
来源:互联网 发布:淄博seo交流 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 13:14

1、opencv中HOG源码中出现的一些关键字,CV_WRAP and CV_EXPORTS_W

struct CV_EXPORTS_W HOGDescriptor { public: enum { L2Hys=0 }; enum { DEFAULT_NLEVELS=64 };CV_WRAP HOGDescriptor() : winSize(64,128), blockSize(16,16), blockStride(8,8),    cellSize(8,8), nbins(9), derivAperture(1), winSigma(-1),    histogramNormType(HOGDescriptor::L2Hys), L2HysThreshold(0.2), gammaCorrection(true),    nlevels(HOGDescriptor::DEFAULT_NLEVELS){}


CV_EXPORTS_W is defined inmodules/core/include/opencv2/core/types_c.h as alias for CV_EXPORTS, CV_EXPORTSis defined as:

#if (defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32 || defined WINCE) && defined CVAPI_EXPORTS# define CV_EXPORTS __declspec(dllexport)#else# define CV_EXPORTS#endif

So it's alias for __declspec(dllexport) on Windows platform where CVAPI_EXPORTS is defined, otherwise it's empty.

CV_WARP is used as flag for scripts to create wrappers of the function or method. It is used for creation Python or Java wrappers.

大体意思是说,CV_WARP是一种函数或者方法的封装类,而CVAPI_EXPORTS _W是CVAPI_EXPORTS 的别称,CVAPI_EXPORTS 又是__declspec(dllexport) 的一个别称,

使用 __declspec(dllexport) 关键字从 DLL 导出数据、函数、类或类成员函数。(


int cvRound (double value)


函数 cvRound, cvFloor, cvCeil 用一种舍入方法将输入浮点数转换成整数。 cvRound 返回和参数最接近的整数值。 cvFloor 返回不大于参数的最大整数值。

cvCeil 返回不小于参数的最小整数值。






1 void SerialApplyFoo (int a[], size_t n) {2     for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++ i)3 Foo(a[i]);4 }


1 #include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h" 2 #include "tbb/blocked_range.h" 3 #include "tbb/parallel_for.h" 4 5 using namespace tbb;6 7 // 对每个元素执行该操作 8 void Foo(int value)9 {10     // Applied function 11 }12  13 class ApplyFoo14 {15     int * const my_a;16 public:17     void operator () (const blocked_range<size_t> & r) const 18     {19         int * a = my_a;20         for (size_t i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++ i)21             Foo(a[i]);22     }23     24     ApplyFoo(int a[]) : my_a(a) {}25 };26  27 int main(int argc, char* argv[])28 {29     // 创建task scheduler 30     task_scheduler_init init;31         const int n = 100;32     int a[n];33     for (int i = 0; i < n; i ++)34         a[i] = i;35     // TBB会把数组分成若干的block36     // 对block调用ApplyFoo这个functor 37     parallel_for(blocked_range<size_t>(0, n), ApplyFoo(a), simple_partitioner());38     return 0;39 }






OK,我们一个个来看,先说blocked_range,这个template class表述了一个一维迭代(iterator)。同样的,我们先来看看它的declaration(部分无关代码已裁减),在tbb/blocked_range.h里:

#ifndef __TBB_blocked_range_H#define __TBB_blocked_range_H#include "tbb_stddef.h"namespace tbb {/** \page range_req Requirements on range concept    Class \c R implementing the concept of range must define:    - \code R::R( const R& ); \endcode               Copy constructor    - \code R::~R(); \endcode                        Destructor    - \code bool R::is_divisible() const; \endcode   True if range can be partitioned into two subranges    - \code bool R::empty() const; \endcode          True if range is empty    - \code R::R( R& r, split ); \endcode            Split range \c r into two subranges.**///! A range over which to iterate./** @ingroup algorithms */template<typename Value>class blocked_range {public:    //! Type of a value    /** Called a const_iterator for sake of algorithms that need to treat a blocked_range        as an STL container. */    typedef Value const_iterator;    //! Type for size of a range    typedef std::size_t size_type;    //! Construct range with default-constructed values for begin and end.    /** Requires that Value have a default constructor. */    blocked_range() : my_begin(), my_end() {}    //! Construct range over half-open interval [begin,end), with the given grainsize.    blocked_range( Value begin_, Value end_, size_type grainsize_=1 ) :         my_end(end_), my_begin(begin_), my_grainsize(grainsize_)     {        __TBB_ASSERT( my_grainsize>0, "grainsize must be positive" );    }    //! Beginning of range.    const_iterator begin() const {return my_begin;}    //! One past last value in range.    const_iterator end() const {return my_end;}    //! Size of the range    /** Unspecified if end()<begin(). */    size_type size() const {        __TBB_ASSERT( !(end()<begin()), "size() unspecified if end()<begin()" );        return size_type(my_end-my_begin);    }    //! The grain size for this range.    size_type grainsize() const {return my_grainsize;}    //------------------------------------------------------------------------    // Methods that implement Range concept    //------------------------------------------------------------------------    //! True if range is empty.    bool empty() const {return !(my_begin<my_end);}    //! True if range is divisible.    /** Unspecified if end()<begin(). */    bool is_divisible() const {return my_grainsize<size();}    //! Split range.      /** The new Range *this has the second half, the old range r has the first half.         Unspecified if end()<begin() or !is_divisible(). */    blocked_range( blocked_range& r, split ) :         my_end(r.my_end),        my_begin(do_split(r)),        my_grainsize(r.my_grainsize)    {}private:    /** NOTE: my_end MUST be declared before my_begin, otherwise the forking constructor will break. */    Value my_end;    Value my_begin;    size_type my_grainsize;    //! Auxilary function used by forking constructor.    /** Using this function lets us not require that Value support assignment or default construction. */    static Value do_split( blocked_range& r ) {        __TBB_ASSERT( r.is_divisible(), "cannot split blocked_range that is not divisible" );        Value middle = r.my_begin + (r.my_end-r.my_begin)/2u;        r.my_end = middle;        return middle;    }    template<typename RowValue, typename ColValue>    friend class blocked_range2d;    template<typename RowValue, typename ColValue, typename PageValue>    friend class blocked_range3d;};} // namespace tbb#endif /* __TBB_blocked_range_H */


blocked_range( Value begin_, Value end_, size_type grainsize_=1 ) :         my_end(end_), my_begin(begin_), my_grainsize(grainsize_)     {        __TBB_ASSERT( my_grainsize>0, "grainsize must be positive" );    }













1 概念简单

2 确保分割不会超过grainsize大小,这样你可以假定operator()的最大范围不会超过grainsize









#ifndef __TBB_parallel_for_H#define __TBB_parallel_for_H#include "task.h"#include "partitioner.h"#include <new>namespace tbb {//! @cond INTERNALnamespace internal {    //! Task type used in parallel_for    /** @ingroup algorithms */    template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner>    class start_for: public task {        Range my_range;        const Body my_body;        typename Partitioner::partition_type my_partition;        /*override*/ task* execute();        //! Constructor for root task.        start_for( const Range& range, const Body& body, Partitioner& partitioner ) :            my_range(range),                my_body(body),            my_partition(partitioner)        {        }        //! Splitting constructor used to generate children.        /** this becomes left child.  Newly constructed object is right child. */        start_for( start_for& parent, split ) :            my_range(parent.my_range,split()),                my_body(parent.my_body),            my_partition(parent.my_partition,split())        {            my_partition.set_affinity(*this);        }        //! Update affinity info, if any.        /*override*/ void note_affinity( affinity_id id ) {            my_partition.note_affinity( id );        }    public:        static void run(  const Range& range, const Body& body, const Partitioner& partitioner ) {            if( !range.empty() ) {#if !__TBB_EXCEPTIONS || TBB_JOIN_OUTER_TASK_GROUP                start_for& a = *new(task::allocate_root()) start_for(range,body,const_cast<Partitioner&>(partitioner));#else                // Bound context prevents exceptions from body to affect nesting or sibling algorithms,                // and allows users to handle exceptions safely by wrapping parallel_for in the try-block.                task_group_context context;                start_for& a = *new(task::allocate_root(context)) start_for(range,body,const_cast<Partitioner&>(partitioner));#endif /* __TBB_EXCEPTIONS && !TBB_JOIN_OUTER_TASK_GROUP */                task::spawn_root_and_wait(a);            }        }#if __TBB_EXCEPTIONS        static void run(  const Range& range, const Body& body, const Partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {            if( !range.empty() ) {                start_for& a = *new(task::allocate_root(context)) start_for(range,body,const_cast<Partitioner&>(partitioner));                task::spawn_root_and_wait(a);            }        }#endif /* __TBB_EXCEPTIONS */    };    template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner>    task* start_for<Range,Body,Partitioner>::execute() {        if( !my_range.is_divisible() || my_partition.should_execute_range(*this) ) {            my_body( my_range );            return my_partition.continue_after_execute_range(*this);         } else {            empty_task& c = *new( this->allocate_continuation() ) empty_task;            recycle_as_child_of(c);            c.set_ref_count(2);            bool delay = my_partition.decide_whether_to_delay();            start_for& b = *new( c.allocate_child() ) start_for(*this,split());            my_partition.spawn_or_delay(delay,*this,b);            return this;        }    } } // namespace internal//! @endcond// Requirements on Range concept are documented in blocked_range.h/** \page parallel_for_body_req Requirements on parallel_for body    Class \c Body implementing the concept of parallel_for body must define:    - \code Body::Body( const Body& ); \endcode                 Copy constructor    - \code Body::~Body(); \endcode                             Destructor    - \code void Body::operator()( Range& r ) const; \endcode   Function call operator applying the body to range \c r.**//** \name parallel_for    See also requirements on \ref range_req "Range" and \ref parallel_for_body_req "parallel_for Body". **///@{//! Parallel iteration over range with simple partitioner, or default partitioner if no partitioner is specified./** @ingroup algorithms **/template<typename Range, typename Body>void parallel_for( const Range& range, const Body& body, const simple_partitioner& partitioner=simple_partitioner() ) {    internal::start_for<Range,Body,simple_partitioner>::run(range,body,partitioner);}//! Parallel iteration over range with auto_partitioner./** @ingroup algorithms **/template<typename Range, typename Body>void parallel_for( const Range& range, const Body& body, const auto_partitioner& partitioner ) {    internal::start_for<Range,Body,auto_partitioner>::run(range,body,partitioner);}//! Parallel iteration over range with affinity_partitioner./** @ingroup algorithms **/template<typename Range, typename Body>void parallel_for( const Range& range, const Body& body, affinity_partitioner& partitioner ) {    internal::start_for<Range,Body,affinity_partitioner>::run(range,body,partitioner);}#if __TBB_EXCEPTIONS//! Parallel iteration over range with simple partitioner and user-supplied context./** @ingroup algorithms **/template<typename Range, typename Body>void parallel_for( const Range& range, const Body& body, const simple_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {    internal::start_for<Range,Body,simple_partitioner>::run(range, body, partitioner, context);}//! Parallel iteration over range with auto_partitioner and user-supplied context./** @ingroup algorithms **/template<typename Range, typename Body>void parallel_for( const Range& range, const Body& body, const auto_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {    internal::start_for<Range,Body,auto_partitioner>::run(range, body, partitioner, context);}//! Parallel iteration over range with affinity_partitioner and user-supplied context./** @ingroup algorithms **/template<typename Range, typename Body>void parallel_for( const Range& range, const Body& body, affinity_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {    internal::start_for<Range,Body,affinity_partitioner>::run(range,body,partitioner, context);}#endif /* __TBB_EXCEPTIONS *///@}} // namespace tbb#endif /* __TBB_parallel_for_H */





其实从parallel_for的prototypedeclaration和definition中我们可以明显地看到generic programming的意思,这里Range、Body、Partitioner其实都是GP里的concept,它们要求满足一定的policy,因此是典型的基于policy的design,当然这里的policy比起STL,有过之而无不及了。


parallel_for 循环访问一个索引范围,并在每次迭代时以并行方式执行用户提供的函数。
template <   typename _Index_type,   typename _Function,   typename _Partitioner>void parallel_for(   _Index_type_First,   _Index_type_Last,   _Index_type_Step,   const _Function& _Func,   _Partitioner&& _Part);template <   typename _Index_type,   typename _Function>void parallel_for(   _Index_type_First,   _Index_type_Last,   _Index_type_Step,   const _Function& _Func);template <   typename _Index_type,   typename _Function>void parallel_for(   _Index_type_First,   _Index_type_Last,   const _Function& _Func,   const auto_partitioner& _Part = auto_partitioner());template <   typename _Index_type,   typename _Function>void parallel_for(   _Index_type_First,   _Index_type_Last,   const _Function& _Func,   const static_partitioner& _Part);template <   typename _Index_type,   typename _Function>void parallel_for(   _Index_type_First,   _Index_type_Last,   const _Function& _Func,   const simple_partitioner& _Part);template <   typename _Index_type,   typename _Function>void parallel_for(   _Index_type_First,   _Index_type_Last,   const _Function& _Func,   affinity_partitioner& _Part);











从 _First 至 _Last 迭代时的步长值。 此步长必须是正数。 如果该步骤小于 1,则会引发 invalid_argument。


要在每次迭代时执行的函数。 这可以是 lambda 表达式、函数指针或支持函数调用运算符某个版本的任意对象,具有签名 void operator()(_Index_type)


对分区程序对象的引用。 参数可以是一个 constauto_partitioner&, conststatic_partitioner&, constsimple_partitioner& 或 affinity_partitioner& ,如果使用 affinity_partitioner 对象,引用必须是一个非常量左值引用,因此,算法可以存储将来的循环的状态可以重用。



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