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你输入网片的网址,或者直接上传图片,Google就会找出与其相似的图片。下面这张图片是美国女演员Alyson Hannigan。





根据Neal Krawetz博士的解释,原理非常简单易懂。我们可以用一个快速算法,就达到基本的效果。

这里的关键技术叫做"感知哈希算法"(Perceptual hash algorithm),它的作用是对每张图片生成一个"指纹"(fingerprint)字符串,然后比较不同图片的指纹。结果越接近,就说明图片越相似。












= = 8f373714acfcf4d0

得到指纹以后,就可以对比不同的图片,看看64位中有多少位是不一样的。在理论上,这等同于计算"汉明距离"(Hamming distance)。如果不相同的数据位不超过5,就说明两张图片很相似;如果大于10,就说明这是两张不同的图片。









每张图片都可以生成颜色分布的直方图(color histogram)。如果两张图片的直方图很接近,就可以认为它们很相似。

任何一种颜色都是由红绿蓝三原色(RGB)构成的,所以上图共有4张直方图(三原色直方图 + 最后合成的直方图)。



上图是某张图片的颜色分布表,将表中最后一栏提取出来,组成一个64维向量(7414, 230, 0, 0, 8, ..., 109, 0, 0, 3415, 53929)。这个向量就是这张图片的特征值或者叫"指纹"。






显然,前景色与背景色反差越大,轮廓就越明显。这意味着,如果我们找到一个值,可以使得前景色和背景色各自的"类内差异最小"(minimizing the intra-class variance),或者"类间差异最大"(maximizing the inter-class variance),那么这个值就是理想的阈值。

1979年,日本学者大津展之证明了,"类内差异最小"与"类间差异最大"是同一件事,即对应同一个阈值。他提出一种简单的算法,可以求出这个阈值,这被称为"大津法"(Otsu's method)。下面就是他的计算方法。

假定一张图片共有n个像素,其中灰度值小于阈值的像素为 n1 个,大于等于阈值的像素为 n2 个( n1 + n2 = n )。w1 和 w2 表示这两种像素各自的比重。

  w1 = n1 / n

  w2 = n2 / n

再假定,所有灰度值小于阈值的像素的平均值和方差分别为 μ1 和 σ1,所有灰度值大于等于阈值的像素的平均值和方差分别为 μ2 和 σ2。于是,可以得到

  类内差异 = w1(σ1的平方) + w2(σ2的平方)

  类间差异 = w1w2(μ1-μ2)^2





具体的实例和Java算法: 原文地址http://www.labbookpages.co.uk/software/imgProc/otsuThreshold.html

Otsu Thresholding

Converting a greyscale image to monochrome is a common image processing task. Otsu's method,named after its inventor Nobuyuki Otsu, is one of many binarization algorithms. This page describeshow the algorithm works and provides a Java implementation, which can be easily ported to otherlanguages. If you are in a hurry, jump to the code.

Many thanks to Eric Moyer who spotted a potential overflow when two integers are multiplied inthe variance calculation. The example code has been updated with the integers cast to floats duringthe calculation.

Otsu Thresholding Explained

Otsu's thresholding method involves iterating through all the possible threshold values andcalculating a measure of spread for the pixel levels each side of the threshold, i.e. the pixelsthat either fall in foreground or background. The aim is to find the threshold value where the sumof foreground and background spreads is at its minimum.

The algorithm will be demonstrated using the simple 6x6 image shown below. The histogram for theimage is shown next to it. To simplify the explanation, only 6 greyscale levels are used.

A 6-level greyscale image and its histogram

A 6-level greyscale image and its histogram

The calculations for finding the foreground and background variances (the measure of spread) fora single threshold are now shown. In this case the threshold value is 3.

Background levels
Otsu threshold calculation of background
Foreground levels
Otsu threshold calculation of foreground

The next step is to calculate the 'Within-Class Variance'. This is simply the sum of thetwo variances multiplied by their associated weights.

Otsu threshold calculation of sum of Weighted variances

This final value is the 'sum of weighted variances' for the threshold value 3. This samecalculation needs to be performed for all the possible threshold values 0 to 5. The table belowshows the results for these calculations. The highlighted column shows the values for the thresholdcalculated above.

Threshold Level 0
Threshold Level 1
Threshold Level 2
Threshold Level 3
Threshold Level 4
Threshold Level 5
Weight, BackgroundWb = 0Wb = 0.222Wb = 0.4167Wb = 0.4722Wb = 0.6389Wb = 0.8889Mean, BackgroundMb = 0Mb = 0Mb = 0.4667Mb = 0.6471Mb = 1.2609Mb = 2.0313Variance, Backgroundσ2b = 0σ2b = 0σ2b = 0.2489σ2b = 0.4637σ2b = 1.4102σ2b = 2.5303 Weight, ForegroundWf = 1Wf = 0.7778Wf = 0.5833Wf = 0.5278Wf = 0.3611Wf = 0.1111Mean, ForegroundMf = 2.3611Mf = 3.0357Mf = 3.7143Mf = 3.8947Mf = 4.3077Mf = 5.000Variance, Foregroundσ2f = 3.1196σ2f = 1.9639σ2f = 0.7755σ2f = 0.5152σ2f = 0.2130σ2f = 0 Within Class Varianceσ2W = 3.1196σ2W = 1.5268σ2W = 0.5561σ2W = 0.4909σ2W = 0.9779σ2W = 2.2491

It can be seen that for the threshold equal to 3, as well as being used for the example, also has thelowest sum of weighted variances. Therefore, this is the final selected threshold. All pixels with a levelless than 3 are background, all those with a level equal to or greater than 3 are foreground. As theimages in the table show, this threshold works well.

Result of Otsu's Method

Result of Otsu's Method

This approach for calculating Otsu's threshold is useful for explaining the theory, but it iscomputationally intensive, especially if you have a full 8-bit greyscale. The next section shows afaster method of performing the calculations which is much more appropriate for implementations.

A Faster Approach

By a bit of manipulation, you can calculate what is called the between class variance,which is far quicker to calculate. Luckily, the threshold with the maximumbetween classvariance also has the minimum within class variance. So it can also be used for finding thebest threshold and therefore due to being simpler is a much better approach to use.

Simplification of Otsu's threshold calculation

The table below shows the different variances for each threshold value.

ThresholdT=0T=1T=2T=3T=4T=5 Within Class Varianceσ2W = 3.1196σ2W = 1.5268σ2W = 0.5561σ2W = 0.4909σ2W = 0.9779σ2W = 2.2491Between Class Varianceσ2B = 0σ2B = 1.5928σ2B = 2.5635σ2B = 2.6287σ2B = 2.1417σ2B = 0.8705

Java Implementation

A simple demo program that uses the Otsu threshold is linked to below.

Otsu Threshold Demo

The important part of the algorithm is shown here. The input is an array of bytes,srcData that stores thegreyscale image.

File Excerpt: OtsuThresholder.java
// Calculate histogramint ptr = 0;while (ptr < srcData.length) {   int h = 0xFF & srcData[ptr];   histData[h] ++;   ptr ++;}// Total number of pixelsint total = srcData.length;float sum = 0;for (int t=0 ; t<256 ; t++) sum += t * histData[t];float sumB = 0;int wB = 0;int wF = 0;float varMax = 0;threshold = 0;for (int t=0 ; t<256 ; t++) {   wB += histData[t];               // Weight Background   if (wB == 0) continue;   wF = total - wB;                 // Weight Foreground   if (wF == 0) break;   sumB += (float) (t * histData[t]);   float mB = sumB / wB;            // Mean Background   float mF = (sum - sumB) / wF;    // Mean Foreground   // Calculate Between Class Variance   float varBetween = (float)wB * (float)wF * (mB - mF) * (mB - mF);   // Check if new maximum found   if (varBetween > varMax) {      varMax = varBetween;      threshold = t;   }}


Here are a number of examples of the Otsu Method in use. It works well with images that have abi-modal histogram (those with two distinct regions).

Greyscale ImageBinary ImageHistogram
House - Greyscale
House - Black and White
House - Black and White
Nuts and Bolts - Greyscale
Nuts and Bolts - Black and White
Nuts and Bolts - Black and White
Nuts and Bolts - Greyscale
Nuts and Bolts - Black and White
Nuts and Bolts - Black and White

0 0