
来源:互联网 发布:c语言const double pi 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 11:44


Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures》字典来提升自己。

A: absolute performance guarantee


approximation algorithm


Definition: An approximation algorithm will return a solution at most a bounded amount more (or less, as appropriate) than the optimum.


optimal solution


A:abstract data type

抽象数据类型  缩写ADT

Definition: A set of data values and associated operations that are precisely specified independent of any particular implementation.


dictionarystackqueuepriority queuesetbag.


axiomatic semantic


Note: Since the data values and operations are defined with mathematical precision, rather than as an implementation in a computer language, we may reason about effects of the operations, relations to other abstract data types, whether a program implements the data type, etc.


One of the simplest abstract data types is the stack. The operations new(), push(v, S), top(S), and popOff(S) may be defined with axiomatic semantics as following.

  1. new() returns a stack
  2. popOff(push(v, S)) = S
  3. top(push(v, S)) = v
一个简单的抽象数据类型的堆栈。new(), push(v, S), top(S), and popOff(S)这些操作都是建立在公理定义之上的。

where S is a stack and v is a value. (The usual pop operation is a combination of top, to return the top value, and popOff, to remove the top value.) Contrast this with the axiomatic semanticsdefinition of a set, a dictionary, or a queue.

定义S为堆栈 V位值。(通常使用POP操作来取得堆栈顶端的数据,并使用popOff来移除它。)我们使用同样的公理来定义一个集合,字典,或者是队列。(这里指的应该不使用任何计算机语言,而是用数学方式定义)。

From these axioms, one may define equality between stacks, define a pop function which returns the top value in a non-empty stack, etc. For instance, the predicate isEmpty(S) may be added and defined with the following additional axioms.

  1. isEmpty(new()) = true
  2. isEmpty(push(v, S)) = false


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