
来源:互联网 发布:斗鱼tv网络直播门事件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 02:42
  public class AsyncThread    {        #region          public AsynsProp asyprop { get; set; }        public int isStart { get; set; }   //0 使用完毕 1 正在使用  2 初始化           public class AsynsProp        {            /// 用于线程加锁            /// </summary>                  public string objid { get; set; }            public delegate string ProcessTask();            public object asynclock { get; set; }            //存放执行状态            public IDictionary<string, int> ProcessStatus { get; set; }            public AsynsProp()            {                if (objid == null)                    //objid = guidid;                    objid = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();                if (ProcessStatus == null)                {                    ProcessStatus = new Dictionary<string, int>();                }                if (asynclock == null)                {                    asynclock = new object();                }            }            public void Add()            {                string id = objid;                lock (asynclock)                {                    if (ProcessStatus != null)                    {                        if (!ProcessStatus.ContainsKey(id))                        {                            ProcessStatus.Add(id, 0);                        }                    }                }            }            public void Remove()            {                string id = objid;                lock (asynclock)                {                    if (ProcessStatus != null)                    {                        if (ProcessStatus.ContainsKey(id))                        {                            ProcessStatus.Remove(id);                        }                    }                }            }            public void Add(string id)            {                lock (asynclock)                {                    if (ProcessStatus != null)                    {                        if (!ProcessStatus.ContainsKey(id))                        {                            ProcessStatus.Add(id, 0);                        }                    }                }            }            public void Remove(string id)              {                  lock (asynclock)                  {                      if (ProcessStatus != null)                      {                          if (ProcessStatus.ContainsKey(id))                          {                              ProcessStatus.Remove(id);                          }                      }                  }              }            /// <summary>            /// Gets the status.            /// </summary>            /// <param name="id">The id.</param>            public int GetStatus()            {                string id = objid;                lock (asynclock)                {                    if (ProcessStatus != null)                    {                        if (!ProcessStatus.ContainsKey(id))                        {                            return -1;                        }                                                    if (ProcessStatus.Keys.Count(x => x == id) == 1)                            {                                return ProcessStatus[id];                            }                            else                            {                                return -1;                            }                                           }                    else                    {                        return -1;                    }                }            }            public int GetStatus(string id)            {                              lock (asynclock)                {                    if (ProcessStatus != null)                    {                        if (ProcessStatus.ContainsKey(id))                        {                            if (ProcessStatus.Keys.Count(x => x == id) == 1)                            {                                return ProcessStatus[id];                            }                            else                            {                                return -1;                            }                        }                        else                            return -1;                    }                    else                    {                        return -1;                    }                }            }        }        /// <summary>        public AsyncThread()        {            if (asyprop == null)            {                asyprop = new AsynsProp();                isStart = 2;            }        }                /// <summary>        ///    使用委托做参数执行外面的代码        /// </summary>        /// <param name="processTask"></param>        public void StartLongRunningProcess(AsynsProp.ProcessTask processTask)        {            //id = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();                      int rs = asyprop.GetStatus();            if (rs != -1)            {                return;            }            if (processTask != null)            {                asyprop.Add(asyprop.objid);                processTask.BeginInvoke(new AsyncCallback(EndLongRunningProcess), processTask);                isStart = 1;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// Ends the long running process.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="result">The result.</param>        public void EndLongRunningProcess(IAsyncResult result)        {            AsynsProp.ProcessTask processTask = (AsynsProp.ProcessTask)result.AsyncState;            string id = processTask.EndInvoke(result);            var currentProgress = asyprop.GetStatus(id).ToString();            asyprop.Remove(id);            isStart = 0;        }        public string GetPercentage(int value, int maxvalue)        {            if (value > maxvalue|| value==-1)            {                value = maxvalue;            }            string per = ((double)value / maxvalue).ToString("P");            return per;        }        public int GetStatus()        {            return asyprop.GetStatus();        }
        public int GetPercentageStatus(int maxvalue)        {            int value = GetStatus();            if (value > maxvalue || value == -1)            {                value = maxvalue;            }                      return value;        }

public string GetPercentageStatus(int maxvalue) { int value = GetStatus(); if (value > maxvalue || value == -1) { value = maxvalue; } string per = ((double)value / maxvalue).ToString("P"); return per; } #endregion #region 使用例子 //声明 //AsyncThread asyn = new AsyncThread(); /****************** 执行代码 StartRun*************************/ //2 初始化 1 正在使用 //if (asyn.isStart != 1 || asyn.isStart==2) // { // asyn = new AsyncThread(); // asyn.StartLongRunningProcess(StartRun); // } //public string StartRun() //{ // for (int i = 1; i <= 99999999; i++) // { // //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); // lock (asyn.asyprop.asynclock) // { // asyn.asyprop.ProcessStatus[asyn.asyprop.objid] = i; // } // } // return asyn.asyprop.objid; //} /*******************************************/ /*******************得到当前执行状态************************/ //asyn.GetPercentageStatus(99999999) #endregion }
尊重原创:转载请帖出出处 :http://blog.csdn.net/osmeteor/article/details/24454391
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