
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝化妆品正品店 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 21:25
;; ;十进制转换成字符串; author:  wangguolaing; date:  revised 4/14.386.MODEL FLATINCLUDE io.hincludelib Kernel32.libExitProcess PROTO NEAR32 stdcall, dwExitCode:DWORDcr          EQU    0dh  Lf          EQU    0ah      .STACK      4096.DATAArray    DWORD  4 DUP (?).CODE_start:      mov eax,1324      lea ebx,Array      mov ecx,10whileup  :            cmp eax,0      je  endwhile      cdq      idiv ecx      add edx,30H      mov [ebx],edx      add ebx,4      jmp  whileup endwhile   :       sub ebx,4uptake   :       output [ebx]      sub ebx,4      loop uptake                             quit:       INVOKE ExitProcess, 0   ; exit with return code 0PUBLIC _start                       ; make entry point public            END                     ; end of source code  

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