
来源:互联网 发布:华客数据恢复论坛 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 11:44




1、Sq_list.h :实现顺序表的结构和基本操作。

2、excp.h :实现异常类,关于命名空间的问题,直接将异常类加入到std空间内。

3、sq.cpp :主函数,简单测试,可稍加简单修改,转为交互式程序。

Sq_list.h//construct the sq_list with template #ifndef _sqList_ #define _sqList_#include <iostream>#include "excp.h"using namespace std;template<class T>class sqList {public:    sqList(int maxSizel = 10);    ~sqList(){delete [] data;}    bool isEmpty() const{return length == 0;}    template<class Type>    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const sqList<Type>& x);    int getLength() const{return length;}    bool findElement(int k, T& x) const;//get the kth value in the var x    int searchElement(T& x) const;//return the index of the var x    sqList<T>& deleteElement(int k, T& x);//remove the kth element and return it by x    sqList<T>& insertElement(int k, const T& x);//Insert x    T* getData() const {return data;}private:    T *data;    int length;    int maxSize;};template<class T>sqList<T>::sqList(int maxSizel){    maxSize = maxSizel;    data = new T[maxSize];    length = 0;}template<class T>bool sqList<T>::findElement(int k, T& x) const{    if (k<1 || k>length)        return false;    x = data[k-1];    return true;}template<class T>int sqList<T>::searchElement(T& x) const{    for (int i=0; i<length; i++)        if (data[i] == x)            return i+1;    return 0;}template<class T>sqList<T>& sqList<T>::deleteElement(int k, T& x){    if (findElement(k, x))    {        for (int i=k; i<length; i++)            data[i-1] = data[i];        length--;        return *this;    }    else        throw OutOfBounds();}template<class T>sqList<T>& sqList<T>::insertElement(int k, const T& x){    if (k<1 || k>length+1)        throw OutOfBounds();    if (length >= maxSize)        throw FullMemery();    for (int i=length-1; i>=k-1; i--)        data[i+1] = data[i];    data[k-1] = x;    length++;    return *this;}template<class Type>ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const sqList<Type>& x){    Type* t = x.getData();    for (int i=0; i<x.getLength(); i++)        out<<t[i]<<" ";    out<<endl;    return out;}#endif
excp.h#ifndef _EXCP_#define _EXCP_#include <new>using namespace std;class OutOfBounds {public:    OutOfBounds(){}};class FullMemery {public:    FullMemery(){}};void my_new_handler(){    throw FullMemery();}new_handler old_handler = set_new_handler(my_new_handler);#endif

excp.h#ifndef _EXCP_#define _EXCP_#include <new>using namespace std;class OutOfBounds {public:    OutOfBounds(){}};class FullMemery {public:    FullMemery(){}};void my_new_handler(){    throw FullMemery();}new_handler old_handler = set_new_handler(my_new_handler);#endif






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