Proc SQL noprint; create table CatB as select distinct &Var from &Base; select count(*) into:NB from CatB ; create table CatS as select distinct &Var from &Sample; select count(*) into:NS from CatS; create table &V_Result (Category Char(32),                          ExistsInSample num,                          Comment char(80)); run; quit; /* Step 2: Convert all the categories of the Base     into macro variables to use them in the search later */ data _Null_; set CatB;   call symput('C_'||left(_n_),&Var);run;/* Step 3: Loop over the Base categories and find whether    all of them can be found in the sample */proc SQL ;%do i=1 %to &NB;  select count(*) into: Nx          from CatS where &Var = "%trim(&&C_&i)";%if &Nx =0 %then %do;   Insert into &V_Result            values("%trim(&&C_&i)" ,                                  0,        'Category does not exist in sample.');  %end;%if &Nx>0 %then %do;  Insert into &V_Result            values("%trim(&&C_&i)" ,                                  1,        'Category exists in sample.');%end;%end;   select min(ExistsInSample) into: Status from &V_Result;    run;  quit;  %let &I_St = &Status;/* clean workspace */ proc datasets nodetails  library =work;  *delete CatB CatC; run; quit;%mend;



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