
来源:互联网 发布:手机淘宝充值平台 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/27 14:13


/** * 单项链表 * 实现了单项链表的Insert、InsertBefore、InsertAfter、replace、remove、get、swap、getIterator(包含hasNext和next方法)、all方法 * 分别为插入(尾插入/某项之前/某项之后)、替换、移除、取值、交换、迭代、所有值, * Created by Nick on 14-5-15. * */(function (window) {  /**   * 链表节点对象   * @param data   * @constructor   */  var Node = function (data) {    this.data = data;    this.next = null;  };  /**   * 链表对象   * @constructor   */  var LinkedList = function () {    this.size = 0;    this.head = null;  };  /**   * 链表原型方法   * @type {{_testIndex: _testIndex, insert: insert, insertBefore: insertBefore, insertAfter: insertAfter, replace: replace, remove: remove, get: get, swap: swap, getIterator: getIterator, all: all}}   */  LinkedList.prototype = {    constructor: LinkedList,    /**     * 查询index是否越界     * @param index     * @private     */    _testIndex: function (index) {      if (isNaN(index)) {        throw  Error('Index must be a Integer');      }      if (index > this.size - 1 || index < 0) {        throw Error('List Index Out Of Bounds');      }    },    /**     * 向链表末尾插入数据     * @param data     * @returns {LinkedList}     */    insert: function (data) {      this.size++;      var node = new Node(data);      if (this.head == null) {        this.head = node;      } else {        var tmp = this.head;        while (tmp.next != null) {          tmp = tmp.next;        }        tmp.next = node;      }      return this;    },    /**     * 在某个位置前插入一个数据     * @param index     * @param data     * @returns {LinkedList}     */    insertBefore: function (index, data) {      this._testIndex(index);      this.size++;      var node = new Node(data);      var pos = 0;      var prev = this.head;      var current;      while (pos < index - 1) {        prev = prev.next;        pos++;      }      current = prev.next;      if (index == 0) {        this.head = node;        current = prev;      } else {        prev.next = node;      }      node.next = current;      return this;    },    /**     * 在某个位置后插入一个数据     * @param index     * @param data     * @returns {LinkedList}     */    insertAfter: function (index, data) {      this._testIndex(index);      this.size++;      var node = new Node(data);      var pos = 0;      var current = this.head;      var next;      while (pos < index) {        current = current.next;        pos++;      }      next = current.next;      current.next = node;      node.next = next;      return this;    },    /**     * 将某个位置的数据替换掉     * @param index     * @param data     * @returns {LinkedList}     */    replace: function (index, data) {      this._testIndex(index);      var node = new Node(data);      var pos = 0;      var prev = this.head;      var current;      var next;      while (pos < index - 1) {        prev = prev.next;        pos++;      }      current = prev.next;      next = current.next;      if (index == 0) {        this.head = node;        next = current;      } else {        prev.next = node;      }      node.next = next;      return this;    },    /**     * 将某个位置的数据删除     * @param index     * @returns {LinkedList}     */    remove: function (index) {      this._testIndex(index);      this.size--;      if (index == 0) {        this.head = this.head.next;      } else {        var pos = 0;        var prev = this.head;        var current;        var next;        while (pos < index - 1) {          prev = prev.next;          pos++;        }        current = prev.next;        next = current.next;        prev.next = next;      }      return this;    },    /**     * 获取某个位置的数据     * @param index     * @returns {*}     */    get: function (index) {      this._testIndex(index);      var pos = 0;      var current = this.head;      while (pos < index) {        current = current.next;        pos++;      }      return current.data;    },    /**     * 将某两个位置的数据交换     * @param indexA     * @param indexB     * @returns {LinkedList}     */    swap: function (indexA, indexB) {      if (indexA == indexB) return this;      this._testIndex(indexA);      this._testIndex(indexB);      if (indexA > indexB) {        var tmp = indexA;        indexA = indexB;        indexB = tmp;      }      var posA = 0;      var posB = 0;      var prevA = this.head;      var prevB = this.head;      var currentA;      var currentB;      var nextA;      var nextB;      while (posA < indexA - 1) {        prevA = prevA.next;        posA++;      }      currentA = prevA.next;      nextA = currentA.next;      while (posB < indexB - 1) {        prevB = prevB.next;        posB++;      }      currentB = prevB.next;      nextB = currentB.next;      if (indexA == 0) {        nextA = currentA;        currentA = prevA;        this.head = currentB;      } else {        currentB = prevB.next;        nextB = currentB.next;        prevA.next = currentB;      }      currentB.next = nextA;      prevB.next = currentA;      currentA.next = nextB;      return this;    },    /**     * 获取迭代器对象     * @returns {{hasNext: hasNext, next: next}}     */    getIterator: function () {      var that = this;      var tmp;      var next;      return {        hasNext: function () {          return (tmp || that.head).next != null;        },        next: function () {          if (!tmp) {            next = that.head;          } else {            next = tmp.next;          }          tmp = next;          return next.data;        }      };    },    /**     * 获取链表中的所有数据     * @returns {{}}     */    all: function () {      var result = {};      var iterator = this.getIterator();      var pos = 0;      while (iterator.hasNext()) {        result[pos] = iterator.next();        pos++;      }      return result;    }  };  window.LinkedList = LinkedList;})(window);



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