
来源:互联网 发布:编程经典算法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/14 15:19



{        .name       = "migrate",/* 在monitor命令行中所使用的命令名称 */        .args_type  = "detach:-d,blk:-b,inc:-i,uri:s",        .params     = "[-d] [-b] [-i] uri",/* 重要,是命令的附加参数,具体参照后文的分析 */        .help       = "migrate to URI (using -d to not wait for completion)"      "\n\t\t\t -b for migration without shared storage with"      " full copy of disk\n\t\t\t -i for migration without "      "shared storage with incremental copy of disk "      "(base image shared between src and destination)",        .mhandler.cmd = hmp_migrate,/* 对应的处理函数 */    },STEXI@item migrate [-d] [-b] [-i] @var{uri}@findex migrateMigrate to @var{uri} (using -d to not wait for completion).-b for migration with full copy of disk-i for migration with incremental copy of disk (base image is shared)ETEXI



Sh  /root/qemu-kvm-1.1.0/scripts/hxtool -h  <  /root/qemu-kvm-1.2.0/hmp-commands.hx  >  hmp-commands.h


/* mon_cmds andinfo_cmds would be sorted at runtime */static mon_cmd_tmon_cmds[] = {#include"hmp-commands.h"    { NULL, NULL, },};



Hmp_migrate(hm是human monitor的意思),

Qmp_migrate(qmp是qemu monitor protocal的意思),








QTAILQ_FOREACH(se, &savevm_handlers, entry) {        if(se->set_params == NULL) {            continue;}se->set_params(blk_enable, shared, se->opaque);    }        qemu_put_be32(f, QEMU_VM_FILE_MAGIC);    qemu_put_be32(f, QEMU_VM_FILE_VERSION);    QTAILQ_FOREACH(se, &savevm_handlers, entry) {        int len;        if (se->save_live_state == NULL)            continue;        /* Section type */        qemu_put_byte(f, QEMU_VM_SECTION_START);        qemu_put_be32(f, se->section_id);        /* ID string */        len = strlen(se->idstr);        qemu_put_byte(f, len);        qemu_put_buffer(f, (uint8_t *)se->idstr, len);        qemu_put_be32(f, se->instance_id);        qemu_put_be32(f, se->version_id);        ret = se->save_live_state(f, QEMU_VM_SECTION_START, se->opaque);        if (ret < 0) {            qemu_savevm_state_cancel(f);            return ret;        }    }    ret = qemu_file_get_error(f);    if (ret != 0) {        qemu_savevm_state_cancel(f);    }


QTAILQ_FOREACH(se, &savevm_handlers, entry) {        if (se->save_live_state == NULL)            continue;        /* Section type */        qemu_put_byte(f, QEMU_VM_SECTION_PART);        qemu_put_be32(f, se->section_id);        ret = se->save_live_state(f, QEMU_VM_SECTION_PART, se->opaque);        if (ret <= 0) {            /* Do not proceed to the next vmstate before this one reported               completion of the current stage. This serializes the migration               and reduces the probability that a faster changing state is               synchronized over and over again. */            break;        }    }    if (ret != 0) {        return ret;    }    ret = qemu_file_get_error(f);    if (ret != 0) {        qemu_savevm_state_cancel(f);    }




typedef struct SaveStateEntry {    QTAILQ_ENTRY(SaveStateEntry) entry;    char idstr[256];    int instance_id;    int alias_id;    int version_id;    int section_id;    SaveSetParamsHandler *set_params;    SaveLiveStateHandler *save_live_state;    SaveStateHandler *save_state;    LoadStateHandler *load_state;    const VMStateDescription *vmsd;    void *opaque;    CompatEntry *compat;    int no_migrate;    int is_ram;} SaveStateEntry;


所有支持虚拟机活迁移的虚拟设备,都需要调用register_savevm_live方法,提供保存状态的SaveLiveStateHandler *save_live_state函数,供活迁移开始时被调用。


/* TODO: Individual devices generally have very little idea about the rest   of the system, so instance_id should be removed/replaced.   Meanwhile pass -1 as instance_id if you do not already have a clearly   distinguishing id for all instances of your device class. */int register_savevm_live(DeviceState *dev,                         const char *idstr,                         int instance_id,                         int version_id,                         SaveSetParamsHandler *set_params,                         SaveLiveStateHandler *save_live_state,                         SaveStateHandler *save_state,                         LoadStateHandler *load_state,                         void *opaque){    SaveStateEntry *se;    se = g_malloc0(sizeof(SaveStateEntry));    se->version_id = version_id;    se->section_id = global_section_id++;    se->set_params = set_params;    se->save_live_state = save_live_state;    se->save_state = save_state;    se->load_state = load_state;    se->opaque = opaque;    se->vmsd = NULL;    se->no_migrate = 0;    /* if this is a live_savem then set is_ram */    if (save_live_state != NULL) {        se->is_ram = 1;    }    if (dev && dev->parent_bus && dev->parent_bus->info->get_dev_path) {        char *id = dev->parent_bus->info->get_dev_path(dev);        if (id) {            pstrcpy(se->idstr, sizeof(se->idstr), id);            pstrcat(se->idstr, sizeof(se->idstr), "/");            g_free(id);            se->compat = g_malloc0(sizeof(CompatEntry));            pstrcpy(se->compat->idstr, sizeof(se->compat->idstr), idstr);            se->compat->instance_id = instance_id == -1 ?                         calculate_compat_instance_id(idstr) : instance_id;            instance_id = -1;        }    }    pstrcat(se->idstr, sizeof(se->idstr), idstr);    if (instance_id == -1) {        se->instance_id = calculate_new_instance_id(se->idstr);    } else {        se->instance_id = instance_id;    }    assert(!se->compat || se->instance_id == 0);    /* add at the end of list */    QTAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&savevm_handlers, se, entry);    return 0;}




register_savevm_live(NULL, "ram", 0, 4, NULL, ram_save_live, NULL,                         ram_load, NULL);




int ram_save_live(QEMUFile *f, int stage, void *opaque)

调用时给stage赋予不同的值,ram_save_live会完成不同阶段的功能,qemu_savevm_state_begin给stage赋值QEMU_VM_SECTION_START,完成起始阶段的工作(比如将所有的内存页都设为脏页);qemu_savevm_state_iterate给stage赋值QEMU_VM_SECTION_PART,是内存进行迭代拷贝的阶段。qemu_savevm_state_iterate每调用ram_save_live一次,就迭代一次,它会多次调用ram_save_live进行迭代直至达到目标为止(expected_time <= migrate_max_downtime())。


内容摘录自论文《Optimized Pre-Copy Live Migration for Memory Intensive》(后面有算法的伪代码)

2.1 The KVM Implementation

KVM, as of the QEMU-KVM release 0.14.0, uses Algorithm 1. We show the pseudo-code for the call-back function invoked by the helper thread that manages migration. This code runs sequentially, regardless of the number of processors in the virtual machine and it proceeds in three phases.

In the first phase(lines 2-10), all memory pages are marked dirty and the modification tracking mechanism is initialized.

In the second phase, pages are copied if they are marked dirty. The dirty page is reset, and the page write-permission is revoked such that an attempt by an application on the VM to modify the page will result in a soft page fault. While servicing this fault,in addition to granting write-permission, the KVM driver sets the dirty page again to one, indicating the need for retransmission.

Typically, this second phase is the longest in iterative precopy. Pages are being copied as long as the maximum transfer rate to the destination machine is not exceeded. Pages that are modified but not copied are used to estimate the downtime if the migration proceeds to the third stage. If the estimated downtime is still high, the algorithm iterates until it predicts a value lower than the target value. When the target downtime is met, the migration enters the third and final stage,where the source virtual machine (and applications) is stopped. Dirty pages are transmitted to the destination machine, where execution is resumed.


int ram_save_live(QEMUFile *f, int stage, void *opaque){    uint64_t bytes_transferred_last;    double bwidth = 0;    uint64_t expected_time = 0;    int ret;    if (stage == 1) {        bytes_transferred = 0;        last_block_sent = NULL;        ram_save_set_last_block(NULL, 0);    }    if (outgoing_postcopy) {        return postcopy_outgoing_ram_save_live(f, stage, opaque);    }    if (stage < 0) {        memory_global_dirty_log_stop();        return 0;    }    memory_global_sync_dirty_bitmap(get_system_memory());    if (stage == 1) {        sort_ram_list();        /* Make sure all dirty bits are set */        ram_save_memory_set_dirty();        memory_global_dirty_log_start();        ram_save_live_mem_size(f);    }    bytes_transferred_last = bytes_transferred;    bwidth = qemu_get_clock_ns(rt_clock);    while ((ret = qemu_file_rate_limit(f)) == 0) {        if (ram_save_block(f) == 0) { /* no more blocks */            break;        }    }    if (ret < 0) {        return ret;    }    bwidth = qemu_get_clock_ns(rt_clock) - bwidth;    bwidth = (bytes_transferred - bytes_transferred_last) / bwidth;    /* if we haven't transferred anything this round, force expected_time to a     * a very high value, but without crashing */    if (bwidth == 0) {        bwidth = 0.000001;    }    /* try transferring iterative blocks of memory */    if (stage == 3) {        /* flush all remaining blocks regardless of rate limiting */        while (ram_save_block(f) != 0) {            /* nothing */        }        memory_global_dirty_log_stop();    }    qemu_put_be64(f, RAM_SAVE_FLAG_EOS);    expected_time = ram_save_remaining() * TARGET_PAGE_SIZE / bwidth;    return (stage == 2) && (expected_time <= migrate_max_downtime());}



migrate -d tcp:

其中-d表示“not wait for completion”,也就是有了这个参数后,monitor的命令行提示符不用等待迁移工作完成就能返回,用户可以在迁移期间同时在monitor命令行中执行其他操作(比如查看迁移状态);如果没有这个参数,命令行要一直等待迁移任务完成后才能返回。



.args_type  = "detach:-d,blk:-b,inc:-i,uri:s",






1 0
热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 云短信发验证码怎么办 30人生迷茫时该怎么办 蒸饺子没有屉布怎么办 酵素浴生蛆虫该怎么办 做销售年纪大了怎么办 我的手表进水了怎么办 美度手表进水了怎么办 买了瓶过期香水怎么办 宝宝吃了润唇膏怎么办 新生3天宝宝打嗝怎么办 咖啡喝多了恶心怎么办 喝咖啡恶心想吐怎么办 咖啡喝多了头晕怎么办 喝咖啡反胃想吐怎么办 咖啡喝多了胃疼怎么办 喝了咖啡想吐怎么办 微商别人觉得贵怎么办 id被别人锁定了怎么办 2017闯红灯扣6分怎么办 乐天玛特超市卡怎么办 乐天玛特的卡怎么办 乐天玛特倒闭 卡怎么办 公租房五年到期怎么办 超市的水杯坏了怎么办 玩天涯明月刀卡怎么办? 想开童装店没什么经验怎么办 孕后期鼻炎犯了怎么办 酷狗国外听不了怎么办 酷狗音乐换手机怎么办 有优势卵泡不排卵怎么办 卵泡30mm不破怎么办 成熟的卵泡不破怎么办 卵泡大了不破怎么办 卵泡突然不长了怎么办 想怀孕卵泡不长怎么办 吉吉影音下载慢怎么办 辞职后社保断了怎么办 2岁泡泡糖咽下去怎么办 我在拼多多开团怎么办 养了一条鱼死了怎么办 鱼缸的鱼尾巴烂怎么办