
来源:互联网 发布:开淘宝怎么上传照片 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 05:13






t = 0T = 10spieces = [[1, 2],\         [2, 3],\         [3, 4],\         [4, 5],\         [5, 6]]def target(params):    return params[0] * params[0] + params[1] * params[1]def fitness(params):    return 10 - target(params)def live(spieces):    import random    probs = roulette(spieces)    lefts = []    idx = 0    for p in probs:        r = random.random()        if ( r < p ):            lefts.append(spieces[idx])              return leftsdef roulette(spieces):    idx = 0    total = 0    prob = []    for params in spieces:        p = fitness( params )        total = total + p        prob.append(p)        idx = idx + 1    idx = 0    for p in prob:        prob[idx] = p/total        idx = idx + 1            return probdef mutate(spieces, count):    import copy    import random    s = copy.deepcopy(spieces)    i = 0    muts = []    while (i < count):        idx = int(random.random() * len(s))                m = s[idx]        cha = int(random.random() * len(m))        ratio = random.random() * 2        m[cha] = m[cha] * ratio        muts.append(m)                del s[idx]        i = i + 1            return mutsdef crossover(spieces, count):    import copy    import random    s = copy.deepcopy(spieces)    i = 0    crs = []    while (i < count):        idx = int(random.random() * len(s))        a = s[idx]        del s[idx]        idx = int(random.random() * len(s))        b = s[idx]        del s[idx]        h = int(random.random() * len(a))        crs.append(a[:h] + b[h:])        crs.append(b[:h] + a[h:])                i = i + 2    return crs"""main"""i = 0end = Falsewhile (i < 10 and (not end)):    l = live(spieces)    nc = len(spieces) - len(l)    cc = int(nc/2)    mc = nc - cc    m = mutate(spieces, mc)    c = crossover(spieces, cc)    spieces = l + m + c    print('--------%d--------'%(i))    for s in spieces:        print(s)            for s in spieces:        if(fitness(s) > 9):            print('best: %r'%(s))            end = True                i = i + 1


t = 0T = 10spieces = [[1, 2, {'idx':0 ,'old': 1, 'fit': 0}],\         [2, 3, {'idx':0 ,'old': 2, 'fit': 0}],\         [3, 4, {'idx':0 ,'old': 3, 'fit': 0}],\         [4, 5, {'idx':0 ,'old': 4, 'fit': 0}],\         [5, 6, {'idx':0 ,'old': 5, 'fit': 0}]]fitnesses = [0 for i in spieces]def target(params):    return params[0] * params[0] + params[1] * params[1]def fitness(params):    return 10 - target(params)def live(spieces, fitnesses):    import random    probs = roulette(spieces, fitnesses)    lefts = []    idx = 0    for p in probs:        r = random.random()        if ( r < p ):            lefts.append(spieces[idx])              return leftsdef roulette(spieces, fitnesses):    idx = 0    total = 0    prob = []    del fitnesses[:]    for params in spieces:        p = fitness( params )        fitnesses.append(p)        total = total + p        prob.append(p)        idx = idx + 1    idx = 0    for p in prob:        prob[idx] = p/total        idx = idx + 1            return probdef mutate(spieces, count):    import copy    import random    s = copy.deepcopy(spieces)    i = 0    muts = []    while (i < count):        idx = int(random.random() * len(s))                m = s[idx]        cha = int(random.random() * len(m))        ratio = random.random() * 2        m[cha] = m[cha] * ratio        muts.append(m)                del s[idx]        i = i + 1            return mutsdef mutateWithMemory(spieces, count, fitnesses):    import copy    import random    s = copy.deepcopy(spieces)    i = 0    muts = []    while (i < count):        idx = int(random.random() * len(s))        m = s[idx]        cha = int(random.random() * (len(m) - 1))        fitness = fitnesses[idx]        threshold = 0.5        if (m[-1]['idx'] == cha):            memory = m[-1]            sign = 1            if (fitness > memory['fit'] and m[cha] < m[-1]['old']):                #last change is decrease and works well                sign = -1            elif (fitness < memory['fit'] and m[cha] > m[-1]['old']):                #last change is increase and works badly                sign = -1            threshold = 0.2 * sign + threshold        m[-1]['idx'] = cha        m[-1]['old'] = m[cha]        m[-1]['fit'] = fitness                direction = 1 if random.random() > threshold else -1        change = random.random() * m[cha]        m[cha] = m[cha] + direction * change        muts.append(m)                del s[idx]        i = i + 1            return mutsdef crossover(spieces, count):    import copy    import random    s = copy.deepcopy(spieces)    i = 0    crs = []    while (i < count):        idx = int(random.random() * len(s))        a = s[idx]        del s[idx]        idx = int(random.random() * len(s))        b = s[idx]        del s[idx]        h = int(random.random() * len(a))        crs.append(a[:h] + b[h:])        crs.append(b[:h] + a[h:])                i = i + 2    return crs"""main"""i = 0end = Falsewhile (i < 10 and (not end)):    l = live(spieces, fitnesses)    nc = len(spieces) - len(l)    cc = int(nc/2)    mc = nc - cc    m = mutateWithMemory(spieces, mc, fitnesses)    c = crossover(spieces, cc)    spieces = l + m + c    print('--------%d--------'%(i))    for s in spieces:        print(s)            for s in spieces:        if(fitness(s) > 9):            print('best: %r'%(s))            end = True                i = i + 1

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