VS2012的插件,可以编辑lua,高亮,自动完成等。BabeLua is a free lua editor/debuger (vs extension)

来源:互联网 发布:太湖水利设计院知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 07:27


abeLua is a free lua editor/debuger (vs extension)

Advance features:


code highlight and auto completion;
syntax error check;
lightweight project management;
preview file outline and jump;
list token references quickly;
object-oriented model support;


deeply integrate into visual studio. run debugger/set breakpoint/watch variable/call stack and so on, just like use native debugger.


Visual Studio 2012 Standard Edition or higher.


V1.5.1 - 2014.4.15

Stability improvement:
fix a bug that may cause vs crash when user choose an invalid folder as lua script folder;
fix a bug that may cause a problem when switch files quickly at Folder Explorer Window;
fix a bug that may cause vs unresponsive when debugging and step over a breakpoint ;
change the editor default lua table and function view colors form (0,0,0) to (200,100,0).you can change them at ‘Setting.xml’later;

V1.5.0 - 2014.4.11

New feature:
integrate debug tools into babelua , now you can debug lua code in vs just like c++ or c#;
Stability improvement:

V1.0.7 - 2014.4.10

Stability improvement:
fix a bug that may cause an exception when edit words in editor;

V1.0.6 - 2014.4.8

Performance improvement:
optimize auto completion mechanism ;
add a setting item so that you can change lua executable file working path;
update some tool windows so that they can show better at vs 2013;
Stability improvement:
fix a bug when typein some words in editor the cursor may not been controled up/down by keyboard;
fix a bug that may throw an exception when a file is opened by other application;
fix a bug when typein chinese character behind comment may cause an exception;

V1.0.5 - 2014.3.21

Stability improvement:
fix a bug that may cause vs crash when click an item at search result view;
fix a bug that may cause vs crash when trigger quick search at editor window;
fix a calculate error in editor outline;

V1.0.4 - 2014.3.17

New feature:
support user define object definition and constructor keyword;

V1.0.3 - 2014.3.14

New feature:
support user define table and function color ;
add user keywords groups to at most 15;

V1.0.2 - 2014.3.13

Performance improvement:

V1.0.1 - 2014.3.11

Stability improvement:
fix a bug that may cause vs crash when mark a line at editor window;
fix a bug when delete a file outside vs ,folder window may not update sync;

preview images:








Getting Started :

1,Open SettingWindow from menu - LUA - Views - Settings;
2,Change Tab to [Lua Folder];
3,Choose your working path and other info from [New folder setting],then click [save];
4,Choose the setting you added at step 3, click Select;
5,Now you can see the files from [Folder Explorer] window.


Lua5.1 for windows ; Cocos2d-x ; Babe2D(Boyaa);
Lua5.2, LuaJIT, Love2d, Moai, Gideros, Marmalade Quick, Corona, GSL-shell;

Not implement:

attach to running process; 
remote debugging, such as connect to a mobile device


Author : RugbbyLi , LilongLg
Github: https://github.com/BabeStudio/BabeLua
CodePlex: https://babelua.codeplex.com

Special thanks :

Python Project;

Last edited Today at 10:17 AM by babestudio, version 10

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