leetcode day4 -- Binary Tree Postorder(Preorder) Traversal && Edit Distance

来源:互联网 发布:java 策略模式应用 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/28 04:55

1、Binary Tree Postorder Traversal

Given a binary tree, return the postorder traversal of its nodes' values.

For example:
Given binary tree {1,#,2,3},

   1    \     2    /   3

return [3,2,1].

Note: Recursive solution is trivial, could you do it iteratively?





class Solution {public:    vector<int> postorderTraversal(TreeNode *root) {vector<int> postVec;TreeNode* preNode = NULL;TreeNode* tempNode = root;        while(tempNode != NULL || !nodeStack.empty()){if( tempNode != NULL){ //走到左子树的头nodeStack.push(tempNode);tempNode = tempNode->left;}else{  //如果为空,则遍历右子树TreeNode* tempRoot = nodeStack.top();if(tempRoot->right != NULL && tempRoot->right != preNode){ //右结点不为空,且不是刚遍历的结点tempNode = tempRoot->right;}else{  preNode = nodeStack.top(); //保存上次输出的结果postVec.push_back(preNode->val);nodeStack.pop();}}}return postVec;    }private:stack<TreeNode*> nodeStack;};

2、Binary Tree Preorder Traversal

Given a binary tree, return the preorder traversal of its nodes' values.

For example:
Given binary tree {1,#,2,3},

   1    \     2    /   3

return [1,2,3].

Note: Recursive solution is trivial, could you do it iteratively?



class Solution {public:    vector<int> preorderTraversal(TreeNode *root) {stack<TreeNode*> nodeStack;vector<int> preVec;while(root != NULL || !nodeStack.empty()){if(root){preVec.push_back(root->val);nodeStack.push(root);root = root->left;}else{root = nodeStack.top();nodeStack.pop();root = root->right;}}return preVec;}};

3、Edit Distance

Given two words word1 and word2, find the minimum number of steps required to convert word1 to word2. (each operation is counted as 1 step.)

You have the following 3 operations permitted on a word:

a) Insert a character
b) Delete a character
c) Replace a character



class Solution {public:    int minDistance(string word1, string word2) {        int len1 = word1.length();int len2 = word2.length();int** c = new int*[len1+1];for(int i=0; i<len1+1; ++i){c[i] = new int[len2+1]; }for(int i=0; i<len1+1;++i){c[i][0] = i;}for(int j=0; j<len2+1; ++j){c[0][j] = j;}for(int i=1; i<len1+1;++i){for(int j=1; j<len2+1; ++j){int insertCost = min(c[i][j-1],c[i-1][j])+1;int replaceCost = c[i-1][j-1];if(word1[i-1] != word2[j-1]){replaceCost += 1;}c[i][j] = min(insertCost,replaceCost);}}int result = c[len1][len2];for(int i=0; i<len1+1; ++i){delete[] c[i];}delete[] c;return result;     }};

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