来源:互联网 发布:linux telnet root登录 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 00:27

The Texas Instruments VLIB is an optimizedImage/Video Processing Functions Library for C programmers using c674x devices.It includes many C-callable, assembly-optimized, general-purpose image/videoprocessing routines.

运行这些实例的速度要比用ANSI C编写的同样代码效率高,性能可提高10倍,可以大大减少开发时间。


  • 背景建模&相减

  • 物体特征提取

  • 跟踪与检测

  • 低级像素处理(low-levelpixel processing


  • vlib.lib : Main optimized vlib library
  • vlib_cn.lib : C Natural Implementation of vlib library
  • common.lib : Common functions required for testing kernels.













  1. Exponentially-Weighted Running Mean of a Video
  2. Exponentially-Weighted Running Variance of a Video
  3. Uniformly-Weighted Running Mean of a Video
  4. Uniformly-Weighted Running Variance of a Video
  5. Statistical Background Subtraction
  6. Mixture of Gaussians Background Modeling for Grayscale Video
  7. Image Extraction From Background Models (8-Bit)
  8. Packing and Unpacking of Binary Mask Images
  9. Morphological Dilation
  10. Morphological Erosion
  11. Connected Components Labeling
  12. Canny Edge Detection
  13. Image Pyramid
  14. Gaussian 5x5 Pyramid Kernel
  15. Gradient 5x5 Pyramid Kernel
  16. Recursive IIR Filter: Horizontal, First-Order
  17. Recursive IIR Filter: Vertical, First-Order
  18. Integral Image
  19. Hough Transform for Lines
  20. Harris Corner Score
  21. Non-Maximal Suppression (mask output)
  22. Non-Maximal Suppression (list output)
  23. Lucas-Kanade Feature Tracking (Sparse Optical Flow)
  24. Normal Flow
  25. Kalman Filter
  26. Nelder-Mead Simplex
  27. Legendre Moments
  28. Histogram
  29. Bhattacharya Distance
  30. L1 Distance
  31. Color Space Conversions
  32. SAD Based Disparity
  33. Image Rescaling
  34. Histogram Equalization
  35. Hog Cell
  36. Good Features to Track
  37. L2_normalization
  38. Gradients, Magnitude, and Orientation
  39. Hysteresis Thresholding
  40. Grayscale Morphology

参考:VLIB User's Manual (c674x)

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