BoneCP 的disableConnectionTracking配置

来源:互联网 发布:集线器端口电涌 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 18:26


BoneCP detected an unclosed connection and will now attempt to close it for you. You should be closing this connection in your application
 - enable connectionWatch for additional debugging assistance or set disableConnectionTracking to true to disable this feature entirely. 


Error while extracting database product name - falling back to empty error Error while extracting DatabaseMetaData; nested exception is com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operations allowed after connection closed.        at        at        at        at


然后继续,从百度转战到google。。。最后直接看了源码。。。 发现原来是bonecp在管理链接时,由ConnectionPartition中的trackConnectionFinalizer方法将链接都关闭回收掉了。

/** This method is a replacement for finalize() but avoids all its pitfalls (see Joshua Bloch et. all). *  * Keeps a handle on the connection. If the application called closed, then it means that the handle gets pushed back to the connection * pool and thus we get a strong reference again. If the application forgot to call close() and subsequently lost the strong reference to it, * the handle becomes eligible to garbage connection and thus the the finalizeReferent method kicks in to safely close off the database * handle. Note that we do not return the connectionHandle back to the pool since that is not possible (for otherwise the GC would not  * have kicked in), but we merely safely release the database internal handle and update our counters instead. * @param connectionHandle handle to watch */ 

以上是关于trackConnectionFinalizer方法的注解,大意为(翻译的很拙劣。。我自己都看不懂- -):


设置一个ConnectionHandle在连接上。如果应用调用了closed方法,(then it means that the handle gets pushed back to the connection pool and thus we get a strong reference again)不会翻译这句- -。。 如果应用忘记调用了close方法,而后又失去了对连接的引用,先前设置的ConnectionHandle就能回收连接并安全的关闭它们。




// assume success to avoid racing where we insert an item in a queue and having that item immediately// taken and closed off thus decrementing the created connection count.updateCreatedConnections(1);if (!this.disableTracking){trackConnectionFinalizer(connectionHandle); }

<!-- BoneCPConfig中的 setDisableConnectionTracking --><property name="disableConnectionTracking" value="true" />



最后贴上BoneCPConfig中的 setDisableConnectionTracking的注解:

/** If set to true, the pool will not monitor connections for proper closure. Enable this option if you only ever obtain * your connections via a mechanism that is guaranteed to release the connection back to the pool (eg Spring's jdbcTemplate,  * some kind of transaction manager, etc). *  * @param disableConnectionTracking set to true to disable. Default: false. */public void setDisableConnectionTracking(boolean disableConnectionTracking) {this.disableConnectionTracking = disableConnectionTracking;}
大意为: 如果设置为true,连接池将不会监控连接并进行适当的关闭。如果你只是通过一种机制获取你的连接,并且保证将连接释放到池中,就启用这个选项。(比如 Spring's jdbcTemplate,some kind of transaction manager 等)。

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