Live Resize of Logical Volume in RHEL/CentOS

来源:互联网 发布:风云2坐骑进阶数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 06:47


The default installation of RHEL 6 and CentOS 6 will create separate LVM volumes for /home. This means much of your disk is allocated to /home when it could be used for something else. Keeping /home on a separate partition is a good idea for multi-user systems, but for machines that act as a service box, it may be wasted disk space. For example, here’s a system that has 50G partitioned for /home when it’s really not needed.

1df -h
2Filesystem                  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
3/dev/mapper/vg_repo-lv_root 148G  113G   29G  80% /
4tmpfs                       499M     0  499M   0% /dev/shm
5/dev/sda1                   485M  156M  304M  34% /boot
6/dev/mapper/vg_repo-lv_home 47G  181M   45G   1%  /home

To remove the logical volume that stores /home and add the free space to the root partition, follow these steps:

Note: Make sure you’re logged into the system at the console as a user whose homedir isn’t in /home. Logging in as root usually works.

1cd /
2cp -Ra /home /home.bak  # Make a backup of home
3umount /home
4lvm lvremove /dev/vg_<hostname>/lv_home  # Remove the logical volume for home
5lvm lvresize -l+100%FREE /dev/vg_<hostname>/lv_root  # Resize the root logical volume so it uses 100% of the now free space
6resize2fs /dev/vg_<hostname>/lv_root  # Resize the filesystem to use the whole logical volume
7mv /home.bak /home  # Restore the backup.

More Notes:

  • This can be done on a live system as long as /home is not in use when you try to unmount it.
  • You can also follow these steps to resize another logical volume if it has another name and isn’t in use.
  • This may work with some adjustments on a RHEL/CentOS 5 system, I haven’t tried it though.



如果遗漏了这一步,服务器重启后,CentOS将无法启动,会进入到 (Repair Filesystem) 提示符。CentOS会报告挂载 /home 分区错误。
这时在 (Repair Filesystem) 中使用任何lvm管理命令都是无效的。如输入 lvdisplay lvs pvs vgs 等命令,都会显示同一个错误:File-based locking initialisation failed。

为了解决这个问题,先要将原来挂载/home的分区的部分取消。可是在 (Repair Filesystem) 提示符下,对硬盘的管理是只读的,修改 /etc/fstab 将不能保存。
要解决这个问题,需要重新挂载文件系统为可写。在 (Repair Filesystem) 中输入 root 密码之后,输入如下命令:mount -w -o remount /
然后再次编辑 /etc/fstab ,删除掉/dev/mapper/vg_repo-lv_home对应的那一行,重启即可正常进入系统。

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