利用IStorage和IStream存储自定义数据到Inventor文件 (.NET)

来源:互联网 发布:摇滚史密斯 mac 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/06 19:54

作为 利用IStorage和IStream存储自定义数据到Inventor文件 (C++)的姊妹篇,这里讨论如何用.NET实现。全球博客还提到了研究出这段代码的曲折过程,此处就略过三千字了,呵呵



using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Windows.Forms;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;using System.Reflection;using Inventor;using System.Diagnostics;using MVOI = Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop;         //enum flags for STGM        [Flags]        publicenumSTGM : int        {            DIRECT = 0x00000000,            TRANSACTED = 0x00010000,            SIMPLE = 0x08000000,            READ = 0x00000000,            WRITE = 0x00000001,            READWRITE = 0x00000002,            SHARE_DENY_NONE = 0x00000040,            SHARE_DENY_READ = 0x00000030,            SHARE_DENY_WRITE = 0x00000020,            SHARE_EXCLUSIVE = 0x00000010,            PRIORITY = 0x00040000,            DELETEONRELEASE = 0x04000000,            NOSCRATCH = 0x00100000,            CREATE = 0x00001000,            CONVERT = 0x00020000,            FAILIFTHERE = 0x00000000,            NOSNAPSHOT = 0x00200000,            DIRECT_SWMR = 0x00400000,        }         // create private storage and stream        bool  CreatePrivateStorageAndStream(Document pDoc,            string StorageName,            string StreamName,            string data)        {            try            {                // create/get storage. "true" means if create                //if it does not exists.                MVOI.IStorage pStg =                    (MVOI.IStorage)pDoc.GetPrivateStorage                                         (StorageName, true);                if (pStg == null)                    returnfalse;                 // create stream in the storage                MVOI.IStream pStream = null;                pStg.CreateStream(StreamName, (uint)                    (STGM.DIRECT | STGM.CREATE |                   STGM.READWRITE | STGM.SHARE_EXCLUSIVE),                    0, 0, out pStream);                 if (pStream == null)                    returnfalse ;                 byte[] byteVsize =                    System.BitConverter.GetBytes                                     (data.Length);                              byte[] byteVData =                    Encoding.Default.GetBytes(data);                uint dummy;     // convert string to byte and store it to the stream                pStream.Write(byteVsize,                    (uint)(sizeof(int)),                    out dummy);                pStream.Write(byteVData,                    (uint)(byteVData.Length),                    out dummy);                               // Save the data                          pStream.Commit((uint)                          (MVOI.STGC.STGC_OVERWRITE |                          MVOI.STGC.STGC_DEFAULT));           //Don't forget to commit changes also in storage                pStg.Commit((uint)(MVOI.STGC.STGC_DEFAULT |                            MVOI.STGC.STGC_OVERWRITE));                 // force document to be dirty thus                // the change can be saved when document                //is saved.                pDoc.Dirty = true;                               pDoc.Save();                 //Don't forget to release the object!!                Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pStg);                 returntrue;            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString());                returnfalse;            }        }         // read the storge and stream        bool ReadPrivateStorageAndStream(Document pDoc,            string StorageName,            string StreamName,              outstring  outDataStr)        {            outDataStr = "";            try            {                              //get the storge. "false" means do not create                //if it does not exist                MVOI.IStorage pStg =                    (MVOI.IStorage)pDoc.GetPrivateStorage                          (StorageName, false);                if (pStg == null)                    returnfalse;                 // open stream to read                MVOI.IStream pStream = null;                pStg.OpenStream(StreamName,IntPtr.Zero,                    (uint)(STGM.DIRECT| STGM.READWRITE |                             STGM.SHARE_EXCLUSIVE),                    0,  out pStream);                 if (pStream == null)                    returnfalse;                 byte[] byteVsize = newbyte[16];                uint intSize = sizeof(int);                 // read the stream                uint dummy;                pStream.Read(byteVsize,                    (uint)intSize, out dummy);                int lSize = System.BitConverter.ToInt16                                      (byteVsize,0);                 byte[] outDataByte =                    newbyte[8192];                pStream.Read(outDataByte,                    (uint)lSize, out dummy);                 // convert byte to string                outDataStr =                    Encoding.Default.GetString(outDataByte,                                                0, lSize);                 //Don't forget to release the object!!                Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pStg);                returntrue;              }            catch (Exception ex)            {            MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString());                               returnfalse;            }         }         // main function to test        privatevoid test()        {            //get Inventor application            string progId = "Inventor.Application";            Inventor.Application m_inventorApp =               (Inventor.Application)Marshal.GetActiveObject                                                (progId );             //get the current document.                         Document pDoc = m_inventorApp.ActiveDocument;             //create the storage and stream            bool Result  = CreatePrivateStorageAndStream                                 (pDoc,                                "MyPrvStorage1",                                "MyStream1",                                "Some private stored data");             if (Result)            {                pDoc = m_inventorApp.ActiveDocument;                string outPutStr = null;                //read the storage and stream                bool readResult = ReadPrivateStorageAndStream                                 (pDoc,                                "MyPrvStorage1",                                "MyStream1", out outPutStr);                 MessageBox.Show(outPutStr);            }        }

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