AT&T mnemonic conventions

来源:互联网 发布:山西省大数据产业协会 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 00:23

(1) AT&T mnemonics and register names are invariably(总是,一定地,不变地) lowercase, Intel(nasm) suggest uppercase but will accept lowercase, AT&T requires lowercase;


(2) Register names are always preceded by the percent symbol %;

Intel: AX or EBX

AT&T: %ax or %ebx


(3) Every AT&T machine instruction mnemonic that has operands has a single-character suffix(后缀) indicating how large its operands are;

b ---> byte, 8bits

w--->word, 16bits

l--->long, 32bits


Intel: MOV BX, AX

AT&T: movw %ax, %bx

(4) In the AT&T syntax, source and destination operands are placed in the opposite order from Intel syntax:

Intel: MOV BX, AX

AT&T: movw %ax, %bx


(5) In the AT&T syntax, immediate operands are always preceded by the dollar sign($):

Intel: PUSH 32

AT&T: pushl $32


(6) Not all AT&T instruction mnemonics are generated by gcc:

Equivalents to Intel's JCXZ, JECXZ, LOOP, LOOPZ, LOOPE, LOOPNZ, and LOOPNE have only recently been added to the AT&T mnemonic set, and gcc never generates code that uses them


(7) In the AT&T syntax, displacements in memory reference are signed quantities placed outstide parentheses contaning the base, index, and scale values;

相关日志:AT&T Memory Reference Syntax


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