MIT differential equation---9,10

来源:互联网 发布:巨杉数据库笔试 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 22:52


Linear second-order ODE with constant coefficients

y'' + Ay' + By = 0  homogenous

solution in the form of y = c1y1 + c2y2

spring mass dashpot system:

mx'' = -kx^2 + cx'

basic method:

try y = e^rt

plug in and you can get a quadratic equation, also known as characteristic equation

case 1 : r1 != r2, both are real(overdamped)

ex: y'' + 4y' + 3y = 0

one can immediately write out the characteristic equation:

r^2 + 4r + 3 = 0.   r1 = -3; r2 = -1

given by condition where y(0) = 1 & y'(0) = 0

one can solve y = c1y1 + c2y2

case 2: roots are complex(underdamped)

if u+iv is the solution to the characteristic equation, then u, v are two different solutions to the ODE

y = e^(at + ibt)     => y = e^at (cosbt + i sinbt) => y = e^at (c1 cosbt + c2 sinbt)


y = e^-2(c1cost+c2sint)

physically, there's gonna be oscillation only when there's complex roots

case 3: r1 = r2 = -a&& real(critical damped)

y = e^-at *u

backward-euler formula

sinx = (e^xt + e^-xt)/2

cosx = (e^xt - e^-xt)/2i

change the name of spring mass dashpot system formula to

y'' + 2p y' + (wo^2) y = 0

2p = c / m; wo^2 = k/m

solution can be written in the form of y = Ae^p cos(w1t + phi)

p and w1 depend on ODE

A, phi depend on initial condition

case 1 : p = 0; c = 0; oscillation undamped

pure oscillation wo is the circular frequency

case 2: p^2 < wo^2; oscillation damping

p < wo; p is the half damping

w1 = sqrt(-p^2 + w0^2)

T = pi/w1 ;  w1 is the circular pseudofrequency 


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