
来源:互联网 发布:kyocera驱动下载 mac 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/25 05:35

大家都知道三原色RGB,即由红绿蓝三色可以组成任意颜色,显示器和投影仪等显示设备即使用了这一原理。此即所谓的正色(additive color)系统,直接发射一些颜色的光来形成影像。

与此相对的负色(subtractive color)系统,是通过吸收掉白光中某些颜色的光线来形成颜色,彩色打印即使用了这一原理。自然光一般是白色光,即包含各种颜色,打印在纸上的墨点可以吸收特定颜色的光,从而反射出来的颜色是它的补色。这种颜色系统所使用的原色是蓝绿(青)色、红紫(洋红)色、黄色和黑色(Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, blacK),即CMYK。


Computer monitors emit color as RGB (red, green, blue) light. Although all colors of the visible spectrum can be produced by merging red, green and blue light, monitors are capable of displaying only a limited gamut (i.e., range) of the visible spectrum.
Whereas monitors emit light, inked paper absorbs or reflects specific wavelengths. Cyan, magenta and yellow pigments serve as filters, subtracting varying degrees of red, green and blue from white light to produce a selective gamut of spectral colors. Like monitors, printing inks also produce a color gamut that is only a subset of the visible spectrum, although the range is not the same for both. Consequently, the same art displayed on a computer monitor may not match to that printed in a publication. Also, because printing processes such as offset lithography use CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) inks, digital art must be converted to CMYK color for print. Many printers now prefer digital art files be supplied in the RGB color space with ICC profiles attached. Images can then be converted to the CMYK color space by the printer using color management methods that honor profiles if present; this helps preserve the best possible detail and vibrancy.



Color Space Fundamentals


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