
来源:互联网 发布:迷你网页聊天室源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 03:54



package com.saicfc.saicifx3.util;import java.io.File;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.OutputStream;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;import java.util.regex.Pattern;import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;import jxl.Cell;import jxl.CellType;import jxl.CellView;import jxl.Range;import jxl.Workbook;import jxl.biff.DisplayFormat;import jxl.format.Alignment;import jxl.format.BoldStyle;import jxl.format.Border;import jxl.format.BorderLineStyle;import jxl.format.UnderlineStyle;import jxl.format.VerticalAlignment;import jxl.write.Label;import jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures;import jxl.write.WritableCellFormat;import jxl.write.WritableFont;import jxl.write.WritableSheet;import jxl.write.WritableWorkbook;import jxl.write.WriteException;import jxl.write.biff.RowsExceededException;import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;/** * 下载EXCEL文件 *  * @author ShenHuaJie * @since 2011-11-08 */@SuppressWarnings("deprecation")public class DownLoadExlUtil {    private static final Log   log        = LogFactory.getLog(DownLoadExlUtil.class);    private Integer            icol       = 0;                                       // 记录列    private Integer            irow       = -1;                                      // 记录行    private OutputStream       os;                                                   // 获得输出流    private WritableWorkbook   wbook;                                                // 创建excel文件    private WritableSheet      wsheet;                                               // 工作表    private WritableCellFormat wcfFC;                                                // 单元格样式    private WritableFont       wfont;                                                // 字体样式    private Integer            trow       = -1;    private Integer            titleCols  = 0;    private long               startTime;    private int                sheetIndex = 0;    private String             sheetName;    /**     * 设置文件名和工作表名(Excel)     *      * @param response     *            为NULL时,写入磁盘     * @param fileName     *            文件名     * @param sheetName     *            工作表名     * @throws IOException     */    public DownLoadExlUtil(HttpServletResponse response, String fileName, String sheetName)                                                                                           throws IOException {        startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();        if (fileName.indexOf(".xls") < 0) {            fileName += ".xls";        }        if (response != null && response instanceof HttpServletResponse) {            log.warn("Write Excel To Memory.Please wait...");            response.reset();            response.setContentType("application/vnd.ms-excel;charset=UTF-8");            response.setHeader("Content-Disposition",                "attachment;filename=" + new String(fileName.getBytes("GB2312"), "ISO8859-1"));            os = response.getOutputStream();// 获得输出流            os.flush();            wbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(os); // 创建excel文件        } else {            log.warn("Write Excel To Disk.Please wait...");            wbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(new File(fileName)); // 创建excel文件        }        this.sheetName = sheetName;        wsheet = wbook.createSheet(sheetName, sheetIndex++); // sheet名称    }    public void addSheet(String sheetName) {        irow = -1;        this.sheetName = sheetName;        wsheet = wbook.createSheet(sheetName, sheetIndex++);    }    /**     * 设置报表标题     *      * @param reportTitle     *            报表标题     * @throws IOException     * @throws WriteException     * @throws WriteException     */    public void setReportTitle(String reportTitle) throws WriteException, IOException {        try {            irow++;            wfont = new WritableFont(WritableFont.createFont("宋体"), 12, WritableFont.BOLD, false,                UnderlineStyle.NO_UNDERLINE, jxl.format.Colour.BLACK);            wcfFC = new WritableCellFormat(wfont);            wcfFC.setAlignment(Alignment.CENTRE);// 对齐方式            // wcfFC.setBackground(jxl.format.Colour.VERY_LIGHT_YELLOW);// 背景色            wcfFC.setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment.CENTRE);// 对齐方式            // wcfFC.setBorder(Border.ALL, BorderLineStyle.MEDIUM,            // Colour.BLACK);//            // 边框            wsheet.addCell(new Label(icol, irow, reportTitle, wcfFC));            trow = irow;        } catch (Exception e) {            this.close();        }    }    /**     * 设置报表内容头     *      * @param listTitle     *            报表头     * @throws IOException     * @throws WriteException     */    @Deprecated    public void setExcelListTitle(String[] listTitle) throws WriteException, IOException {        try {            irow++;            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();            wfont = new WritableFont(WritableFont.createFont("宋体"), 10, WritableFont.BOLD, false,                UnderlineStyle.NO_UNDERLINE, jxl.format.Colour.BLACK);            wcfFC = new WritableCellFormat(wfont);            wcfFC.setBorder(Border.ALL, BorderLineStyle.MEDIUM);            wcfFC.setAlignment(Alignment.CENTRE);// 对齐方式            wcfFC.setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment.CENTRE);// 对齐方式            for (int i = icol; i < listTitle.length; i++) {                wsheet.addCell(new Label(i, irow, listTitle[i], wcfFC));            }            trow = irow;            log.info("title use time:" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));        } catch (Exception e) {            this.close();        }    }    /**     * 添加一行     *      * @param strings     *            该行数据     * @throws IOException     * @throws WriteException     */    public void addRow(Object[] strings, BorderLineStyle borderLineStyle, Alignment alignment,                       String bold) throws WriteException, IOException {        try {            irow++;            bold = StringUtils.isEmpty(bold) ? "" : bold;            for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {                if ("bold".equals(bold.toLowerCase()))                    wfont = new WritableFont(WritableFont.createFont("宋体"), 10, WritableFont.BOLD,                        false);                else                    wfont = new WritableFont(WritableFont.createFont("宋体"), 10,                        WritableFont.NO_BOLD, false);                wcfFC = new WritableCellFormat(wfont);                wcfFC.setAlignment(alignment);// 对齐方式                wcfFC.setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment.CENTRE);// 对齐方式                if (borderLineStyle == BorderLineStyle.THIN && i == strings.length - 1) {                    wcfFC.setBorder(Border.ALL, borderLineStyle);                    wcfFC.setBorder(Border.RIGHT, BorderLineStyle.MEDIUM);                } else                    wcfFC.setBorder(Border.ALL, borderLineStyle);                wsheet.addCell(new Label(i, irow, strings[i] == null ? "" : strings[i].toString(),                    wcfFC));            }        } catch (Exception e) {            log.error(e);            this.close();        }    }    /**     * 添加一行     *      * @param strings     *            该行数据     * @throws IOException     * @throws WriteException     */    public void addRow(Object[] strings, CellType[] cellTypes, DisplayFormat... dFormat)                                                                                        throws WriteException,                                                                                        IOException {        try {            irow++;            DisplayFormat format = null;            for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {                if (dFormat != null) {                    if (dFormat.length > i) {                        format = dFormat[i];                    } else if (dFormat.length > 0) {                        format = dFormat[0];                    }                }                addCell(i, irow, strings[i] == null ? "" : strings[i].toString(), cellTypes[i],                    format, false, i + 1 == strings.length);            }        } catch (Exception e) {            log.error(e);            this.close();        }    }    /**     * 添加多行     *      * @param infoList     *            报表内容     * @param cellTypes     *            单元格样式     * @throws IOException     * @throws WriteException     * @throws Exception     */    public void addRows(List<?> infoList, CellType[] cellTypes, DisplayFormat... dFormat)                                                                                         throws WriteException,                                                                                         IOException {        if (infoList != null && !infoList.isEmpty()) {            // 内容            CellType cellType = CellType.EMPTY;            DisplayFormat format = null;            for (; 0 < infoList.size();) {                if (irow == 50000) {                    this.write();                    this.addSheet(sheetName);                }                irow++;                Object[] rowInfo = (Object[]) infoList.get(0);                if (rowInfo.length > titleCols) {                    titleCols = rowInfo.length;                }                for (int j = icol; j < rowInfo.length; j++) {                    rowInfo[j] = rowInfo[j] == null ? "" : rowInfo[j];                    if (cellTypes != null && j < cellTypes.length) {                        cellType = cellTypes[j] == null ? CellType.EMPTY : cellTypes[j];                    } else {                        cellType = CellType.EMPTY;                    }                    if (dFormat != null) {                        if (dFormat.length > j) {                            format = dFormat[j];                        } else if (dFormat.length > 0) {                            format = dFormat[0];                        }                    }                    this.addCell(j, irow, rowInfo[j], cellType, format, 1 == infoList.size(),                        j == rowInfo.length - 1);// 添加单元格并判断是否为最后一列最后一行                }                infoList.remove(0);            }            try {                if (os != null)                    os.flush();                if (trow >= 0)                    wsheet.mergeCells(icol, trow, titleCols + icol - 1, trow);// 设置报表标题            } catch (Exception e) {                log.error(e);                this.close();            }        }    }    /**     * 下载Excel     *      * @throws IOException     * @throws WriteException     * @throws Exception     */    public void reportExcel() throws WriteException, IOException {        log.info("Use time:" + MathUtils.divide(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime, 1000) + "s");        this.flush();        log.info("ReportExcel Successful!!!");    }    /**     * 合并单元格     *      * @param col     *            起始列     * @param row     *            起始行     * @param toCol     *            结束列     * @param toRow     *            结束行     * @throws IOException     * @throws WriteException     * @throws Exception     */    public void setMergeCells(int col, int row, int toCol, int toRow) throws WriteException,                                                                     IOException {        try {            wsheet.mergeCells(col, row, toCol, toRow);        } catch (Exception e) {            this.close();        }    }    /**     * 关闭资源     *      * @throws WriteException     * @throws IOException     */    public void close() throws WriteException, IOException {        if (wbook != null) {            wbook.write();            wbook.close();        }        if (os != null) {            os.flush();            os.close();        }    }    /**     * 关闭资源     *      * @throws WriteException     * @throws IOException     */    public void write() throws WriteException, IOException {        this.setRowView();        this.setColumnView();        if (os != null) {            os.flush();        }    }    /**     * 释放资源     *      * @throws WriteException     * @throws IOException     */    private void flush() throws WriteException, IOException {        this.setRowView();        this.setColumnView();        this.close();    }    /**     * 释放资源     *      * @throws IOException     * @throws WriteException     */    public void osFlush() throws IOException, WriteException {        if (os != null) {            os.flush();        }    }    /**     * 添加单元格     *      * @return     * @throws IOException     * @throws WriteException     */    public void addCell(Integer col, Integer row, Object o, CellType type, DisplayFormat format,                        Boolean isLastRow, Boolean isLastCols) throws WriteException, IOException {        WritableFont wfont = new WritableFont(WritableFont.createFont("宋体"), 10,            WritableFont.NO_BOLD, false, UnderlineStyle.NO_UNDERLINE, jxl.format.Colour.BLACK);        try {            if (o instanceof ArrayList<?>) {                Label Label = new Label(col, row, "", wcfFC);                WritableCellFeatures wcf = new WritableCellFeatures();                if (!((List<?>) o).isEmpty())                    wcf.setDataValidationList((List<?>) o);                Label.setCellFeatures(wcf);                wsheet.addCell(Label);            } else {                // 字体样式                if (type == CellType.LABEL) {                    wfont = new WritableFont(WritableFont.createFont("宋体"), 10, WritableFont.BOLD,                        false, UnderlineStyle.NO_UNDERLINE, jxl.format.Colour.BLACK);                    wcfFC = new WritableCellFormat(wfont);                    wcfFC.setAlignment(Alignment.CENTRE);// 对齐方式                } else if (type == CellType.STRING_FORMULA) {                    wcfFC = new WritableCellFormat(wfont);                    wcfFC.setAlignment(Alignment.LEFT);// 对齐方式                } else if (type == CellType.NUMBER) {// 数字                    wcfFC = new WritableCellFormat(wfont, format);                    wcfFC.setAlignment(Alignment.RIGHT);// 对齐方式                } else if (type == CellType.DATE || type == CellType.DATE_FORMULA) {// 日期                    wcfFC = new jxl.write.WritableCellFormat(wfont, format);                    wcfFC.setAlignment(Alignment.CENTRE);// 对齐方式                } else {                    wcfFC = new WritableCellFormat(wfont);                    wcfFC.setAlignment(Alignment.CENTRE);// 对齐方式                }                wcfFC.setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment.CENTRE);// 对齐方式                wcfFC.setBorder(Border.ALL, BorderLineStyle.THIN);// 边框                if (isLastCols) {                    wcfFC.setBorder(Border.RIGHT, BorderLineStyle.MEDIUM);                }                if (isLastRow) {                    wcfFC.setBorder(Border.BOTTOM, BorderLineStyle.MEDIUM);                }                if (o == null) {                    wsheet.addCell(new Label(col, row, ""));                } else if (StringUtils.isEmpty(String.valueOf(o))) {                    wsheet.addCell(new Label(col, row, o.toString(), wcfFC));                } else if (type == CellType.NUMBER) {                    wsheet.addCell(new jxl.write.Number(col, row,                        Double.valueOf(String.valueOf(o)), wcfFC));                } else if (type == CellType.DATE || type == CellType.DATE_FORMULA) {                    wsheet.addCell(new jxl.write.DateTime(col, row, DateUtil.parseStringToDate(o                        .toString()), wcfFC));                } else {                    wsheet.addCell(new Label(col, row, o.toString(), wcfFC));                }            }        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();            this.close();        }    }    /**     * 设置行高     *      * @throws IOException     * @throws WriteException     * @throws RowsExceededException     */    private void setRowView() throws WriteException, IOException {        try {            for (int i = 0; i < wsheet.getRows(); i++) {                wsheet.setRowView(i, (int) (wsheet.getRowView(i).getDimension() * 1.3));            }        } catch (Exception e) {            this.close();        }    }    /**     * 设置列宽     *      * @param cellInfo     * @param col     */    private void setColumnView() {        int infoWidth, cellWidth;        String value;        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\d+(.\\d+)?$");        Cell cell;        for (int i = 0; i < wsheet.getRows(); i++) {            lablea: for (int j = 0; j < wsheet.getColumns(); j++) {                // 过滤合并单元格                Range[] range = wsheet.getMergedCells();                for (int k = 0; k < range.length; k++) {                    if (range[k].getTopLeft().getRow() == i                        && range[k].getTopLeft().getColumn() == j                        && range[k].getBottomRight().getColumn() != j)                        continue lablea;                }                cell = wsheet.getCell(j, i);                value = cell.getContents();                if (cell.getType() == CellType.DATE) {// 日期                    infoWidth = (int) Math.round(value.length() * 0.5);                } else if (cell.getType() == CellType.NUMBER) {// 数字                    int p = 0;                    for (int k = 0; k < value.split("\\.")[0].length(); k++) {                        if (value.charAt(k) == '0') {                            p++;                        }                    }                    infoWidth = (int) Math.round(value.length() * 2 + p * 0.2);                } else if (pattern.matcher(value).matches()) {// 数字                    infoWidth = (int) Math.round(value.length() * 1.2);                } else if (cell.getCellFormat() != null                           && cell.getCellFormat().getFont().getBoldWeight() == BoldStyle.BOLD                               .getValue()) {// 粗体                    infoWidth = (int) Math.round(value.getBytes().length * 1.13);                } else if (value.getBytes().length != value.length()) {                    infoWidth = (int) Math.round(value.length() * 1.9);                } else {                    infoWidth = (int) Math.round(value.length() * 1.05);                }                cellWidth = wsheet.getColumnView(j).getDimension();                if (cellWidth < infoWidth) {                    wsheet.setColumnView(j, infoWidth);                }            }        }    }    /** 隐藏列 */    public void setHideCol(int rols) {        CellView view = new CellView();        view.setHidden(true);        wsheet.setColumnView(rols, view);    }    /** 隐藏行 */    public void setHideRow(int row) throws RowsExceededException {        CellView view = new CellView();        view.setHidden(true);        wsheet.setRowView(row, view);    }    /** 删除列 */    public void deleteCol(int rols) {        wsheet.removeColumn(rols);    }    /** 删除行 */    public void deleteRow(int row) {        wsheet.removeRow(row);    }    public void setIrow(Integer row) {        this.irow = row;    }    public int getIrow() {        return this.irow;    }    public void setIcol(Integer col) {        icol = col;    }    public Integer getIcol() {        return icol;    }    public Integer getTitleCols() {        return titleCols;    }    public int getSheetIndex() {        return sheetIndex;    }}


// 表格工具栏var tbar = new Ext.Toolbar({items : [{text : '查询面板',iconCls : 'page_findIcon',handler : function() {qWindow.show();qWindow.toggleCollapse();}}, '-', {text : '导出',iconCls : 'page_excelIcon',handler : function() {var params = firstForm.getForm().getValues();var url = 'searchReport.ered?reqCode=dayTreadreport&Export=Y&temp=query&'+ Ext.urlEncode(params);exportExcel(url);}}, '->', {text : '刷新',iconCls : 'arrow_refreshIcon',handler : function() {store.reload();}}]});


if ("Y".equals(map.get("Export"))) {      //得到时间      String time = map.get("DATE").toString();      String date = time.substring(0, 4) + "年" + time.substring(5, 7) + "月"                                  + time.substring(8, 10) + "日";      String exlTitle = "每日结售汇及外汇买卖交易头寸表";      resultList = getArraysList(resultList, "Bank", "Paytype", "Jgqx", "Positionpch","Curtype", "Amount");      DownLoadExlUtil downLoadExlUtil = new DownLoadExlUtil(response, exlTitle,exlTitle);      downLoadExlUtil.setReportTitle(exlTitle);      downLoadExlUtil.addRow(new String[] { "", "", "", "时间:" + date, "" },                        BorderLineStyle.NONE, Alignment.CENTRE, "no_bold");      downLoadExlUtil.addRow(new String[] { "交易对手", "买入/卖出", "交割期限", "头寸批次号", "币种", "金额" },                        BorderLineStyle.MEDIUM, Alignment.CENTRE, "bold");      downLoadExlUtil.setMergeCells(3, 1, 4, 1);      downLoadExlUtil.addRows(resultList, null);      downLoadExlUtil.addRow(new String[] { "", "", "", "", "" },                        BorderLineStyle.NONE, Alignment.CENTRE, "bold");      downLoadExlUtil.addRow(new String[] { "经办员:", "", "复核员:", "", "交易员:" },                        BorderLineStyle.NONE, Alignment.CENTRE, "bold");      downLoadExlUtil.reportExcel();} 

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