数据结构与GDI+的碰撞(C# VS 2008)之Bag

来源:互联网 发布:在淘宝上卖保健品 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 07:07



1.      编写基本的数据结构类文件DataStructure_Bag.cs,使用数组来实现,可以进行增、删、查、统计、排序等操作。

//FILE://DataStructure_Bag.cs// CLASS IMPLMENT: class Bag//// CONSTRUCTORS for classBag// Bag()://   Postcondition: default constructor, generatean instance of the bag class//   and the capacity of the bag class is 30//// Bag(bag_size size)://   Postcondition: generate an instance of thebag class, and the capacity is//   decided by the parameter users provide//// MODIFICATION MEMBERMETHODS for class Bag// bool insert(bag_typemember)://   Precondition: it's not beyond the capacityof the bag//   Postcondition: if insert successfully returntrue, otherwise false//// bool erase(bag_type member)://   Postcondition: if erase successfully returntrue, otherwise false//// int search(bag_typetarget)://   Postcondition: if find return the index,otherwise NOT_FOUND(equal -1)//// CONST MEMBER METHOD forbag class (not const now)// void travel()://   Postcondition: travel the bag//// int count(bag_typetarget)://   Postcondition: return how many times thetarget has been found, if//   not found, return 0//// uint getCapacity()://   Postcondition: return the capacity of thebag//// int getUsed()://   Postcondition: return room has been used//// bag_type getByIndex(intindex)://   Postcondition: return the item by the indexuser provides//// ArrayListgetAllFoundIndex()://   Postcondition: return all the indexs havebeen found//   during the search operation or countoperation//// void sort()://   Postcondition: sort all the items in the bagusing System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Collections;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Diagnostics;// Alias the data type withmy own typeusing bag_size = System.UInt32;using bag_type = System.Int32;namespace DataStructure_Bag{   public classBag   {       private readonly bag_size BAG_CAPACITY;       private const             bag_typeNOT_FOUND = -1;       private bag_type[]        bagContainer;       private bag_type          used;       private ArrayList         theAllFoundIndex;       // CONSTRUCTORS       public Bag()       {            BAG_CAPACITY= 30;            bagContainer= new bag_type[BAG_CAPACITY];            used= 0;            theAllFoundIndex= new ArrayList();       }       public Bag(bag_size size)       {            if(size > 0)            {                BAG_CAPACITY= size;                bagContainer= new bag_type[BAG_CAPACITY];                used= 0;                theAllFoundIndex= new ArrayList();            }            else                thrownew Exception("the capacity of a bag can't be zero.");       }       // MODIFICATION MEMBER METHODS       public bool insert(bag_type member)       {            theAllFoundIndex.Clear();            if(used >= BAG_CAPACITY)            {                thrownew OverflowException("the bag has no capacity to insert one itemanymore.");            }            else            {                bagContainer[used++] = member;            }            returntrue;       }       public bool erase(bag_type member)       {            inttheIndex = search(member);            theAllFoundIndex.Clear();            if(NOT_FOUND == theIndex)                returnfalse;            else                bagContainer[theIndex] = bagContainer[--used];            returntrue;       }       public intsearch(bag_typetarget)       {            theAllFoundIndex.Clear();            for(int i = 0; i < used; ++i)            {                if(bagContainer[i]== target)                {                    theAllFoundIndex.Add(i);                    returni;                }            }            returnNOT_FOUND;       }       // CONST MEMBER METHODS       public intcount(bag_type target)       {            theAllFoundIndex.Clear();            for(int i = 0; i < used; ++i)            {                if(bagContainer[i]== target)                {                    theAllFoundIndex.Add(i);                }            }            returntheAllFoundIndex.Count;       }       public uint getCapacity() { return BAG_CAPACITY; }       public int getUsed() { return used; }       public bag_type getByIndex(int index)       {            if(index < 0 || index>= used)                thrownew Exception("Illegal index");            returnbagContainer[index];       }       public ArrayList getAllFoundIndex() { return theAllFoundIndex; }       public voidtravel()       {            for(int i = 0; i < used; ++i)            {                Console.WriteLine(bagContainer[i]);            }       }       public void sort()       {            theAllFoundIndex.Clear();            for(int i = 0; i < used -1; ++i)            {                for(int j = i + 1; j < used; ++j)                {                    if(bagContainer[i]> bagContainer[j])                    {                        bag_type temp = bagContainer[j];                        bagContainer[j] = bagContainer[i];                        bagContainer[i] = temp;                    }                }            }       }   }}

2.      设计数据结构的图形接口IShape

// File://Shape.cs// INTERFACE FOR ALL SHAPES:Shape interface//// GENERAL METHODS for classimplementing the interface Shape// Point getLocation()://    Postcondition: get the position of theshape where the shape locates//// Color getOutlineColor()://    Postcondition: get the outline color of theshape //// void draw()://    Postconditon: draw the shape on thegraphicsusing System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Drawing;namespace DataStructure_Shape{   public interface IShape   {       // GENERAL METHODS for interface shape       Point getLocation();       Color getOutlineColor();       void draw(Graphicsgraphics);   }}

3.      实现Bag类的图形类BagShape,实现IShape接口,用于绘制Bag数据结构

// FILE://BagShape.cs// CLASS IMPLEMENT: theinterface Shape//// CONSTRUCTORS for classBagShape// BagShape()://     Postcondition: initial the location,outlineColor and name with default value//// BagShape(Bag bag)://     Postcondition: initial the bag instance,others keep default value//// BagShape(Point location,Color outlineColor)://     Postcondition: initial the BagShape objectwith the provided value//// MEMBER METHODS forimplementing the interface IShape// Point getLocation()://     Postcondition: get the location of theshape// Color getOutlineColor()://     Postcondition: get the outline color ofthe shape// void draw(Graphicsgraphics)://     Postcondition: draw the data structure andall items in it on the graphicsusing System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Collections;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Drawing;using DataStructure_Bag;using Common;namespace DataStructure_Shape{   public class BagShape : IShape   {       // VARIABLES for the interface Shape       private Point  location;                     //the start point of the bag       private stringname;                          // the name of the bag       private Color  outlineColor;                 //the outline color of the bag       private float  outlineWidth;                 //the width of the outline       private Size   size;                         // the size of the bag       private Bag    bag;       public BagBagContainer       {            get{ return bag;}       }       public stringName       {            get{ return name;}       }       // CONSTRUCTORS for the class BagShape       public BagShape()       {            this.location = new Point(0, 0);            this.name = "Bag";            this.outlineColor = Color.Black;            this.outlineWidth = 2;            this.size = new Size(100, 100);            this.bag  = new Bag();       }       public BagShape(Bag bag)       {            this.location = new Point(0, 0);            this.name = "Bag";            this.outlineColor = Color.Black;            this.outlineWidth = 2;            this.size = new Size(100, 100);            this.bag = bag;       }       public BagShape(Point location,Color outlineColor,float outlineWidth,Size size,Bag bag)       {            this.location = location;            this.name = "Bag";            this.outlineColor = outlineColor;            this.outlineWidth = outlineWidth;            this.size = size;            this.bag = bag;       }       // MEMBER METHODS for the class BagShape       public Point getLocation()     { return this.location; }       public Color getOutlineColor() { return this.outlineColor;}       public void draw(Graphics graphics)       {            stringcapacityString = "容量:"+ bag.getCapacity();            stringusedString     = "已用:"+ bag.getUsed();            Font   arial10        = new Font("Arial",10);            SizeF  capacitySizeF  = graphics.MeasureString(capacityString,arial10);            SizeF  usedSizeF      = graphics.MeasureString(usedString,arial10);            // 绘制文字和容器            graphics.DrawString(capacityString,arial10,                newSolidBrush(Color.Blue), new PointF(location.X, location.Y - capacitySizeF.Height));            graphics.DrawString(usedString,arial10,                newSolidBrush(Color.Blue), new PointF(location.X + size.Width - usedSizeF.Width, location.Y - capacitySizeF.Height));            graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(outlineColor,outlineWidth), newRectangle(location,size));            // 绘制元素            PointitemLocation = newPoint(location.X, location.Y + size.Height);            for(int i = 0; i < bag.getUsed(); ++i)            {                stringitemString = "<" + bag.getByIndex(i) + " >";                SizeFitemSizeF = graphics.MeasureString(itemString,arial10);                if(itemLocation.X+ itemSizeF.Width> location.X+ size.Width)                {                    itemLocation.Y -= (int)itemSizeF.Height;                    itemLocation.X = location.X;                }                if(bag.getAllFoundIndex().Contains(i))                {                    graphics.DrawString(itemString,arial10,                    newSolidBrush(Color.Red), new PointF(itemLocation.X, itemLocation.Y - itemSizeF.Height));                    graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Red, 2),                        new Rectangle(itemLocation.X,itemLocation.Y- (int)itemSizeF.Height, (int)itemSizeF.Width,(int)itemSizeF.Height));                }                else                {                    graphics.DrawString(itemString,arial10,                    newSolidBrush(Color.Blue), new PointF(itemLocation.X, itemLocation.Y - itemSizeF.Height));                    graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Blue, 2),                        new Rectangle(itemLocation.X,itemLocation.Y- (int)itemSizeF.Height, (int)itemSizeF.Width,(int)itemSizeF.Height));                }                itemLocation.X += (int)itemSizeF.Width;            }            // 资源清理            arial10.Dispose();            graphics.Dispose();       }   }}

4.      设计逻辑控制类GraphicsToDraw,决定该绘制哪种数据结构;

// FILE:GraphicsToDraw.cs// Note: decide which kinddata structure should be drawn//// STATIC METHOD for theGraphicsToDraw// static void draw(Graphicsgraph, DATASTRUCTURETYPES dataStructureToDraw, IShape shape)//     Postcondition: according to thedataStructureToDraw, decide which kind of data structure//     should be drawn// static voiddrawBag(Graphics graph, BagShape bagShape)://     Postcondition: draw the data structure bagusing System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using DataStructure_Bag;using DataStructure_Shape;using System.Drawing;namespace DataStructureToSee{   public class GraphicsToDraw   {       static Graphicsgraphics;       public static  void draw(Graphics graph, DATASTRUCTURETYPES dataStructureToDraw, IShape shape)       {            graphics= graph;            switch(dataStructureToDraw)            {                caseDATASTRUCTURETYPES.BAG:                    drawBag(graphics, (BagShape)shape);                    break;                caseDATASTRUCTURETYPES.QUEUE:                    //drawQueue();                    break;                default:                    break;            }       }       private static void drawBag(Graphics graph,BagShape bagShape)       {            bagShape.draw(graph);       }       //private static void drawQueue()       //{ }   }}

5.      设计展示界面


using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Windows.Forms;using DataStructure_Shape;using DataStructure_Bag;namespace DataStructureToSee{   // 命名空间一级的枚举,表示数据结构类型   public enum DATASTRUCTURETYPES   {       NONE,       BAG,       QUEUE   }   public partial class DataStructureVisiable: Form   {       Graphics graphics;                    //作图用的画布       BagShape bagShape;                    //要绘制的数据结构图形       DATASTRUCTURETYPES theDataStructure; // 将要选择的数据结构类型       public DataStructureVisiable()       {            InitializeComponent();            btnInsert.Enabled = false;            btnDelete.Enabled = false;            btnSearch.Enabled = false;            btnCount.Enabled  = false;            btnSort.Enabled = false;       }       ///<summary>       ///点击运行按钮,初始化数据结构       ///</summary>       ///<param name="sender"></param>       ///<param name="e"></param>       private void btnApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)       {            if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(cbDataStructureType.Text))                MessageBox.Show("请先选择数据结构类型!");            else            {                switch(cbDataStructureType.Text.ToString())                {                    #region 数据结构---包                    case"包":                        try                        {                            theDataStructure = DATASTRUCTURETYPES.BAG;                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbCapacity.Text))                            {                                operateEnabled();                                Size bagSize = new Size(200,200);                                bagShape = new BagShape(new Point(plGraphics.Width / 2 - bagSize.Width / 2, plGraphics.Height / 2 - bagSize.Height / 2),                                    Color.Blue, 2, bagSize, new Bag());                                draw();                            }                            else                            {                                uint theBagSize;                                if (uint.TryParse(tbCapacity.Text, out theBagSize))                                {                                    operateEnabled();                                    Size bagSize = new Size(200,200);                                    bagShape = new BagShape(new Point(plGraphics.Width / 2 - bagSize.Width / 2, plGraphics.Height / 2 - bagSize.Height / 2),                                        Color.Blue, 2, bagSize, new Bag(theBagSize));                                    GraphicsToDraw.draw(graphics, theDataStructure,bagShape);                                }                                else                                    MessageBox.Show("请输入有效的容量值!");                            }                        }                        catch (Exception ex)                        {                            MessageBox.Show("异常:创建包异常," + ex.Message);                        }                        break;                    #endregion                    case"队列":                        theDataStructure = DATASTRUCTURETYPES.QUEUE;                        break;                    default:                        theDataStructure = DATASTRUCTURETYPES.NONE;                        break;                }            }       }       private void operateEnabled()       {            btnInsert.Enabled = true;            btnDelete.Enabled = true;            btnSearch.Enabled = true;            btnCount.Enabled = true;            btnSort.Enabled = true;       }       ///<summary>       ///根据数据结构执行插入操作       ///</summary>       ///<param name="sender"></param>       ///<param name="e"></param>       private void btnInsert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)       {            try            {                switch(cbDataStructureType.Text.ToString())                {                    case"包":                        int insertValue;                        if (int.TryParse(tbInsertValue.Text,out insertValue))                        {                            bagShape.BagContainer.insert(insertValue);                            draw();                        }                        else                            MessageBox.Show("请输入合法的插入值");                        break;                }            }            catch(Exception ex)            {                MessageBox.Show("异常:插入异常,"+ ex.Message);            }       }       ///<summary>       ///根据数据结构执行删除操作       ///</summary>       ///<param name="sender"></param>       ///<param name="e"></param>       private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)       {            try            {                switch(cbDataStructureType.Text.ToString())                {                    case"包":                        int deleteValue;                        if (int.TryParse(tbDeleteValue.Text,out deleteValue))                        {                            if (bagShape.BagContainer.erase(deleteValue))                            {                                draw();                            }                            else                                MessageBox.Show("没有可以删除的元素!");                        }                        else                            MessageBox.Show("请输入合法的删除值");                        break;                }            }            catch(Exception ex)            {                MessageBox.Show("异常:删除异常,"+ ex.Message);            }       }       ///<summary>       ///根据数据结构执行查找操作       ///</summary>       ///<param name="sender"></param>       ///<param name="e"></param>       private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)       {            try            {                switch(cbDataStructureType.Text.ToString())                {                    case"包":                        int searchValue;                        if (int.TryParse(tbSearchValue.Text,out searchValue))                        {                            if (bagShape.BagContainer.search(searchValue) >= 0)                            {                                draw();                                MessageBox.Show("已找到元素");                            }                            else                                MessageBox.Show("没有可以找到任何元素!");                        }                        else                            MessageBox.Show("请输入合法的查找值");                        break;                }            }            catch(Exception ex)            {                MessageBox.Show("异常:查找异常,"+ ex.Message);            }       }       ///<summary>       ///根据数据结构执行统计操作       ///</summary>       ///<param name="sender"></param>       ///<param name="e"></param>       private void btnCount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)       {            try            {                switch(cbDataStructureType.Text.ToString())                {                    case"包":                        int countValue;                        if (int.TryParse(tbCountValue.Text,out countValue))                        {                            if (bagShape.BagContainer.count(countValue) > 0)                            {                                draw();                                MessageBox.Show("总共找到元素个数:" + bagShape.BagContainer.count(countValue));                            }                            else                                MessageBox.Show("没有可以找到任何元素!");                        }                        else                            MessageBox.Show("请输入合法的统计值");                        break;                }            }            catch(Exception ex)            {                MessageBox.Show("异常:统计异常,"+ ex.Message);            }       }       ///<summary>       ///根据数据结构执行排序操作       ///</summary>       ///<param name="sender"></param>       ///<param name="e"></param>       private void btnSort_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)       {            switch(cbDataStructureType.Text.ToString())           {                    case"包":                        bagShape.BagContainer.sort();                        draw();                    break;           }       }       private void draw()       {            graphics= plGraphics.CreateGraphics();            graphics.Clear(this.BackColor);            GraphicsToDraw.draw(graphics, theDataStructure, bagShape);       }   }}

6.      运行效果如下:

1)  初始化一个Bag:

2)  插入:

3)  删除:

4)  查找:

5)  统计:

6)  排序:

1 0