
来源:互联网 发布:百度搜索算法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 23:15
package ann;public class Node implements java.io.Serializable,Cloneable {           public double activation;           public double threshold;           public double weights[];           public double detweightslast[];           public double detthresholdlast;           public double error;           public int numOfweights;           public double amultinum;                    public ArrayList arWeight=new ArrayList();                    public Node() {             activation = 0;             error = 0;             threshold = 0;             amultinum = 1;           }                    public Node(int numOfweights0) {             amultinum = 1;             numOfweights = numOfweights0;             weights = new double[numOfweights];             detweightslast = new double[numOfweights];             detthresholdlast = 0;             error = 0;             int i;             for (i = 0; i < numOfweights; i++) {               weights[i] = (2 * Math.random() - 1) * amultinum;               detweightslast[i] = 0;             }             threshold = (2 * Math.random() - 1) * amultinum;           }                    public Node(double act, double thr, int numOfweights0) {             amultinum = 1;             numOfweights = numOfweights0;             activation = act;             threshold = thr;             weights = new double[numOfweights];             detweightslast = new double[numOfweights];           }                    public void setWeight(ArrayList weight){               weights = new double[weight.size()];               for(int i=0;i<weight.size();i++){                   weights[i] = ((Double)weight.get(i)).doubleValue();               }           }                           }</span>

package ann;                  import ann.*;                  public class Nnetwork implements java.io.Serializable,Cloneable{           public int n_input;           public int n_output;           public int n_layer;           public Layer hidelayer[];           public Layer input, output;           boolean iftrain[];           public double LH=-10;            public double LO=-10;                     public double desiredOutputs[];            public double a=0.2;           public int connecttype;           public double total_error, total_error_one_circle_all;           public double error_compared_to_tolerance;           double total_error_one_circle[];           public int trainnum;                    public Nnetwork() {           }                    public Nnetwork(int inp, int hide[], int outp, int hidenum, int connecttype0) {             connecttype = connecttype0;             int i, j;             n_input = inp;             n_output = outp;             total_error_one_circle = new double[outp];             desiredOutputs = new double[outp];             output = new Layer(n_output);             for (i = 0; i < n_output; i++) {               output.nodes[i] = new Node(0);             }             n_layer = hidenum;             hidelayer = new Layer[n_layer];             for (i = n_layer - 1; i >= 0; i--) {               hidelayer[i] = new Layer(hide[i]);               for (j = 0; j < hidelayer[i].N_NODES; j++) {                 if (i == n_layer - 1) {                   hidelayer[i].nodes[j] = new Node(outp);                 }                 else {                   hidelayer[i].nodes[j] = new Node(hidelayer[i + 1].N_NODES);                 }               }             }             input = new Layer(n_input);             for (i = 0; i < n_input; i++) {               input.nodes[i] = new Node(hidelayer[0].N_NODES);             }           }                    void FirstTimeSettings() {             for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; i++) {               int j;               for (j = 0; j < hidelayer[i].N_NODES; j++) {                 hidelayer[i].nodes[j].threshold = (2 * Math.random() - 1) *                     hidelayer[i].nodes[j].amultinum;               }             }             for (int i = 0; i < n_output; i++) {               output.nodes[i].threshold = (2 * Math.random() - 1) *                   output.nodes[i].amultinum;             }           }                    void BeforeTraining(double inp[], double outp[]) {             int i;             for (i = 0; i < n_input; i++) {               input.nodes[i].activation = inp[i];             }             for (i = 0; i < n_output; i++) {               desiredOutputs[i] = outp[i];             }           }                    public void Calc_Activation(double result[]) {             int i, j, ci;             for (i = 0; i < n_layer; i++) {               if (i == 0) {                 for (j = 0; j < hidelayer[i].N_NODES; j++) {                   hidelayer[i].nodes[j].activation = 0;                   for (ci = 0; ci < n_input; ci++) {                     hidelayer[i].nodes[j].activation += input.nodes[ci].activation *input.nodes[ci].weights[j];                   }                   hidelayer[i].nodes[j].activation += hidelayer[i].nodes[j].threshold;                   hidelayer[i].nodes[j].activation = activefun(hidelayer[i].nodes[j].activation);                 }               }               else {                 for (j = 0; j < hidelayer[i].N_NODES; j++) {                   hidelayer[i].nodes[j].activation = 0;                   for (ci = 0; ci < hidelayer[i - 1].N_NODES; ci++) {                     hidelayer[i].nodes[j].activation += hidelayer[i -1].nodes[ci].activation * hidelayer[i - 1].nodes[ci].weights[j];                   }                   hidelayer[i].nodes[j].activation += hidelayer[i].nodes[j].threshold;                   hidelayer[i].nodes[j].activation = activefun(hidelayer[i].nodes[j].activation);                 }               }             }             for (j = 0; j < output.N_NODES; j++) {               output.nodes[j].activation = 0;               for (ci = 0; ci < hidelayer[n_layer - 1].N_NODES; ci++) {                 output.nodes[j].activation += hidelayer[n_layer -1].nodes[ci].activation * hidelayer[n_layer -1].nodes[ci].weights[j];               }               output.nodes[j].activation += output.nodes[j].threshold;               output.nodes[j].activation = activefun(output.nodes[j].activation);             }             for (i = 0; i < n_output; i++) {               result[i] = output.nodes[i].activation;             }           }                    void Calc_error_output() {             for (int x = 0; x < n_output; x++)             //output.nodes[x].error = <pre code_snippet_id="304253" snippet_file_name="blog_20140421_2_1796114" name="code" class="java">        //output.nodes[x].activation * (1 - output.nodes[x].activation ) * (desiredOutputs[x] - output.nodes[x].activation );<pre code_snippet_id="304253" snippet_file_name="blog_20140421_2_1796114" name="code" class="java">        {               output.nodes[x].error += (output.nodes[x].activation - desiredOutputs[x]);               output.nodes[x].error *= difactivefun(output.nodes[x].activation);             }           }                    void Calc_error_hidden() {             int j, i;             for (j = 0; j < hidelayer[n_layer - 1].N_NODES; j++) {               for (int x = 0; x < n_output; x++) {                 hidelayer[n_layer - 1].nodes[j].error += hidelayer[n_layer -                     1].nodes[j].weights[x] * output.nodes[x].error;               }               hidelayer[n_layer -                   1].nodes[j].error *=                   difactivefun(hidelayer[n_layer - 1].nodes[j].activation);             }                      for (i = n_layer - 2; i >= 0; i--) {               for (j = 0; j < hidelayer[i].N_NODES; j++) {                 for (int x = 0; x < hidelayer[i + 1].N_NODES; x++) {                   hidelayer[i].nodes[j].error += hidelayer[i].nodes[j].weights[x] *                       hidelayer[i + 1].nodes[x].error;                 }                 hidelayer[i].nodes[j].error *=                     difactivefun(hidelayer[i].nodes[j].activation);               }             }                    }                    void Calc_new_Thresholds() {             int i;             // computing the thresholds for next itration for hidden layer             for (i = 0; i < n_layer; i++) {               for (int x = 0; x < hidelayer[i].N_NODES; x++) {                 double det = a * hidelayer[i].nodes[x].detthresholdlast +                     hidelayer[i].nodes[x].error * LH;                 hidelayer[i].nodes[x].detthresholdlast = det;                 hidelayer[i].nodes[x].threshold += det;               }             }             for (int y = 0; y < output.N_NODES; y++) {               double det = a * output.nodes[y].detthresholdlast +                   output.nodes[y].error * LO;               output.nodes[y].detthresholdlast = det;               output.nodes[y].threshold += det;             }                    }                    void Calc_new_weights_in_hidden() {                      int i, j;             double temp = 0.0f;             for (j = 0; j < hidelayer[n_layer - 1].N_NODES; j++) {               temp = hidelayer[n_layer - 1].nodes[j].activation * LO;               for (int y = 0; y < n_output; y++) {                 double det = a * hidelayer[n_layer - 1].nodes[j].detweightslast[y] +                     temp * output.nodes[y].error;                 hidelayer[n_layer - 1].nodes[j].detweightslast[y] = det;                 hidelayer[n_layer - 1].nodes[j].weights[y] += det;               }                      }                      for (i = 0; i < n_layer - 1; i++) {               for (j = 0; j < hidelayer[i].N_NODES; j++) {                 temp = hidelayer[i].nodes[j].activation * LH;                 for (int y = 0; y < hidelayer[i + 1].N_NODES; y++) {                   double det = a * hidelayer[i].nodes[j].detweightslast[y] +                       temp * hidelayer[i + 1].nodes[y].error;                   hidelayer[i].nodes[j].detweightslast[y] = det;                   hidelayer[i].nodes[j].weights[y] += det;                 }                        }             }                    }                    void Calc_new_weights_in_input() {             int j;             double temp = 0.0f;             for (j = 0; j < input.N_NODES; j++) {               temp = input.nodes[j].activation * LH;               for (int y = 0; y < hidelayer[0].N_NODES; y++) {                 double det = a * input.nodes[j].detweightslast[y] +                     temp * hidelayer[0].nodes[y].error;                 input.nodes[j].detweightslast[y] = det;                 input.nodes[j].weights[y] += det;               }             }           }                    double Calc_total_error_in_pattern() {             double temp = 0.0;             for (int x = 0; x < n_output; x++) {         [x].activation - desiredOutputs[x]);                continue;                       temp += Math.pow((output.nodes[x].activation - desiredOutputs[x]), 2);               total_error_one_circle[x] += Math.pow((output.nodes[x].activation - desiredOutputs[x]), 2);             }             total_error = temp;              total_error_one_circle_all += total_error;              return temp;           }                    void reset_error() {             for (int i = 0; i < n_input; i++) {               input.nodes[i].error = 0;             }             for (int i = 0; i < n_output; i++) {               output.nodes[i].error = 0;             }             for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; i++) {               for (int j = 0; j < hidelayer[i].N_NODES; j++) {                 hidelayer[i].nodes[j].error = 0;               }             }           }                    void reset_total_error() {             total_error_one_circle_all = 0;             for (int x = 0; x < n_output; x++) {               total_error_one_circle[x] = 0;             }           }                    void Training_for_one_pattern(double result[]) {             Calc_Activation(result);             Calc_error_output();             Calc_error_hidden();             Calc_new_Thresholds();             Calc_new_weights_in_hidden();             Calc_new_weights_in_input();           }                    public void Training(double inputs[][], double outputs[][], int num, boolean ifresort) {                      clearlastdetweight();             iftrain = new boolean[num];             setiftrain(inputs, outputs, num, iftrain);             int neworder[] = new int[num];             sortrandom(neworder, num, ifresort);             reset_total_error();             for (int k = 0; k < num; k++) {               int i = neworder[k];               if (iftrain[i]) {         //        System.out.println("k="+k+",i="+i+",iftrain[i]="+iftrain[i]);                 reset_error();                 BeforeTraining(inputs[i], outputs[i]);                 double tmp[] = new double[output.N_NODES];                 Calc_Activation(tmp);                 Calc_error_output();                 Calc_total_error_in_pattern();         //        System.out.println(k+"  "+tmp[0]+"  "+outputs[i][0]+"  "+output.nodes[0].activation +"  "+ desiredOutputs[0]+"  "+total_error_one_circle_all);                 Calc_error_hidden();                 Calc_new_Thresholds();                 Calc_new_weights_in_hidden();                 Calc_new_weights_in_input();               }             }           }                    void TrainingAll(double inputs[][], double outputs[][], int num,boolean ifresort) {             clearlastdetweight();             iftrain = new boolean[num];             setiftrain(inputs, outputs, num, iftrain);             int neworder[] = new int[num];             sortrandom(neworder, num, ifresort);             reset_total_error();             reset_error();             for (int k = 0; k < num; k++) {               int i = neworder[k];               if (iftrain[i]) {                 BeforeTraining(inputs[i], outputs[i]);                 double tmp[] = new double[output.N_NODES];                 Calc_Activation(tmp);                 Calc_error_output();                 Calc_total_error_in_pattern();               }             }             Calc_error_hidden();             Calc_new_Thresholds();             Calc_new_weights_in_hidden();             Calc_new_weights_in_input();           }                    void clearlastdetweight() {             for (int i = 0; i < n_input; i++) {               input.nodes[i].detthresholdlast = 0;               for (int j = 0; j < input.nodes[i].numOfweights; j++) {                 input.nodes[i].detweightslast[j] = 0;               }             }             for (int i = 0; i < n_output; i++) {               output.nodes[i].detthresholdlast = 0;               for (int j = 0; j < output.nodes[i].numOfweights; j++) {                 output.nodes[i].detweightslast[j] = 0;               }             }             for (int k = 0; k < n_layer; k++) {               for (int i = 0; i < hidelayer[k].N_NODES; i++) {                 hidelayer[k].nodes[i].detthresholdlast = 0;                 for (int j = 0; j < hidelayer[k].nodes[i].numOfweights; j++) {                   hidelayer[k].nodes[i].detweightslast[j] = 0;                 }               }             }           }                    void sortrandom(int neworder[], int num, boolean ifresort) {             for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {               neworder[i] = i;             }             if (ifresort) {               for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {                 int pos = (int) (Math.random() * (num - i)) + i;                 int tmp = neworder[pos];                 neworder[pos] = neworder[i];                 neworder[i] = tmp;               }             }           }                    int setiftrain(double inputs[][], double outputs[][], int num,boolean iftrain[]) {             for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {               iftrain[i] = true;               if (outputs[i][0] <= 0) {                 iftrain[i] = false;               }             }             for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {               for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) {                 if (i != j) {                   boolean ifsame = true;                   for (int k = 0; k < n_input; k++) {                     if (inputs[i][k] != inputs[j][k]) {                       ifsame = false;                       break;                     }                   }                   if (ifsame) {                     iftrain[i] = false;                   }                 }                 if (iftrain[i] == false) {                   break;                 }               }             }             trainnum = 0;             for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {               if (iftrain[i]) {                 trainnum++;               }             }             return trainnum;           }                    double sigmoid(double x) {             return 1 / (1 + Math.exp( -x));           }                    double difsigmoid(double x) {             return x - x * x;                    }                    double tanh(double x) {                      return (1 - Math.exp( -x)) / (1 + Math.exp( -x));           }                    double diftanh(double x) {             return (1 - x * x) / 2;                    }                    double activefun(double x) {                      if (connecttype == 0) {               return sigmoid(x);             }             else if (connecttype == 1) {               return tanh(x);             }             else {               return 0;             }                    }                    double difactivefun(double x) {             if (connecttype == 0) {               return difsigmoid(x);             }             else if (connecttype == 1) {               return diftanh(x);             }             else {               return 0;             }                    }                  }

package ann;                           public class Layer implements java.io.Serializable,Cloneable{           public int N_NODES;           public Node nodes[];           public Layer() {           }           public Layer(int n)            {                 N_NODES=n;                 nodes=new Node[N_NODES];             }                           }

        {               output.nodes[x].error += (output.nodes[x].activation - desiredOutputs[x]);               output.nodes[x].error *= difactivefun(output.nodes[x].activation);             }           }                    void Calc_error_hidden() {             int j, i;             for (j = 0; j < hidelayer[n_layer - 1].N_NODES; j++) {               for (int x = 0; x < n_output; x++) {                 hidelayer[n_layer - 1].nodes[j].error += hidelayer[n_layer -                     1].nodes[j].weights[x] * output.nodes[x].error;               }               hidelayer[n_layer -                   1].nodes[j].error *=                   difactivefun(hidelayer[n_layer - 1].nodes[j].activation);             }                      for (i = n_layer - 2; i >= 0; i--) {               for (j = 0; j < hidelayer[i].N_NODES; j++) {                 for (int x = 0; x < hidelayer[i + 1].N_NODES; x++) {                   hidelayer[i].nodes[j].error += hidelayer[i].nodes[j].weights[x] *                       hidelayer[i + 1].nodes[x].error;                 }                 hidelayer[i].nodes[j].error *=                     difactivefun(hidelayer[i].nodes[j].activation);               }             }                    }                    void Calc_new_Thresholds() {             int i;             // computing the thresholds for next itration for hidden layer             for (i = 0; i < n_layer; i++) {               for (int x = 0; x < hidelayer[i].N_NODES; x++) {                 double det = a * hidelayer[i].nodes[x].detthresholdlast +                     hidelayer[i].nodes[x].error * LH;                 hidelayer[i].nodes[x].detthresholdlast = det;                 hidelayer[i].nodes[x].threshold += det;               }             }             for (int y = 0; y < output.N_NODES; y++) {               double det = a * output.nodes[y].detthresholdlast +                   output.nodes[y].error * LO;               output.nodes[y].detthresholdlast = det;               output.nodes[y].threshold += det;             }                    }                    void Calc_new_weights_in_hidden() {                      int i, j;             double temp = 0.0f;             for (j = 0; j < hidelayer[n_layer - 1].N_NODES; j++) {               temp = hidelayer[n_layer - 1].nodes[j].activation * LO;               for (int y = 0; y < n_output; y++) {                 double det = a * hidelayer[n_layer - 1].nodes[j].detweightslast[y] +                     temp * output.nodes[y].error;                 hidelayer[n_layer - 1].nodes[j].detweightslast[y] = det;                 hidelayer[n_layer - 1].nodes[j].weights[y] += det;               }                      }                      for (i = 0; i < n_layer - 1; i++) {               for (j = 0; j < hidelayer[i].N_NODES; j++) {                 temp = hidelayer[i].nodes[j].activation * LH;                 for (int y = 0; y < hidelayer[i + 1].N_NODES; y++) {                   double det = a * hidelayer[i].nodes[j].detweightslast[y] +                       temp * hidelayer[i + 1].nodes[y].error;                   hidelayer[i].nodes[j].detweightslast[y] = det;                   hidelayer[i].nodes[j].weights[y] += det;                 }                        }             }                    }                    void Calc_new_weights_in_input() {             int j;             double temp = 0.0f;             for (j = 0; j < input.N_NODES; j++) {               temp = input.nodes[j].activation * LH;               for (int y = 0; y < hidelayer[0].N_NODES; y++) {                 double det = a * input.nodes[j].detweightslast[y] +                     temp * hidelayer[0].nodes[y].error;                 input.nodes[j].detweightslast[y] = det;                 input.nodes[j].weights[y] += det;               }             }           }                    double Calc_total_error_in_pattern() {             double temp = 0.0;             for (int x = 0; x < n_output; x++) {         [x].activation - desiredOutputs[x]);                continue;                       temp += Math.pow((output.nodes[x].activation - desiredOutputs[x]), 2);               total_error_one_circle[x] += Math.pow((output.nodes[x].activation - desiredOutputs[x]), 2);             }             total_error = temp;              total_error_one_circle_all += total_error;              return temp;           }                    void reset_error() {             for (int i = 0; i < n_input; i++) {               input.nodes[i].error = 0;             }             for (int i = 0; i < n_output; i++) {               output.nodes[i].error = 0;             }             for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; i++) {               for (int j = 0; j < hidelayer[i].N_NODES; j++) {                 hidelayer[i].nodes[j].error = 0;               }             }           }                    void reset_total_error() {             total_error_one_circle_all = 0;             for (int x = 0; x < n_output; x++) {               total_error_one_circle[x] = 0;             }           }                    void Training_for_one_pattern(double result[]) {             Calc_Activation(result);             Calc_error_output();             Calc_error_hidden();             Calc_new_Thresholds();             Calc_new_weights_in_hidden();             Calc_new_weights_in_input();           }                    public void Training(double inputs[][], double outputs[][], int num, boolean ifresort) {                      clearlastdetweight();             iftrain = new boolean[num];             setiftrain(inputs, outputs, num, iftrain);             int neworder[] = new int[num];             sortrandom(neworder, num, ifresort);             reset_total_error();             for (int k = 0; k < num; k++) {               int i = neworder[k];               if (iftrain[i]) {         //        System.out.println("k="+k+",i="+i+",iftrain[i]="+iftrain[i]);                 reset_error();                 BeforeTraining(inputs[i], outputs[i]);                 double tmp[] = new double[output.N_NODES];                 Calc_Activation(tmp);                 Calc_error_output();                 Calc_total_error_in_pattern();         //        System.out.println(k+"  "+tmp[0]+"  "+outputs[i][0]+"  "+output.nodes[0].activation +"  "+ desiredOutputs[0]+"  "+total_error_one_circle_all);                 Calc_error_hidden();                 Calc_new_Thresholds();                 Calc_new_weights_in_hidden();                 Calc_new_weights_in_input();               }             }           }                    void TrainingAll(double inputs[][], double outputs[][], int num,boolean ifresort) {             clearlastdetweight();             iftrain = new boolean[num];             setiftrain(inputs, outputs, num, iftrain);             int neworder[] = new int[num];             sortrandom(neworder, num, ifresort);             reset_total_error();             reset_error();             for (int k = 0; k < num; k++) {               int i = neworder[k];               if (iftrain[i]) {                 BeforeTraining(inputs[i], outputs[i]);                 double tmp[] = new double[output.N_NODES];                 Calc_Activation(tmp);                 Calc_error_output();                 Calc_total_error_in_pattern();               }             }             Calc_error_hidden();             Calc_new_Thresholds();             Calc_new_weights_in_hidden();             Calc_new_weights_in_input();           }                    void clearlastdetweight() {             for (int i = 0; i < n_input; i++) {               input.nodes[i].detthresholdlast = 0;               for (int j = 0; j < input.nodes[i].numOfweights; j++) {                 input.nodes[i].detweightslast[j] = 0;               }             }             for (int i = 0; i < n_output; i++) {               output.nodes[i].detthresholdlast = 0;               for (int j = 0; j < output.nodes[i].numOfweights; j++) {                 output.nodes[i].detweightslast[j] = 0;               }             }             for (int k = 0; k < n_layer; k++) {               for (int i = 0; i < hidelayer[k].N_NODES; i++) {                 hidelayer[k].nodes[i].detthresholdlast = 0;                 for (int j = 0; j < hidelayer[k].nodes[i].numOfweights; j++) {                   hidelayer[k].nodes[i].detweightslast[j] = 0;                 }               }             }           }                    void sortrandom(int neworder[], int num, boolean ifresort) {             for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {               neworder[i] = i;             }             if (ifresort) {               for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {                 int pos = (int) (Math.random() * (num - i)) + i;                 int tmp = neworder[pos];                 neworder[pos] = neworder[i];                 neworder[i] = tmp;               }             }           }                    int setiftrain(double inputs[][], double outputs[][], int num,boolean iftrain[]) {             for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {               iftrain[i] = true;               if (outputs[i][0] <= 0) {                 iftrain[i] = false;               }             }             for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {               for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) {                 if (i != j) {                   boolean ifsame = true;                   for (int k = 0; k < n_input; k++) {                     if (inputs[i][k] != inputs[j][k]) {                       ifsame = false;                       break;                     }                   }                   if (ifsame) {                     iftrain[i] = false;                   }                 }                 if (iftrain[i] == false) {                   break;                 }               }             }             trainnum = 0;             for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {               if (iftrain[i]) {                 trainnum++;               }             }             return trainnum;           }                    double sigmoid(double x) {             return 1 / (1 + Math.exp( -x));           }                    double difsigmoid(double x) {             return x - x * x;                    }                    double tanh(double x) {                      return (1 - Math.exp( -x)) / (1 + Math.exp( -x));           }                    double diftanh(double x) {             return (1 - x * x) / 2;                    }                    double activefun(double x) {                      if (connecttype == 0) {               return sigmoid(x);             }             else if (connecttype == 1) {               return tanh(x);             }             else {               return 0;             }                    }                    double difactivefun(double x) {             if (connecttype == 0) {               return difsigmoid(x);             }             else if (connecttype == 1) {               return diftanh(x);             }             else {               return 0;             }                    }                  }
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