SQL Server工具TableDiff使用场景

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店设计多少钱 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 00:02

1. 两个比较的表数据差异非常大:






   2. 两个比较的表中,存在不适宜比较的字段类型:

       xml\timestamp\binary\varbinary\ntext\text\image 这些类型要不就是本身很复杂(如:text类型),







   3. 两个表中有比较多的NULL值:

      我们知道,数据库中NULL值是不能比较的(只能用IS NULL来判断),如果两个比较的表中有很多字段可以为








     1. 过滤掉xml\timestamp\binary\varbinary\ntext\text\image的字段;
     2. 替换掉NULL
     3. tablediff 生成脚本后,注意将默认值替换成NULL




--select * from sys.typesdeclare @table_name nvarchar(100)set @table_name='t_user_money'if exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name=@table_name)begindeclare @table_info table(id int identity(1,1) not null,info nvarchar(300))insert into @table_info select 'create view V_'+@table_name+'_Diff'insert into @table_info select 'as' insert into @table_infoselect 'select 'insert into @table_infoselect case when isnullable=0 then tablename+','       else tablename+','+default_value+') as '+name+','  end from (select a.isnullable,a.name,b.xtype,case when a.isnullable =0 then '  ['+a.name+']' else '  ISNULL('+a.name end as tablename,case when b.xtype in (48,52,56,127) then '100' --tinyint\smallint\int\bigint     when b.xtype in (59,60,62,106,108) then '1.01'--real\money\float\decimal\numeric     when b.xtype=40 then '''1900-01-01''' --date     when b.xtype=41 then '''01:00:01''' --time     when b.xtype=58 then '''1900-01-01 01:01:01''' --smalldatetime     when b.xtype=61 then '''1900-01-01 01:01:01.001''' --datetime   when b.xtype in(60,62) then '0.0' --money when b.xtype in(104,108) then '1' --money     else '''@#''' end as default_valuefrom syscolumns a,systypes b   where a.id = OBJECT_ID(@table_name) and a.xtype = b.xusertype    )a where xtype not in(34,35,99,165,173,189,241)--xml\timestamp\binary\varbinary\ntext\text\imageupdate @table_info set info=SUBSTRING(info,1,len(info)-1) where id=(select MAX(id) from @table_info)insert into @table_info values('from dbo.['+@table_name+'] with(nolock)')select info from @table_infoendelse  print('Can not find the table '+@table_name)


tablediff -sourceserver "localhost" -sourcedatabase "kk" -sourceschema "dbo" -sourcetable "Tmp" -sourceuser "sa" -sourcepassword "1" -destinationserver "localhost" -destinationdatabase "kk" -destinationschema "dbo" -destinationtable "Tmp_Check" -destinationuser "sa" -destinationpassword "1" -f "c:\Test.sql"

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