android 输入法类说明

来源:互联网 发布:基线网络监控管理系统 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 05:34

openwnn是一家日本公司开发的开源输入法框架,涉及中文、日文、韩文。目前已经加入到了android源码之中。因此你打开一个模拟器时,会发现其中有一个japanese ime的输入法,其服务名为openwnn,这个就是openwnn的日文输入法

latin 虚拟即盘

google是PinyinIME ,后续我们加入了手写,为第三方库支持,13年10月份合并手写和拼音输入法!




/** * View used to show composing string (The Pinyin string for the unselected * syllables and the Chinese string for the selected syllables.) * 拼音字符串View,用于显示输入的拼音 */public class ComposingView extends View {

其需要设置的字符通过下面方法传入PateoIME.DecodingInfo decInfo,decInfo中包含了输入的字符,同时进行刷新view

    /**     * Set the composing string to show. If the IME status is     * {@link PateoIME.ImeState#STATE_INPUT}, the composing view's status will     * be set to {@link ComposingStatus#SHOW_PINYIN}, otherwise the composing     * view will set its status to {@link ComposingStatus#SHOW_STRING_LOWERCASE}     * or {@link ComposingStatus#EDIT_PINYIN} automatically.     * 设置 解码操作对象,然后刷新View     */    public void setDecodingInfo(PateoIME.DecodingInfo decInfo,            PateoIME.ImeState imeStatus) {



    private void updateComposingText(boolean visible) {        if (!visible) {            mComposingView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE);        } else {            mComposingView.setDecodingInfo(mDecInfo, mImeState);            mComposingView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);        }        mComposingView.invalidate();    }


/** * Class used to manage related sound resources. * 按键声音管理类、单例 */public class SoundManager {


    public void playKeyDown() {        if (mAudioManager == null) {            updateRingerMode();        }        if (!mSilentMode) {            int sound = AudioManager.FX_KEYPRESS_STANDARD;            mAudioManager.playSoundEffect(sound, FX_VOLUME);        }    }

    // If movePress is true, means that this function is called because user    // moves his finger to this button. If movePress is false, means that this    // function is called when user just presses this key.    public SoftKey onKeyPress(int x, int y,            SkbContainer.LongPressTimer longPressTimer, boolean movePress) {
        if (!movePress) {            tryPlayKeyDown();            tryVibrate();        }



/** * Class for soft keys which defined in the keyboard xml file. A soft key can be * a basic key or a toggling key. *  * @see */public class SoftKeyToggle extends SoftKey {


四、class SoftKey



/** * Class used to represent a soft keyboard definition, including the height, the * background image, the image for high light, the keys, etc. */public class SoftKeyboard {


    public SoftKey mapToKey(int x, int y) {


/** * Soft keyboard template used by soft keyboards to share common resources. In * this way, memory cost is reduced. */public class SkbTemplate {



/** * Class used to cache previously loaded soft keyboard layouts. */public class SkbPool {


    private Vector<SkbTemplate> mSkbTemplates = new Vector<SkbTemplate>();    private Vector<SoftKeyboard> mSoftKeyboards = new Vector<SoftKeyboard>();



/** * The top container to host soft keyboard view(s). */public class SkbContainer extends RelativeLayout implements OnTouchListener {


/** * 更新软键盘布局 */private void updateSkbLayout() {int screenWidth = mEnvironment.getScreenWidth();int keyHeight = mEnvironment.getKeyHeight();int skbHeight = mEnvironment.getSkbHeight();Resources r = mContext.getResources();if (null == mSkbFlipper) {mSkbFlipper = (ViewFlipper) findViewById(;}mMajorView = (SoftKeyboardView) mSkbFlipper.getChildAt(0);SoftKeyboard majorSkb = null;SkbPool skbPool = SkbPool.getInstance();switch (mSkbLayout) {case R.xml.skb_qwerty:majorSkb = skbPool.getSoftKeyboard(R.xml.skb_qwerty,R.xml.skb_qwerty, screenWidth, skbHeight, mContext);break;case R.xml.skb_sym1:majorSkb = skbPool.getSoftKeyboard(R.xml.skb_sym1, R.xml.skb_sym1,screenWidth, skbHeight, mContext);break;case R.xml.skb_sym2:majorSkb = skbPool.getSoftKeyboard(R.xml.skb_sym2, R.xml.skb_sym2,screenWidth, skbHeight, mContext);break;case R.xml.skb_smiley:majorSkb = skbPool.getSoftKeyboard(R.xml.skb_smiley,R.xml.skb_smiley, screenWidth, skbHeight, mContext);break;case R.xml.skb_phone:majorSkb = skbPool.getSoftKeyboard(R.xml.skb_phone,R.xml.skb_phone, screenWidth, skbHeight, mContext);break;default:}if (null == majorSkb || !mMajorView.setSoftKeyboard(majorSkb)) {return;}mMajorView.setBalloonHint(mBalloonOnKey, mBalloonPopup, false);mMajorView.invalidate();}

@Overridepublic boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {super.onTouchEvent(event);if (mSkbFlipper.isFlipping()) {resetKeyPress(0);return true;}int x = (int) event.getX();int y = (int) event.getY();// Bias correctiony = y + mYBiasCorrection;// Ignore short-distance movement event to get better performance.if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {if (Math.abs(x - mXLast) <= MOVE_TOLERANCE&& Math.abs(y - mYLast) <= MOVE_TOLERANCE) {return true;}}mXLast = x;mYLast = y;if (!mPopupSkbShow) {// mGestureDetector的监听器在输入法服务PinyinIME中。if (mGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event)) {resetKeyPress(0);mDiscardEvent = true;return true;}}switch (event.getAction()) {case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:resetKeyPress(0);mWaitForTouchUp = true;mDiscardEvent = false;mSkv = null;mSoftKeyDown = null;mSkv = inKeyboardView(x, y, mSkvPosInContainer);if (null != mSkv) {mSoftKeyDown = mSkv.onKeyPress(x - mSkvPosInContainer[0], y- mSkvPosInContainer[1], mLongPressTimer, false);}break;case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:if (x < 0 || x >= getWidth() || y < 0 || y >= getHeight()) {break;}if (mDiscardEvent) {resetKeyPress(0);break;}if (mPopupSkbShow && mPopupSkbNoResponse) {break;}SoftKeyboardView skv = inKeyboardView(x, y, mSkvPosInContainer);if (null != skv) {if (skv != mSkv) {mSkv = skv;mSoftKeyDown = mSkv.onKeyPress(x - mSkvPosInContainer[0], y- mSkvPosInContainer[1], mLongPressTimer, true);} else if (null != skv) {if (null != mSkv) {mSoftKeyDown = mSkv.onKeyMove(x - mSkvPosInContainer[0], y- mSkvPosInContainer[1]);if (null == mSoftKeyDown) {mDiscardEvent = true;}}}}break;case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:if (mDiscardEvent) {resetKeyPress(0);break;}mWaitForTouchUp = false;// The view which got the {@link MotionEvent#ACTION_DOWN} event is// always used to handle this event.if (null != mSkv) {mSkv.onKeyRelease(x - mSkvPosInContainer[0], y- mSkvPosInContainer[1]);}if (!mPopupSkbShow || !mPopupSkbNoResponse) {responseKeyEvent(mSoftKeyDown);}if (mSkv == mPopupSkbView && !mPopupSkbNoResponse) {dismissPopupSkb();}mPopupSkbNoResponse = false;break;case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:break;}if (null == mSkv) {return false;}return true;}


/** * Class used to maintain settings. */public class Settings {


    public static void writeBack() {        Editor editor = mSharedPref.edit();        editor.putBoolean(ANDPY_CONFS_VIBRATE_KEY, mVibrate);        editor.putBoolean(ANDPY_CONFS_KEYSOUND_KEY, mKeySound);        editor.putBoolean(ANDPY_CONFS_PREDICTION_KEY, mPrediction);        editor.commit();    }


/** * Setting activity of Pinyin IME. */public class SettingsActivity



/** * Subclass of PopupWindow used as the feedback when user presses on a soft key * or a candidate. */public class BalloonHint extends PopupWindow {



    public void TouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {      float x = event.getX(0);      float y = event.getY(0);      switch (event.getAction()) {          case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:              touch_start(x, y);              break;          case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:              touch_move(x, y);              break;          case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:                    mhandler.postDelayed(Recognition, timer);            break;      }  }

mCanvas.drawLine(mX, mY, x, y, mPaint);


public char[] RecognitionResult(short p[],int len){    native char[] getResult(short point[],int len)}



/** * Class used to map the symbols on Dream's hardware keyboard to corresponding * Chinese full-width symbols. */public class KeyMapDream {



/** * Global environment configurations for showing soft keyboard and candidate * view. All original dimension values are defined in float, and the real size * is calculated from the float values of and screen size. In this way, this * input method can work even when screen size is changed. * 该类保存布局的一些尺寸。比如:屏幕的宽度、屏幕的高度 * 、按键的高度、候选词区域的高度、按键气泡宽度比按键宽度大的差值、按键气泡高度比按键高度大的差值、正常按键中文本的大小 * 、功能按键中文本的大小、正常按键气泡中文本的大小、功能按键气泡中文本的大小。 */public class Environment {/** * The key height for portrait mode. It is relative to the screen height. * 竖屏按键高度,值是相对于屏幕高度。 */private static final float KEY_HEIGHT_RATIO_PORTRAIT = 0.105f;/** * The key height for landscape mode. It is relative to the screen height. * 横屏按键高度,值是相对于屏幕高度。 */private static final float KEY_HEIGHT_RATIO_LANDSCAPE = 0.147f;/** * The height of the candidates area for portrait mode. It is relative to * screen height. 竖屏候选词区域的高度,值是相对于屏幕高度。 */private static final float CANDIDATES_AREA_HEIGHT_RATIO_PORTRAIT = 0.084f;/** * The height of the candidates area for portrait mode. It is relative to * screen height. 横屏候选词区域高度,值是相对于屏幕高度。 */private static final float CANDIDATES_AREA_HEIGHT_RATIO_LANDSCAPE = 0.125f;/** * How much should the balloon width be larger than width of the real key. * It is relative to the smaller one of screen width and height. * 猜测:点击软键盘按钮时弹出来的气泡大于按键的宽度的差值,值是相对于屏幕高度和宽度较小的那一个。 */private static final float KEY_BALLOON_WIDTH_PLUS_RATIO = 0.08f;/** * How much should the balloon height be larger than that of the real key. * It is relative to the smaller one of screen width and height. * 猜测:点击软键盘按钮时弹出来的气泡大于按键的高度的差值,值是相对于屏幕高度和宽度较小的那一个。 */private static final float KEY_BALLOON_HEIGHT_PLUS_RATIO = 0.07f;/** * The text size for normal keys. It is relative to the smaller one of * screen width and height. 正常按键的文本的大小,值是相对于屏幕高度和宽度较小的那一个。 */private static final float NORMAL_KEY_TEXT_SIZE_RATIO = 0.075f;/** * The text size for function keys. It is relative to the smaller one of * screen width and height. 功能按键的文本的大小,值是相对于屏幕高度和宽度较小的那一个。 */private static final float FUNCTION_KEY_TEXT_SIZE_RATIO = 0.055f;/** * The text size balloons of normal keys. It is relative to the smaller one * of screen width and height. 正常按键弹出的气泡的文本的大小,值是相对于屏幕高度和宽度较小的那一个。 */private static final float NORMAL_BALLOON_TEXT_SIZE_RATIO = 0.14f;/** * The text size balloons of function keys. It is relative to the smaller * one of screen width and height. 功能按键弹出的气泡的文本的大小,值是相对于屏幕高度和宽度较小的那一个。 */private static final float FUNCTION_BALLOON_TEXT_SIZE_RATIO = 0.085f;/** * The configurations are managed in a singleton. 该类的实例,该类采用设计模式的单例模式。 */private static Environment mInstance;private int mScreenWidth; // 屏幕的宽度private int mScreenHeight; // 屏幕的高度private int mKeyHeight; // 按键的高度private int mCandidatesAreaHeight; // 候选词区域的高度private int mKeyBalloonWidthPlus; // 按键气泡宽度比按键宽度大的差值private int mKeyBalloonHeightPlus; // 按键气泡高度比按键高度大的差值private int mNormalKeyTextSize; // 正常按键中文本的大小private int mFunctionKeyTextSize; // 功能按键中文本的大小private int mNormalBalloonTextSize; // 正常按键气泡中文本的大小private int mFunctionBalloonTextSize; // 功能按键气泡中文本的大小



/** * Class to handle English input.  */public class EnglishInputProcessor {



public class HandWriteDecoder {final static String TAG = "HandWriteDecoder";private int mMode = 0;public void setMode(int mode){mMode = mode;}public char[] RecognitionResult(short p[],int len,AssetManager ass){        char[] a = null; a = getResult(p,len,mMode,ass,"aiwrite.dat");return a;}public char[] associate(char p[],int len){char[] a = null; a = getAssociate(p,len);return a;}    static {        System.loadLibrary("jni_pateoHandWrite");    }       native char[] getResult(short point[],int len,int mode,AssetManager ass,String path);    native char[] getAssociate(char point[],int len);}



public class HandWriteView extends View{private final static String TAG = "HandwriteView";private final int WIDTH = 800;private final int CANVAS_HEIGHT = 440;private final int POINT_NUMBER = 500;    private Bitmap  mBitmap;    private Canvas  mCanvas;    private Paint   mBitmapPaint;private Rect    mDirtyRect;    private Paint   mPaint;        private short[] mpoint = new short[502];    private int length = 0;    private boolean isMove = false;        private long timer = 500;        private int move_count = 0;        private PateoIME mService;private Handler mhandler = new Handler();private Runnable Recognition = new Runnable(){public void run() {// TODO Auto-generated method stub    if(length == 0){        mService.setPoints(mpoint,length);    }else{        mpoint[length]=-1;        mpoint[length+1]=-1;        length=length+2;        mService.setPoints(mpoint,length);        length = 0;        isMove = false;    }clear();}};    public HandWriteView(Context c) {        super(c);        mService = (PateoIME)c;        mBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);        mCanvas = new Canvas(mBitmap);        mBitmapPaint = new Paint(Paint.DITHER_FLAG);        mDirtyRect = new Rect(0,0,WIDTH,POINT_NUMBER);                mPaint = new Paint();        mPaint.setAntiAlias(true);        mPaint.setDither(true);        mPaint.setColor(0xFFFF0000);        mPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);        mPaint.setStrokeJoin(Paint.Join.ROUND);        mPaint.setStrokeCap(Paint.Cap.ROUND);        mPaint.setStrokeWidth(6);        isMove = false;    }        public void setPaintColor(int color){    if(color == 0){    color = 0xFFFF0000;    }    mPaint.setColor(color);    }        public void setStrokeWidth(int size){    if(size == 0){       mPaint.setStrokeWidth(8);    }else if(size == 2){       mPaint.setStrokeWidth(4);    }else if(size == 3){       mPaint.setStrokeWidth(2);    }else{    mPaint.setStrokeWidth(6);    }    }        public void setTimer(long time){    if(time == 0){    time = 500;    }    timer = time;    }        @Override    protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {        super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);    }        @Override    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {        canvas.drawColor(0x00FFFFFF);        canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, 0, 0, mBitmapPaint);    }        private float mX, mY;        private void touch_start(float x, float y) {        mX = x;        mY = y;        }        private void touch_move(float x, float y) {    mCanvas.drawLine(mX, mY, x, y, mPaint);        mX = x;        mY = y;        if(move_count%2 == 0)        {        invalidate(mDirtyRect);        }    }    public void clear(){    mBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);    mCanvas = new Canvas(mBitmap);    invalidate();    }        @Override    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {        return false;    }        public void TouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {      float x = event.getX(0);      float y = event.getY(0);      switch (event.getAction()) {          case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:          move_count = move_count + 1;            mhandler.removeCallbacks(Recognition);            addPoints((short)x,(short)y);              touch_start(x, y);              break;          case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:          move_count = move_count + 1;          isMove = true;            mhandler.removeCallbacks(Recognition);            addPoints((short)x,(short)y);              touch_move(x, y);              break;          case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:          move_count = 0;          invalidate(mDirtyRect);          if(isMove == true){          addPoints((short)x,(short)y);          }else{              length = 0;          }            mhandler.postDelayed(Recognition, timer);            break;      }  }        public void TouchEvent(MotionEvent event,float x,float y) {        switch (event.getAction()) {            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:             move_count = move_count + 1;              mhandler.removeCallbacks(Recognition);              addPoints((short)x,(short)y);                touch_start(x, y);                break;            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:             move_count = move_count + 1;            isMove = true;              mhandler.removeCallbacks(Recognition);              addPoints((short)x,(short)y);                touch_move(x, y);                break;            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:             move_count = 0;            invalidate(mDirtyRect);            if(isMove == true){            addPoints((short)x,(short)y);            }else{                length = 0;            }              mhandler.postDelayed(Recognition, timer);              break;        }    }        private void addPoints(short x, short y){    if(x<0 || y<0){    return;    }    if(length < POINT_NUMBER - 2){    mpoint[length]=x;    mpoint[length+1]=y;    length=length+2;    }    }}

手写view,主要通过TouchEvent来获取xy坐标值,来画笔画到画布,其次把xy坐标值输入到Service.setPoints进行最终调用HandWriteDecoder的char[] RecognitionResult(short p[],int len返回识别结果


public class Log {public static boolean mDebug = true;    public static void d(String tag,String str)    {    if(mDebug)    {    android.util.Log.d("PateoInputMethod", "[ " + tag + " ] : " + str);    }    }        public static void i(String tag,String str)    {    if(mDebug)    {    android.util.Log.i("PateoInputMethod", "[ " + tag + " ] : " + str);    }    }        public static void e(String tag,String str)    {    if(mDebug)    {    android.util.Log.e("PateoInputMethod", "[ " + tag + " ] : " + str);    }    }        public static void w(String tag,String str,Exception e)    {    if(mDebug)    {    android.util.Log.w("PateoInputMethod", "[ " + tag + " ] : " + str,e);    }    }}


/** * Interface to notify the input method when the user clicks a candidate or * makes a direction-gesture on candidate view. *//** * 候选词视图监听器接口 *  * @ClassName CandidateViewListener * @author keanbin */public interface CandidateViewListener {/** * 选择了候选词的处理函数 *  * @param choiceId */public void onClickChoice(int choiceId);/** * 向左滑动的手势处理函数 */public void onToLeftGesture();/** * 向右滑动的手势处理函数 */public void onToRightGesture();/** * 向上滑动的手势处理函数 */public void onToTopGesture();/** * 向下滑动的手势处理函数 */public void onToBottomGesture();}


/** * View to show candidate list. There two candidate view instances which are * used to show animation when user navigates between pages. */public class CandidateView extends View {



public class CandidatesContainer extends RelativeLayout implements        OnTouchListener, AnimationListener, ArrowUpdater {



/** * Switcher used to switching input mode between Chinese, English, symbol,etc. */public class InputModeSwitcher {


    public int requestInputWithSkb(EditorInfo editorInfo) {



public class PateoIME extends InputMethodService {


// 绑定词库解码远程服务PinyinDecoderServicestartPinyinDecoderService();
/** * 按键处理函数 *  */private boolean processKey(KeyEvent event, boolean realAction) {

// keyCode can be from both hard key or soft key./** * 功能键处理函数*/private boolean processFunctionKeys(int keyCode, boolean realAction) {


        mHandWriteView = new HandWriteView(this);        mHandWriteWinow = new PopupWindow(mHandWriteView, 800,440);        mHandWriteWinow.setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(0));        mHandWriteWinow.setTouchable(true);        mHandWriteWinow.setOutsideTouchable(false);        mHandWriteWinow.setClippingEnabled(false);        mHandWriteWinow.setTouchInterceptor(new OnTouchListener() {public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {               boolean result = false;int num = event.getPointerCount();      for(int i=0;i<num;i++){      if(i == 0)    {    switch (event.getAction()) {case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: mHandWriteView.TouchEvent(event);     break;case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: mHandWriteView.TouchEvent(event);     break;case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: mHandWriteView.TouchEvent(event);     break;    }    }    }return result;}        });                setCandidatesViewShown(true);


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><keyboard  skb_template="@xml/skb_template1"  skb_cache_flag="true"  width="10%p"  height="23.5%p"  key_type="0"  repeat="false"  balloon="true">  <row start_pos_x="1.25%p" start_pos_y="2%p" width="9.75%p">    <keys splitter="|" labels="<|>|#|_|£|$|€|¥|§|¤"/>  </row>  <row start_pos_x="1.25%p" width="9.75%p">    <keys splitter=" " labels="¿ ¡ | [ ] { } ^ ~ `"/>  </row>  <row start_pos_x="1.25%p" width="9.75%p">    <key code="-5"  width="9.75%p"   label="2/2" key_type="7"/>    <keys splitter="|" labels="±|×|÷|·|%|°|©"/>    <key id="3"/>  </row>  <row start_pos_x="1.25%p" key_type="1">    <key id="10"/>    <key code="-2"  width="9.75%p" repeat="true" key_type="7" icon="@drawable/icon_chinese"      icon_popup="@drawable/icon_chinese">      <toggle_state state_id="@string/toggle_en_sym" code="-2" icon="@drawable/icon_english"      icon_popup="@drawable/icon_english"/>      <toggle_state state_id="@string/toggle_hw_sym" code="-2" icon="@drawable/icon_hw"      icon_popup="@drawable/icon_hw"/>          </key>    <key label="," width="9.75%p" icon="@drawable/comma_full_icon"      icon_popup="@drawable/comma_full_icon" key_type="0">    </key>    <key code="62" key_type="5" width="29.25%p"/>    <key label="."  width="9.75%p" key_type="0" icon="@drawable/period_icon"      icon_popup="@drawable/period_icon">    </key>    <key id="8"/>    <key id="1"/>  </row></keyboard>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!-- Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.     You may obtain a copy of the License at     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and     limitations under the License.--><skb_template  skb_bg="@drawable/skb_bg1"  key_xmargin="0.125%p"  key_ymargin="1.2%p"  balloon_bg="@drawable/key_balloon_bg"  popup_bg="@drawable/miniskb_bg"  color="@color/balloon_color"  color_highlight="@color/label_color"  color_balloon="@color/balloon_color">  <!-- Normal key -->  <key_type    id="0"    bg="@drawable/normal_key_bg1"    hlbg="@drawable/normal_key_hl_bg"    color_highlight="@color/label_color_hl0"/>  <!-- Function key -->  <key_type    id="1"    bg="@drawable/normal_key_bg"    hlbg="@drawable/normal_key_hl_bg"/>  <!-- Light key, light is off -->  <key_type    id="2"    bg="@drawable/light_key_bg"    hlbg="@drawable/light_key_hl_bg"/>  <!-- Light key, light is on -->  <key_type    id="3"    bg="@drawable/light_key_up_bg"    hlbg="@drawable/light_key_up_hl_bg"/>  <!-- key without background-->  <key_type    id="4"/>  <!-- Key with normal background but on-key high-light-->  <key_type    id="5"    bg="@drawable/normal_key_bg1"    hlbg="@drawable/normal_key_hl_bg"    color_highlight="@color/label_color_hl0"/>  <key_type    id="6"    bg="@drawable/handinput_bg"    hlbg="@drawable/handinput_hl_bg"    color_highlight="@color/label_color_hl0"/>  <!-- Function key -->  <key_type    id="7"    bg="@drawable/normal_key_bg"    hlbg="@drawable/normal_key_hl_bg"/>  <!-- Function key -->  <key_type    id="8"    bg="@drawable/normal_key_bg1"    hlbg="@drawable/normal_key_hl_bg"/>  <!-- Normal key -->  <key_type    id="9"    color="@color/label_color"    bg="@drawable/normal_key_bg1"    hlbg="@drawable/normal_key_hl_bg"    color_highlight="@color/label_color_hl0"/>  <key_type    id="10"    bg="@drawable/normal_key_bg1"    hlbg="@drawable/normal_key_bg1"/>  <!-- Default icons for enter key -->  <key_icon code="66" icon="@drawable/enter_icon"    icon_popup="@drawable/enter_popup_icon"/>  <!-- Default icons for space key -->  <key_icon code="62" icon="@drawable/space_icon"    icon_popup="@drawable/space_icon"/>  <!-- Default icons for delete key -->  <key_icon code="67" icon="@drawable/delete_icon"    icon_popup="@drawable/delete_icon"/>  <!-- Default key definition -->  <!-- Enter key for QWERTY-like keyboards.-->  <key id="1" start_pos_x="79.125%p" start_pos_y="72.5%p"    width="19.60%p" height="23.5%p" code="66" key_type="7" balloon="false">    <toggle_state state_id="@string/toggle_enter_go" label="@string/go" code="66"/>    <toggle_state state_id="@string/toggle_enter_search" label="@string/search" code="66"/>    <toggle_state state_id="@string/toggle_enter_send" label="@string/sent" code="66"/>    <toggle_state state_id="@string/toggle_enter_next" label="@string/next" code="66"/>    <toggle_state state_id="@string/toggle_enter_done" label="@string/completion" code="66"/>  </key>  <!-- Enter key for phone keyboard.-->  <key id="2" start_pos_x="73.125%p" start_pos_y="75%p"    width="19.60%p" height="22%p" code="66" key_type="0" balloon="false">    <toggle_state state_id="@string/toggle_enter_go" label="@string/go" code="66"/>    <toggle_state state_id="@string/toggle_enter_search" label="@string/search" code="66"/>    <toggle_state state_id="@string/toggle_enter_send" label="@string/sent" code="66"/>    <toggle_state state_id="@string/toggle_enter_next" label="@string/next" code="66"/>    <toggle_state state_id="@string/toggle_enter_done" label="@string/completion" code="66"/>  </key>  <!-- Delete key.-->  <key id="3" start_pos_x="79.125%p" start_pos_y="49%p" balloon="false"      width="19.60%p" height="23.5%p" code="67" key_type="7"       repeat="true"/>  <key id="4" code="-3" start_pos_x="11.00%p" start_pos_y="72.5%p" balloon="false"      width="9.8%p" height="23.5%p" key_type="7" label="\?123" icon="@drawable/symbol_icon"/>  <!-- Language-switching key. -->  <key id="6" start_pos_x="20.75%p" start_pos_y="72.5%p" balloon="false"      width="9.75%p" height="23.5%p" code="-2" key_type="7" repeat="true"       icon="@drawable/chinese_input_icon" icon_popup="@drawable/chinese_input_icon">      <toggle_state state_id="@string/toggle_en_lower" code="-2" icon="@drawable/english_input_icon" icon_popup="@drawable/english_input_icon"/>      <toggle_state state_id="@string/toggle_en_upper" code="-2" icon="@drawable/english_input_icon" icon_popup="@drawable/english_input_icon"/>      <toggle_state state_id="@string/toggle_en_first" code="-2" icon="@drawable/english_input_icon" icon_popup="@drawable/english_input_icon"/>  </key>  <!-- Period key(English mode). -->  <key id="7" start_pos_x="50.50%p" start_pos_y="72.5%p"      width="9.75%p" height="23.5%p" label="." key_type="0"      icon="@drawable/period_icon" icon_popup="@drawable/period_icon"/>  <!-- clear input switch. -->  <key id="8" start_pos_x="69.375%p" start_pos_y="72.5%p"      balloon="false"      width="9.75%p" height="23.5%p" label="" code="-7" key_type="7"       icon="@drawable/clearbg"  />  <!-- hand input switch. -->  <key id="9" start_pos_x="60.125%p" start_pos_y="72.5%p"   balloon="false"      width="9.75%p" height="23.5%p" label="@string/hand_write" code="-8"  key_type="7"/>    <!-- voice input switch. -->  <key id="10" start_pos_x="1.25%p" start_pos_y="72.5%p" balloon="false"      width="9.75%p" height="23.5%p" code="-10" label="" key_type="7"      repeat="true" icon="@drawable/icon_speech"/>    <key id="11" start_pos_x="77.475%p" start_pos_y="34.33%p" balloon="false"      width="10.5%p" height="32.33%p" code="-10" label="" key_type="7"      repeat="true" icon="@drawable/icon_speech"/>    <key id="12" start_pos_x="87.9%p" start_pos_y="34.33%p" balloon="false"      width="10.5%p" height="32.33%p" label="" code="-7" key_type="7"       icon="@drawable/clearbg"  />  <key id="13" start_pos_x="77.475%p" start_pos_y="66.66%p" balloon="false"      width="21.0%p" height="32.33%p" label="@string/completion" code="66" key_type="7"/>                <key id="14" start_pos_x="58.475%p" start_pos_y="50%p" balloon="false"      width="18.975%p" height="49%p" label="," icon="@drawable/comma_full_icon" icon_popup="@drawable/comma_full_icon"/>         <key id="15" start_pos_x="58.975%p" start_pos_y="50%p"      width="18.975%p" height="49%p" label="." icon="@drawable/period_icon" icon_popup="@drawable/period_icon"/>  <key id="16" start_pos_x="77.475%p" start_pos_y="66.66%p" width="21.0%p" height="32.33%p" label="@string/completion" code="66" balloon="false" keytype="7" >      <toggle_state state_id="@string/disable_done" code="-100"      label="@string/completion" key_type="7" balloon="false"/>  </key>  <key id="17" start_pos_x="87.9%p" start_pos_y="34.33%p" balloon="false"      width="10.50%p" height="32.33%p" label="" code="-7" key_type="7" icon="@drawable/clearbg1"/>    <key id="18" start_pos_x="77.475%p" start_pos_y="34.33%p" balloon="false"       width="10.50%p" height="32.33%p" label="" code="-11" key_type="7" icon="@drawable/icon_speech"/>  <!--handwrite input switch-->    <key id="20" start_pos_x="79.20%p" start_pos_y="2%p" width="19.5%p" height="48%p" code="67" key_type="7" balloon="false" repeat="true"/>      <key id="21" start_pos_x="11.00%p"   start_pos_y="52%p" width="9.8%p" height="48%p" code="-3" key_type="7" label="\?123" icon="@drawable/symbol_icon" balloon="false"/>  <key id="22" start_pos_x="69.375%p" start_pos_y="52%p" width="9.75%p" height="48%p" code="-7" key_type="7" icon="@drawable/clearbg" balloon="false"/>   <key id="23" start_pos_x="79.20%p" start_pos_y="52%p" width="19.5%p" height="48%p"  code="66" key_type="7" balloon="false">    <toggle_state state_id="@string/toggle_enter_go" label="@string/go" code="66"/>    <toggle_state state_id="@string/toggle_enter_search" label="@string/search" code="66"/>    <toggle_state state_id="@string/toggle_enter_send" label="@string/sent" code="66"/>    <toggle_state state_id="@string/toggle_enter_next" label="@string/next" code="66"/>    <toggle_state state_id="@string/toggle_enter_done" label="@string/completion" code="66"/>  </key>  <key id="24" start_pos_x="1.25%p"   start_pos_y="52%p" width="9.75%p" height="48%p" code="-10" key_type="7" label="" icon="@drawable/icon_speech" balloon="false"/>      <key id="30" start_pos_x="62.15%p" start_pos_y="34.6%p" balloon="false"      width="15.245%p" height="32.33%p" icon="@drawable/numstar" label="*"  key_type="9"/>             <key id="31" start_pos_x="62.15%p" start_pos_y="66.6%p" balloon="false"      width="15.245%p" height="32.33%p" icon="@drawable/numpound" label="\#"  key_type="9"/>         </skb_template>



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