
来源:互联网 发布:json数组长度 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 08:12



题一、 给定单链表,检测是否有环。



题二、 给定两个单链表(head1, head2),检测两个链表是否有交点,如果有返回第一个交点。
   否则,分别从head1,head2开始遍历两个链表获得其长度len1与len2。假设len1>=len2,那么指针p1由head1开始向后 移动len1-len2步。指针p2=head2,下面p1、p2每次向后前进一步并比较p1p2是否相等,如果相等即返回该结点,否则说明两个链表没有 交点。

题三、 给定单链表(head),如果有环的话请返回从头结点进入环的第一个节点。
   如果有环,那么p1p2重合点p必然在环中。从p点断开环,方法为:p1=p, p2=p->next, p->next=NULL。此时,原单链表可以看作两条单链表,一条从head开始,另一条从p2开始,于是运用题二的方法,我们找到它们的第一个交点即为所求。






   链表排序最好使用归并排序算法。堆排序、快速排序这些在数组排序时性能非常好的算法,在链表只能“顺序访问”的魔咒下无法施展能力;但是归并排序却如鱼得水,非但保持了它O(nlogn)的时间复杂度,而且它在数组排序中广受诟病的空间复杂度在链表排序中也从O(n)降到了O(1)。真是好得不得了啊,哈哈。以上程序是递推法的程序,另外值得一说的是看看那个时间复杂度,是不是有点眼熟?对!这就是分治法的时间复杂度,归并排序又是divide and conquer。 

double cmp(ListNode *p ,ListNode *q)

{return (p->keyVal - q->keyVal);}

ListNode* mergeSortList(ListNode *head)

    ListNode *p, *q, *tail, *e;   
    int nstep = 1;    
    int nmerges = 0;    
    int i;    
    int psize, qsize;
    if (head == NULL || head->next == NULL)        
    {return head;}    
    while (1)        
    {   p = head;    
    tail = NULL;
    nmerges = 0;   
    while (p)        
    {   nmerges++;  q = p;  psize = 0;    
    for (i = 0; i < nstep; i++){        
        q = q->next;        
        if (q == NULL)break;        
    qsize = nstep;    
    while (psize >0 || (qsize >0 && q))        
        if (psize == 0 ){e = q; q = q->next; qsize--;}
        elseif (q == NULL || qsize == 0){e = p; p = p->next; psize--;}
        elseif (cmp(p,q) <= 0){e = p; p = p->next; psize--;}
        else{e = q; q = q->next; qsize--;}
        if (tail != NULL){tail->next = e;}
        else{head = e;}
        tail = e;
    p = q;

    tail->next = NULL;    
    if (nmerges <= 1){return head;}   
    else{nstep <<= 1;}    

另外一篇博客,链表的归并排序:http://blog.csdn.net/lalor/article/details/7430624 贴在下面




1) If head is NULL or there is only one element in the Linked List    then return.2) Else divide the linked list into two halves.      FrontBackSplit(head, &a, &b); /* a and b are two halves */3) Sort the two halves a and b.      MergeSort(a);      MergeSort(b);4) Merge the sorted a and b (using SortedMerge() discussed here)   and update the head pointer using headRef.     *headRef = SortedMerge(a, b);
#include <stdio.h>  #include <stdlib.h>    /*Link list node*/  struct node  {      int data;      struct node* next;  };    /*function prototype */  struct node* SortedMerge(struct node* a, struct node* b);  void FrontBackSplit(struct node* source, struct node** frontRef, struct node** backRef);    /*sorts the linked list by changing next pointers(not data) */  void MergeSort(struct node** headRef)  {      struct node* head = *headRef;      struct node* a;      struct node* b;        /*base case-- length 0 or 1 */      if((head == NULL) || (head->next == NULL))      {          return;      }            /*Split head into 'a' and 'b' sublists */      FrontBackSplit(head, &a, &b);        /*Recursively sort the sublists */      MergeSort(&a);      MergeSort(&b);        /* answer = merge the two sorted lists together */      *headRef = SortedMerge(a, b);  }    struct node* SortedMerge(struct node* a, struct node* b)  {      struct node* result = NULL;        /* Base cases */      if(a == NULL)          return (b);      else if(b == NULL)          return (a);        /* Pick either a or b recur */      if(a->data <= b->data)      {          result = a;          result->next = SortedMerge(a->next, b);      }      else      {          result = b;          result->next = SortedMerge(a, b->next);         }      return (result);  }    /* UTILITY FUNCTIONS */  /* Split the nodes of the given list into front and back halves,     and return the two lists using the references parameters.     If the length is odd, the extra node shold go in the front list.     Uses the fast/slow pointer strategy. */  void FrontBackSplit(struct node* source, struct node** frontRef, struct node** backRef)  {      struct node* fast;      struct node* slow;        if(source == NULL || source->next == NULL)      {          *frontRef = source;          *backRef = NULL;      }      else      {          slow = source;          fast = source->next;            /* Advance 'fast' two nodes, and advance 'slow' one node */           while(fast != NULL)          {              fast = fast->next;              if( fast != NULL )              {                  slow = slow->next;                  fast = fast->next;              }          }            *frontRef = source;          *backRef = slow->next;          slow->next = NULL;      }  }        /*Function to print nodes in a given linked list*/  void printList(struct node* node)  {      while( node != NULL )      {          printf("%d  ", node->data);          node = node->next;      }  }    /* Function to insert a node at the begining of the linked list*/  void push(struct node** head_ref, int new_data)  {      /*allocate node*/      struct node* new_node = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));            /*put in the data*/      new_node->data = new_data;            /*link the old list off the new node*/      new_node->next = (*head_ref);            /*move the head to point to the new node*/      (*head_ref) = new_node;  }        /* Drier program to test above functions*/  int main()  {      /* Start with the empty list */      struct node* res = NULL;      struct node* a = NULL;        /* Let us create a unsorted linked lists to test the functions        Created lists shall be a: 2->3->20->5->10->15 */      push(&a, 15);      push(&a, 10);      push(&a, 5);      push(&a, 20);      push(&a, 3);      push(&a, 2);         /* Sort the above created Linked List */      MergeSort(&a);        printf("\n Sorted Linked List is: \n");      printList(a);                   return 0;  } 



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct Node
 int data;
 Node* next;

// 非递归写法
Node* InverseLinkedList(Node* head)
 if(head == NULL)
 return NULL;
 Node* newHead = NULL;
 while(head != NULL)
 Node* nextNode = head->next;
->next = newHead;
 = head;
 = nextNode;
 return newHead;

// 递归写法
Node* InverseLinkedListRecur(Node* head)
 if(head == NULL)
 return NULL;
 if(head->next == NULL)
 return head;
 Node* newHead = InverseLinkedListRecur(head->next);
 Node *tmp = newHead;
 while(tmp->next != NULL)
 = tmp->next;
->next = head;
->next = NULL;
 return newHead;

int main()
 // 构建链表 9->8->7->6->5->4->3->2->1->0->NULL
 for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
 Node* node = new Node();
->data = i;
->next = head;
 = node;
 = InverseLinkedList(head);
 Node *tmp = head;
 while(head != NULL)
 << head->data << " ";
 = head->next;
 << endl;
 = InverseLinkedListRecur(tmp);
 = head;
 while(head != NULL)
 << head->data << " ";
 = head->next;
 << endl;
 while(tmp != NULL)
 Node* next = tmp->next;
 delete tmp;
 = next;


typedef struct node{    int data;    struct node * next;}* List;List mergeSortedLinkList(List list1, List list2){    List pList1,pList2,mergedList,pCurNode;    if (list1 == NULL)    {        return list2;    }    if (list2 == NULL)    {        return list1;    }    pList1 = list1;    pList2 = list2;    mergedList = NULL;    if (pList1==pList2)    {               mergedList = pList1;        pList1 = pList1->next;        pList2 = pList2->next;    }    else     {        if (pList1->data <= pList2->data)        {            mergedList = pList1;            pList1 = pList1->next;        }        else        {            mergedList = pList2;            pList2 = pList2->next;        }    }    pCurNode = mergedList;    while(pList1 && pList2)    {        if (pList1==pList2)        {            pCurNode->next = pList1;            pCurNode = pList1;            pList1 = pList1->next;            pList2 = pList2->next;        }        else        {            if (pList1->data <= pList2->data)            {                pCurNode->next = pList1;                pCurNode = pList1;                pList1 = pList1->next;            }            else            {                pCurNode->next = pList2;                pCurNode = pList2;                pList2 = pList2->next;            }        }    }    pCurNode->next =pList1?pList1:pList2;    return mergedList;}题十、找出链表的中间元素
单链表的一个比较大的特点用一句广告语来说就是“不走回头路”,不能实现随机存取(random access)。如果我们想要找一个数组a的中间元素,直接a[len/2]就可以了,但是链表不行,因为只有a[len/2 - 1] 知道a[len/2]在哪儿,其他人不知道。因此,如果按照数组的做法依样画葫芦,要找到链表的中点,我们需要做两步(1)知道链表有多长(2)从头结点开始顺序遍历到链表长度的一半的位置。这就需要1.5n(n为链表的长度)的时间复杂度了。有没有更好的办法呢?有的。想法很简单:两个人赛跑,如果A的速度是B的两倍的话,当A到终点的时候,B应该刚到中点。这只需要遍历一遍链表就行了,还不用计算链表的长度。
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