
来源:互联网 发布:优化农业产业结构 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 23:48


消息队列(也叫做报文队列)能够克服早期unix通信机制的一些缺点。作为早期unix通信机制之一的信号能够传送的信息量有限,后来虽然POSIX 1003.1b在信号的实时性方面作了拓广,使得信号在传递信息量方面有了相当程度的改进,但是信号这种通信方式更像"即时"的通信方式,它要求接受信号的进程在某个时间范围内对信号做出反应,因此该信号最多在接受信号进程的生命周期内才有意义,信号所传递的信息是接近于随进程持续的概念(process-persistent),见附录 1;管道及有名管道及有名管道则是典型的随进程持续IPC,并且,只能传送无格式的字节流无疑会给应用程序开发带来不便,另外,它的缓冲区大小也受到限制。

消息队列就是一个消息的链表。可以把消息看作一个记录,具有特定的格式以及特定的优先级。对消息队列有写权限的进程可以向其中按照一定的规则添加新消息;对消息队列有读权限的进程则可以从消息队列中读走消息。消息队列是随内核持续的(参见附录 1)。



因此,本文将主要介绍系统V消息队列及其相应API。 在没有声明的情况下,以下讨论中指的都是系统V消息队列。


  1. 系统V消息队列是随内核持续的,只有在内核重起或者显示删除一个消息队列时,该消息队列才会真正被删除。因此系统中记录消息队列的数据结构(struct ipc_ids msg_ids)位于内核中,系统中的所有消息队列都可以在结构msg_ids中找到访问入口。
  2. 消息队列就是一个消息的链表。每个消息队列都有一个队列头,用结构struct msg_queue来描述(参见 附录 2)。队列头中包含了该消息队列的大量信息,包括消息队列键值、用户ID、组ID、消息队列中消息数目等等,甚至记录了最近对消息队列读写进程的ID。读者可以访问这些信息,也可以设置其中的某些信息。
  3. 下图说明了内核与消息队列是怎样建立起联系的:
    其中:struct ipc_ids msg_ids是内核中记录消息队列的全局数据结构;struct msg_queue是每个消息队列的队列头。

从上图可以看出,全局数据结构 struct ipc_ids msg_ids 可以访问到每个消息队列头的第一个成员:struct kern_ipc_perm;而每个struct kern_ipc_perm能够与具体的消息队列对应起来是因为在该结构中,有一个key_t类型成员key,而key则唯一确定一个消息队列。kern_ipc_perm结构如下:

struct kern_ipc_perm{   //内核中记录消息队列的全局数据结构msg_ids能够访问到该结构;key_t   key;    //该键值则唯一对应一个消息队列uid_t   uid;gid_t   gid;uid_t   cuid;gid_t   cgid;mode_t  mode;unsigned long seq;}



1、 打开或创建消息队列


2、 读写操作


struct msgbuf{long mtype;  // 必须大于0char mtext[1];};


3、 获得或设置消息队列属性:

消息队列的信息基本上都保存在消息队列头中,因此,可以分配一个类似于消息队列头的结构(struct msqid_ds,见 附录 2),来返回消息队列的属性;同样可以设置该数据结构。



#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/ipc.h>key_t ftok (char*pathname, char proj);


key=ftok(path_ptr, 'a');    ipc_id=ipc(MSGGET, (int)key, flags,0,NULL,0);    …
The  ftok() function uses the identity of the file named by the given pathname (which must refer to an existing, accessible file) and the least
       significant 8 bits of proj_id (which must be non-zero) to generate a key_t type System V IPC key, suitable for use with  msgget(2),  semget(2),
       or shmget(2).

       The resulting value is the same for all pathnames that name the same file, when the same value of proj_id is used. The value returned should be
       different when the (simultaneously existing) files or the project IDs differ.

int ipc(unsigned int call, int first, int second, int third, void *ptr, longfifth);


  • int ipc( MSGGET, int first, int second,int third,void *ptr,long fifth);
    与该操作对应的系统V调用为:int msgget( (key_t)first,second)。
  • int ipc( MSGCTL, int first, int second,int third,void *ptr,long fifth)
    与该操作对应的系统V调用为:int msgctl( first,second, (struct msqid_ds*) ptr)。
  • int ipc( MSGSND, int first, int second,int third,void *ptr,long fifth);
    与该操作对应的系统V调用为:int msgsnd( first, (struct msgbuf*)ptr, second, third)。
  • int ipc( MSGRCV, int first, int second,intthird,void *ptr,long fifth);
    与该操作对应的系统V调用为:int msgrcv( first,(struct msgbuf*)ptr, second, fifth,third),


  • 虽然该系统调用提供了统一的用户界面,但正是由于这个特性,它的参数几乎不能给出特定的实际意义(如以first、second来命名参数),在一定程度上造成开发不便。
  • 正如ipc手册所说的:ipc()是linux所特有的,编写程序时应注意程序的移植性问题;
  • 该系统调用的实现不过是把系统V IPC函数进行了封装,没有任何效率上的优势;
  • 系统V在IPC方面的API数量不多,形式也较简洁。


#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/ipc.h>#include <sys/msg.h>

1)int msgget(key_t key, int msgflg)



  • 如果没有消息队列与健值key相对应,并且msgflg中包含了IPC_CREAT标志位;
  • key参数为IPC_PRIVATE;


IPC_CREAT 新建(如果已创建则返回目前消息队列的id)

IPC_PRIVATE  isn't  a flag field but a key_t type.  If this special value is used for key, the system call ignores everything but the least sig-
       nificant 9 bits of msgflg and creates a new message queue (on success).

If msgflg specifies both IPC_CREAT and IPC_EXCL and a message queue already exists for key, then msgget() fails with errno set to EEXIST.  (This
       is analogous to the effect of the combination O_CREAT | O_EXCL for open(2).)

Upon  creation,  the  least significant bits of the argument msgflg define the permissions of the message queue.  These permission bits have the
       same format and semantics as the permissions specified for the mode argument of open(2).  (The execute permissions are not used.)

If a new message queue is created, then its associated data structure msqid_ds (see msgctl(2)) is initialised as follows:
              msg_perm.cuid and msg_perm.uid are set to the effective user ID of the calling process.
              msg_perm.cgid and msg_perm.gid are set to the effective group ID of the calling process.
              The least significant 9 bits of msg_perm.mode are set to the least significant 9 bits of msgflg.
              msg_qnum, msg_lspid, msg_lrpid, msg_stime and msg_rtime are set to 0.
              msg_ctime is set to the current time.
              msg_qbytes is set to the system limit MSGMNB.



2)int msgsnd(int msqid, struct msgbuf *msgp, int msgsz, int msgflg);




  • 当前消息的大小与当前消息队列中的字节数之和超过了消息队列的总容量;
  • 当前消息队列的消息数(单位"个")不小于消息队列的总容量(单位"字节数"),此时,虽然消息队列中的消息数目很多,但基本上都只有一个字节。


  1. 不满足上述两个条件,即消息队列中有容纳该消息的空间;
  2. msqid代表的消息队列被删除;
  3. 调用msgsnd()的进程被信号中断;

struct msgbuf{long mtype;  // 必须大于0char mtext[1];};

The mtext field is an array (or other structure) whose size is specified by msgsz, a non-negative integer value.  Messages of zero length (i.e.,

       no  mtext  field)  are permitted.  The mtype field must have a strictly positive integer value.  This value can be used by the receiving process
       for message selection (see the description of msgrcv() below).

The calling process must have write permission on the message queue in order to send a message.

 Messages  of  zero  length  (i.e.,  no  mtext  field) are permitted.  The mtype field must havea strictly positive integer value.  This value can be used by the receiving
       process for message selection.

If insufficient space is available in the queue, then the default behaviour of msgsnd() is to block until space  becomes
       available.  If IPC_NOWAIT is specified in msgflg, then the call instead fails with the error EAGAIN.

msgsnd and msgrcv are never automatically restarted after being  interrupted by a signal handler, regardless of the setting  of the SA_RESTART flag when establishing a signal handler.

Upon successful completion the message queue data structure is updated as follows:

              msg_lspid is set to the process ID of the calling process.

              msg_qnum is incremented by 1.

              msg_stime is set to the current time.


The following limits on message queue resources affect the msgsnd() call:

       MSGMAX     Maximum size for a message text: 8192 bytes (on Linux, this limit can be read and modified via /proc/sys/kernel/msgmax).

       MSGMNB     Default  maximum  size  in  bytes  of a message queue: 16384 bytes (on Linux, this limit can be read and modified via /proc/sys/ker-
                  nel/msgmnb).  The superuser can increase the size of a message queue beyond MSGMNB by a msgctl() system call.

       The implementation has no intrinsic limits for the system wide maximum number of message headers (MSGTQL) and for the system wide maximum  size

       in bytes of the message pool (MSGPOOL).

3)int msgrcv(int msqid, struct msgbuf *msgp, int msgsz, long msgtyp, int msgflg);


  • IPC_NOWAIT 如果没有满足条件的消息,调用立即返回,此时,errno=ENOMSG
  • IPC_EXCEPT 与msgtyp>0配合使用,返回队列中第一个类型不为msgtyp的消息
  • IPC_NOERROR 如果队列中满足条件的消息内容大于所请求的msgsz字节,则把该消息截断,截断部分将丢失。

msgrcv手册中详细给出了消息类型取不同值时(>0; <0; =0),调用将返回消息队列中的哪个消息。


  1. 消息队列中有了满足条件的消息;
  2. msqid代表的消息队列被删除;
  3. 调用msgrcv()的进程被信号中断;
The  argument  msgsz specifies the maximum size in bytes for the member mtext of the structure pointed to by the msgp argument. If the message
       text has length greater than msgsz
, then the behaviour depends on whether MSG_NOERROR is specified in msgflg.   If  MSG_NOERROR  is  specified,
       then  the message text will be truncated (and the truncated part will be lost); if MSG_NOERROR is not specified, thenthe message isn't removed

       from the queue and the system call fails returning -1 with errno set to E2BIG.

The argument msgtyp specifies the type of message requested as follows:
              If msgtyp is 0, then the first message in the queue is read.
              If msgtyp is greater than 0, then the first message in the queue of type msgtyp is read, unless MSG_EXCEPT was specified in  msgflg,  in
              which case the first message in the queue of type not equal to msgtyp will be read.
              If  msgtyp  is  less than 0, then the first message in the queue with the lowest type less than or equal to the absolute value of msgtyp
              will be read.

The msgflg argument is a bit mask constructed by ORing together zero or more of the following flags:
              Return immediately if no message of the requested type is in the queue.  The system call fails with errno set to ENOMSG.
              Used with msgtyp greater than 0 to read the first message in the queue with message type that differs from msgtyp.
              To truncate the message text if longer than msgsz bytes.

       If no message of the requested type is available and IPC_NOWAIT isn't specified in msgflg, the calling process is blocked until one of the fol-
       lowing conditions occurs:

              A message of the desired type is placed in the queue.

              The message queue is removed from the system.  In this case the system call fails with errno set to EIDRM.

              The calling process catches a signal.  In this case the system call fails with errno set to EINTR.

       Upon successful completion the message queue data structure is updated as follows:

              msg_lrpid is set to the process ID of the calling process.

              msg_qnum is decremented by 1.

              msg_rtime is set to the current time.


4)int msgctl(int msqid, int cmd, struct msqid_ds *buf);
该系统调用对由msqid标识的消息队列执行cmd操作,共有三种cmd操作:IPC_STAT、IPC_SET 、IPC_RMID。

  1. IPC_STAT:该命令用来获取消息队列信息,返回的信息存贮在buf指向的msqid结构中,调用者必须有读权限;
  2. IPC_SET:该命令用来设置消息队列的属性,要设置的属性存储在buf指向的msqid结构中;可设置属性包括:msg_perm.uid、msg_perm.gid、msg_perm.mode以及msg_qbytes,同时,也影响msg_ctime成员。
  3. IPC_RMID:删除msqid标识的消息队列;
The msqid_ds data structure is defined in <sys/msg.h> as follows:

           struct msqid_ds {
               struct ipc_perm msg_perm;     /* Ownership and permissions
               time_t         msg_stime;    /* Time of last msgsnd() */
               time_t         msg_rtime;    /* Time of last msgrcv() */
               time_t         msg_ctime;    /* Time of last change */
               unsigned long  __msg_cbytes; /* Current number of bytes in
                                               queue (non-standard) */
               msgqnum_t      msg_qnum;     /* Current number of messages
                                               in queue */
               msglen_t       msg_qbytes;   /* Maximum number of bytes
                                               allowed in queue */
               pid_t          msg_lspid;    /* PID of last msgsnd() */
               pid_t          msg_lrpid;    /* PID of last msgrcv() */

       The ipc_perm structure is defined in <sys/ipc.h> as follows (the highlighted fields are settable using IPC_SET):

           struct ipc_perm {
               key_t key;            /* Key supplied to msgget() */
               uid_t uid;            /* Effective UID of owner */
               gid_t gid;            /* Effective GID of owner */
               uid_t cuid;           /* Effective UID of creator */
               gid_t cgid;           /* Effective GID of creator */
               unsigned short mode;  /* Permissions */
               unsigned short seq;   /* Sequence number */



每个消息队列的容量(所能容纳的字节数)都有限制,该值因系统不同而不同。在后面的应用实例中,输出了redhat 8.0的限制。

另一个限制是每个消息队列所能容纳的最大消息数:在redhad 8.0中,该限制是受消息队列容量制约的:消息个数要小于消息队列的容量(字节数)。





#include <stdio.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/msg.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <time.h>void msg_stat(int,struct msqid_ds );int main(){    int gflags, sflags;    key_t key;    int msgid;    int reval;    struct msgsbuf    {            int mtype;            char mtext[1024];    }msg_sbuf;    struct msqid_ds msg_ginfo;    char* msgpath = "./msgqueuetest";        key = ftok( msgpath, 'a' );    gflags = IPC_CREAT;    msgid = msgget( key, gflags|00666 );    if( msgid == -1 )    {        printf("msg create error\n");        return -1;    }        //获取一个消息队列后,输出消息队列缺省属性    printf( "---------------------create a message queue msgget\n" );    msg_stat( msgid, msg_ginfo );    printf( "enter some message to send( no blank space ):" );    scanf( "%s", msg_sbuf.mtext );    printf( "message to send: %s\n", msg_sbuf.mtext );        sflags = 0;    msg_sbuf.mtype = 10;    //msg_sbuf.mtext[0] = 'a';    reval = msgsnd(msgid, &msg_sbuf, sizeof( msg_sbuf.mtext ), sflags );    if ( reval == -1 )    {        printf("message send error\n");    }        return 0;}void msg_stat( int msgid, struct msqid_ds msg_info ){    int reval;    sleep(1);//只是为了后面输出时间的方便    reval = msgctl( msgid, IPC_STAT, &msg_info );    if ( reval == -1 )    {        printf("get msg info error\n");        return;    }    printf( "\n" );    printf( "current number of bytes on queue is %lu\n", msg_info.msg_cbytes );    printf( "number of messages in queue is %d\n", ( int )msg_info.msg_qnum );    printf( "max number of bytes on queue is %d\n", ( int )msg_info.msg_qbytes );    // 每个消息队列的容量(字节数)都有限制MSGMNB,    // 值的大小因系统而异。在创建新的消息队列时,    // msg_qbytes的缺省值就是MSGMNB    printf( "pid of last msgsnd is %d\n",msg_info.msg_lspid );    printf( "pid of last msgrcv is %d\n",msg_info.msg_lrpid );    printf( "last msgsnd time is %s", ctime(&(msg_info.msg_stime)) );    printf( "last msgrcv time is %s", ctime(&(msg_info.msg_rtime)) );    printf( "last change time is %s", ctime(&(msg_info.msg_ctime)) );    printf( "msg uid is %d\n", msg_info.msg_perm.uid );    printf( "msg gid is %d\n", msg_info.msg_perm.gid );}

#include <stdio.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/msg.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <time.h>void msg_stat(int,struct msqid_ds );int main(){    int gflags, rflags;    key_t key;    int msgid;    int reval;    struct msgmbuf    {        int mtype;        char mtext[1024];    }msg_rbuf;    struct msqid_ds msg_ginfo;    char* msgpath = "./msgqueuetest";        key = ftok(msgpath,'a');    gflags = IPC_CREAT;    msgid = msgget( key, gflags|00666 );    if( msgid == -1 )    {        printf("msg create error\n");        return -1;    }        //创建一个消息队列后,输出消息队列缺省属性    printf( "---------------------create a message queue msgget\n" );    msg_stat( msgid, msg_ginfo );        rflags = 0;    reval = msgrcv( msgid, &msg_rbuf, 1024, 10, rflags );    if ( reval == -1 )        printf( "read msg error\n" );    else        printf( "read from msg queue %d bytes, received message: %s\n", reval, msg_rbuf.mtext );    printf( "---------------------msgrcv\n" );    msg_stat( msgid, msg_ginfo );        // 删除消息队列    reval = msgctl( msgid, IPC_RMID, NULL );    if ( reval == -1 )    {        printf("unlink msg queue error\n");        return -1;    }    printf( "unlink msg queue success\n" );    return 0;}void msg_stat( int msgid, struct msqid_ds msg_info ){    int reval;    sleep(1);//只是为了后面输出时间的方便    reval = msgctl( msgid, IPC_STAT, &msg_info );    if ( reval == -1 )    {        printf("get msg info error\n");        return;    }    printf( "\n" );    printf( "current number of bytes on queue is %lu\n", msg_info.msg_cbytes );    printf( "number of messages in queue is %d\n", ( int )msg_info.msg_qnum );    printf( "max number of bytes on queue is %d\n", ( int )msg_info.msg_qbytes );    // 每个消息队列的容量(字节数)都有限制MSGMNB,    // 值的大小因系统而异。在创建新的消息队列时,    // msg_qbytes的缺省值就是MSGMNB    printf( "pid of last msgsnd is %d\n",msg_info.msg_lspid );    printf( "pid of last msgrcv is %d\n",msg_info.msg_lrpid );    printf( "last msgsnd time is %s", ctime(&(msg_info.msg_stime)) );    printf( "last msgrcv time is %s", ctime(&(msg_info.msg_rtime)) );    printf( "last change time is %s", ctime(&(msg_info.msg_ctime)) );    printf( "msg uid is %d\n", msg_info.msg_perm.uid );    printf( "msg gid is %d\n", msg_info.msg_perm.gid );}

gcc -g -Wall -Werror ./msgq_send.c -o msgq_send

gcc -g -Wall -Werror ./msgq_recv.c -o ./msgq_recv

touch ./msgqueuetest


$ ./msgq_send---------------------create a message queue msggetcurrent number of bytes on queue is 0number of messages in queue is 0max number of bytes on queue is 16384pid of last msgsnd is 0pid of last msgrcv is 0last msgsnd time is Thu Jan  1 08:00:00 1970last msgrcv time is Thu Jan  1 08:00:00 1970last change time is Sun Apr  6 15:44:08 2014msg uid is 1007msg gid is 1007enter some message to send( no blank space ):messagequeuetestmessage to send: messagequeuetest

$ ipcs------ Shared Memory Segments --------key        shmid      owner      perms      bytes      nattch     status      0x62020001 0          501       666        220        0                       ------ Semaphore Arrays --------key        semid      owner      perms      nsems     0x620201f9 0          501      666        2         ------ Message Queues --------key        msqid      owner      perms      used-bytes   messages    0x6102cb07 294912     lfm        666        1024         1 

$ ./msgq_recv---------------------create a message queue msggetcurrent number of bytes on queue is 1024number of messages in queue is 1max number of bytes on queue is 16384pid of last msgsnd is 4352pid of last msgrcv is 0last msgsnd time is Sun Apr  6 15:44:17 2014last msgrcv time is Thu Jan  1 08:00:00 1970last change time is Sun Apr  6 15:44:08 2014msg uid is 1007msg gid is 1007read from msg queue 1024 bytes, received message: messagequeuetest---------------------msgrcvcurrent number of bytes on queue is 0number of messages in queue is 0max number of bytes on queue is 16384pid of last msgsnd is 4352pid of last msgrcv is 4354last msgsnd time is Sun Apr  6 15:44:17 2014last msgrcv time is Sun Apr  6 15:44:42 2014last change time is Sun Apr  6 15:44:08 2014msg uid is 1007msg gid is 1007unlink msg queue success


附录 1


(1) 随进程持续的(process-persistent)IPC对象一直存在到打开着该对象的最后一个进程关闭该对象为止。例如管道和FIFO就是这种对象。

(2) 随内核持续的(kernel-persistent)IPC对象一直存在到内核重新自举或显式删除该对象为止。例如System V的消息队列、信号量和共享内存区就是此类对象。Posix的消息队列、信号量和共享内存区必须至少是随内核持续的,但也可以是随文件系统持续的,具体取决于实现。

(3) 随文件系统持续的(filesystem-persistent)IPC对象一直存在到显式删除该对象为止。即使内核重新自举了,该对象还是保持其值。Posix消息队列、信号量和共享内存区如果是使用映射文件实现的(不是必需条件),那么它们就是随文件系统持续的。mmap由于是映射的文件,随文件系统持续。


附录 2


struct msg_queue {    struct kern_ipc_perm q_perm;    time_t q_stime;         /* last msgsnd time */    time_t q_rtime;         /* last msgrcv time */    time_t q_ctime;         /* last change time */    unsigned long q_cbytes;     /* current number of bytes on queue */    unsigned long q_qnum;       /* number of messages in queue */    unsigned long q_qbytes;     /* max number of bytes on queue */    pid_t q_lspid;          /* pid of last msgsnd */    pid_t q_lrpid;          /* last receive pid */    struct list_head q_messages;    struct list_head q_receivers;    struct list_head q_senders;};


struct msqid_ds {    struct ipc_perm msg_perm;    struct msg *msg_first;      /* first message on queue,unused  */    struct msg *msg_last;       /* last message in queue,unused */    __kernel_time_t msg_stime;  /* last msgsnd time */    __kernel_time_t msg_rtime;  /* last msgrcv time */    __kernel_time_t msg_ctime;  /* last change time */    unsigned long  msg_lcbytes; /* Reuse junk fields for 32 bit */    unsigned long  msg_lqbytes; /* ditto */    unsigned short msg_cbytes;  /* current number of bytes on queue */    unsigned short msg_qnum;    /* number of messages in queue */    unsigned short msg_qbytes;  /* max number of bytes on queue */    __kernel_ipc_pid_t msg_lspid;   /* pid of last msgsnd */    __kernel_ipc_pid_t msg_lrpid;   /* last receive pid */};



  • UNIX网络编程第二卷:进程间通信,作者:W.Richard Stevens,译者:杨继张,清华大学出版社。对POSIX以及系统V消息队列都有阐述,对Linux环境下的程序开发有极大的启发意义。

  • linux内核源代码情景分析(上),毛德操、胡希明著,浙江大学出版社,给出了系统V消息队列相关的源代码分析。


  • msgget、msgsnd、msgrcv、msgctl手册
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