samtools mpileup原始结果文件处理,非bcf/vcf格式

来源:互联网 发布:ios icon制作软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 22:58

samtools mpileup处理的原始结果向来比较麻烦,写了一个小程序只生成碱基reads,但不进行任何过滤:

#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict;use warnings;use Getopt::Long;my %opt;GetOptions(\%opt, "i=s", "o=s", "sd=s", "ad=s", "aq=s");my $usage = <<"USAGE";Usage: perl $0 -i <pileup>  [options]CreationTime: ModifyTime: Note: Options:-iinput fileeg: perl $0 -i file.pileup > resultUSAGEdie $usage if(!$opt{i});open IN, ($opt{i} =~ /\.gz$/) ? "gzip -dc $opt{i} |" : $opt{i} or die $!;my (@tmp, @qual, @base, %index);while(<IN>){chomp;@tmp = split /\t/;next if($tmp[2] eq "N");while($tmp[4] =~ /[\+-](\d+)[ATCGNatcgn]+/){$tmp[4] =~ s/[\+-]\d+[ATCGNatcgn]{$1}//;}$tmp[4] =~ s/\^\S//g; #\<\=\>\-\!\?\/\'\"\)\(\]\[\*\\\.\+,;:@&#%0-9A-Z$tmp[4] =~ s/[\^\$]//g;@base = split //, $tmp[4];my %hash = ('r'=>0, 'A'=>0, 'T'=>0, 'C'=>0, 'G'=>0);foreach my $b(@base){if($b =~ /[\.,]/){$hash{'r'} ++;next;}if($b=~ /[Aa]/){$hash{'A'} ++;next;}if($b =~ /[Tt]/){$hash{'T'} ++;next;}if($b =~ /[Cc]/){$hash{'C'} ++;next;}if($b =~ /[Gg]/){$hash{'G'} ++;next;}}my ($m, $fb, $fbn, $sb, $sbn);foreach my $i(sort {$hash{$b} <=> $hash{$a}} keys %hash){$m ++;if($m == 1 and $i eq "r"){$fb = $tmp[2];$fbn = $hash{$i};next;}elsif($m == 1){$fb = $i;$fbn = $hash{$i};next;}if($m == 2 and $i eq 'r'){$sb = $tmp[2];$sbn = $hash{$i};last;}elsif($m == 2){$sb = $i;$sbn = $hash{$i};last;}}print join "\t", @tmp[0..2], $fb, $fbn, $sb, $sbn, "\n";}close IN;sub showtime{my ($x) = @_;my $t = localtime;print STDERR "[$t] $x\n";}

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