
来源:互联网 发布:iphone一键越狱软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 00:16

Returning Values from Mocked Methods

Unless you explicitly specify otherwise, jMock will return an appropriate value from any methods that do not have a void return type. In most tests you will need to explicitly define the value returned from a mocked invocation.

The Simple Case

You can return values from mocked methods by using the returnValue action within the "will" clause of an expectation.

oneOf (calculator).add(2, 2); will(returnValue(5));

jMock will fail the test if you try to return a value of the wrong type.

Returning Iterators over Collections

The returnIterator action returns an iterator over a collection.

final List<Employee> employees = new ArrayList<Employee>();employees.add(alice);employees.add(bob);context.checking(new Expectations() {{    oneOf (department).employees(); will(returnIterator(employees));}});

A convenient overload of the returnIterator method lets you specify the elements inline:

context.checking(new Expectations() {{    oneOf (department).employees(); will(returnIterator(alice, bob));}});

Note the difference between using returnIterator and using returnValue to return an iterator. Using returnValue will return the same iterator each time: once all the iterator's elements have been consumed, further calls will return the same, exhausted iterator. The returnIterator action returns a new iterator each time it is invoked.

Returning Different Values on Consecutive Calls

There are two ways to return different values on different calls. The first is to define multiple expectations and return a different value from each:

oneOf (anObject).doSomething(); will(returnValue(10));oneOf (anObject).doSomething(); will(returnValue(20));oneOf (anObject).doSomething(); will(returnValue(30));

The first invocation of doSomething will return 10, the second 20 and the third 30.

However, this duplicates the definition of the expected invocation and so increases maintenance effort. A better approach is to use the onConsecutiveCalls action to return a different value (or perform a different action) on different invocations.

atLeast(1).of (anObject).doSomething();   will(onConsecutiveCalls(       returnValue(10),       returnValue(20),       returnValue(30)));

The expectation is expected at least 1 time, rather than 3 times, to make it easier to add more results later if we want to.

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