微软2014实习生及秋令营技术类职位在线测试_题目3 : Reduce inversion count

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝出版物许可证造假 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 04:12


Input consists of multiple cases, one case per line.Each case consists of a sequence of integers separated by comma.


For each case, print exactly one line with the new inversion count or the original inversion count if it cannot be reduced.



//source here

import java.util.Scanner;public class Main {static long total = 0;static int temp[] = new int[100];  //额外的辅助数组   static int count;       public static void main(String[] args) {    long n;       //注意声明为长整型    String arrayStr[];    int arrayInt[] = null;    int array2[][] = new int[100][];    int g = 0;    int i=0,j=0,k=0;    Boolean flag = false;        Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);//不会检测输入越界的问题,但是注意整型上限,最好将变量定义为long长整型        do{        String line = in.nextLine();        if( line==null || "".equals(line.toString())){        flag = true;        }else{            arrayStr = line.toString().split(",");            arrayInt = new int[arrayStr.length];            for(i=0;i<arrayStr.length;i++){            arrayInt[i] = Integer.parseInt(arrayStr[i]);            }            array2[g++] = arrayInt;        }        }while(!flag);                        for(i=0;i<g;i++){        count = 0;            MergeSort(array2[i], 0, array2[i].length-1);            System.out.println(count);        }    }    static void Merge(int []array,int first,int med,int last)  {    int i=first,j=med+1;       int cur=0;       while (i<=med&&j<=last)       {           if (array[i]<array[j])           {               temp[cur++]=array[i++];           }           else           {               temp[cur++]=array[j++];               count+=med-i+1;  //核心代码,逆序数增加           }    }       while (i<=med)       {           temp[cur++]=array[i++];       }       while (j<=last)       {           temp[cur++]=array[j++];       }       for (int m=0;m<cur;m++)    {           array[first++]=temp[m++];       }}static void MergeSort(int []array,int first,int last)   {       if (first==last)       {           return ;       }       int med=first+(last-first)/2;       MergeSort(array,first,med);       MergeSort(array,med+1,last);       Merge(array,first,med,last);  } }



Find a pair in an integer array that swapping them would maximally decrease the inversion count of the array. If such a pair exists, return the new inversion count; otherwise returns the original inversion count.

Definition of Inversion: Let (A[0], A[1] ... A[n], n <= 50) be a sequence of n numbers. If i < j and A[i] > A[j], then the pair (i, j) is called inversion of A.

Count(Inversion({3, 1, 2})) = Count({3, 1}, {3, 2}) = 2
InversionCountOfSwap({3, 1, 2})=>
 InversionCount({1, 3, 2}) = 1 <-- swapping 1 with 3, decreases inversion count by 1
 InversionCount({2, 1, 3}) = 1 <-- swapping 2 with 3, decreases inversion count by 1
 InversionCount({3, 2, 1}) = 3 <-- swapping 1 with 2 , increases inversion count by 1

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