Source Insight使用总结

来源:互联网 发布:网易博客软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 16:21


1问题:通过samba用sourceinsight阅读代码总是弹出确认框 has been changed outside of Source Insight since it was loaded. Do you want to continue and overwrite it? Confirm by typing 'yes' below:“,

解决:下载新版本的source insight,重新安装。

最后发现原来是Source Insight本身的问题,我的Source Insight的版本是3.50.0035。在Source Insight 3.50.0051的更新日志中找到如下更新日志:

Fix: Sometimes files were said to be modified outside of SI, but they were not. This most likely happened on network drives. Under some conditions, the Windows directory information can lag for remote drives. SI now uses a better method of getting file information.建议使用3.50.0051以上版本。

2问题:重新安装时候,Source Insight3.5 提示 a valid serial number was not entered


[1] 卸载Source Insight

[2] 在everything工具中输入Source Insight将相关的全部删除

[3] win+r运行regedit对注册表进行编辑,找到

 \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Source Dynamics删除掉  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Source Dynamics删除掉 

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