
来源:互联网 发布:dns域名 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 18:33


题目一:Max Points on a Line http://oj.leetcode.com/problems/max-points-on-a-line/

Given n points on a 2D plane, find the maximum number of points that lie on the same straight line.


/** * Definition for a point. * struct Point { *     int x; *     int y; *     Point() : x(0), y(0) {} *     Point(int a, int b) : x(a), y(b) {} * }; */class Solution {public:     int countEqualNum(vector<double>& slope){        int maxNum=0;        int num=1;        if(slope.size()==0) return maxNum;        sort(slope.begin(), slope.end());        for(int i=1;i<slope.size();i++){            if(slope[i]==slope[i-1]) num++;            else{                if(num>maxNum) maxNum=num;                num=1;            }        }        if(num>maxNum) maxNum=num; //****        return maxNum+1;    }        int maxPoints(vector<Point> &points) {        if(points.size()==0 || points.size()==1) return points.size();        vector<int> x;        int maxNum=0;                vector<double> slope;        for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++){            int num=1;            int num2=0;            for(int j=i+1;j<points.size();j++){                if(points[j].x!=points[i].x){                    double tmp=(points[j].y-points[i].y)*1.0/(points[j].x-points[i].x);                    slope.push_back(tmp);                }                else{                    if(points[j].y==points[i].y) num2++;                    num++;                }            }                        int localmax=countEqualNum(slope)+num2;            localmax=max(localmax, num);            if(localmax>maxNum) maxNum=localmax;            slope.clear();        }        return maxNum;    }};

题目二:Triangle http://oj.leetcode.com/problems/triangle/

Given a triangle, find the minimum path sum from top to bottom. Each step you may move to adjacent numbers on the row below.

思路:利用DP的思想,用数组保存当前行中每个位置的path sum的最小值。

class Solution {public:    int minimumTotal(vector<vector<int> > &triangle) {        int res=1<<8;        vector<int> sum(triangle.size(), 1<<12);        vector<int> num(triangle.size(), 1<<12);        num[0]=sum[0]=triangle[0][0];        for(int i=1;i<triangle.size();i++){            for(int j=0;j<triangle[i].size();j++){                if(j==0) sum[j]=num[j]+triangle[i][j];                else if(j==triangle[i].size()-1) sum[j]=num[j-1]+triangle[i][j];                else sum[j]=triangle[i][j]+min(num[j-1], num[j]);            }            for(int j=0;j<triangle[i].size();j++)            num[j]=sum[j];        }        for(int i=0;i<triangle.size();i++){            if(res>num[i]) res=num[i];        }        return res;    }};


题目三:Largest Rectangle in Histogram http://oj.leetcode.com/problems/largest-rectangle-in-histogram/

Given n non-negative integers representing the histogram's bar height where the width of each bar is 1, find the area of largest rectangle in the histogram.


//写法一:利用额外添加的高度为0的柱子class Solution {  public:    int largestRectangleArea(vector<int> &height) {    int n=height.size();    if(n==0) return 0;    int maxArea=0;    int curArea=0;    stack<int> hg;    height.push_back(0);  //额外添加0,保证最后一个柱子的面积也能算到        int i=0;    while(i<=n){    if(hg.empty() || height[hg.top()] <= height[i])    hg.push(i++);    else{    while(!hg.empty()&&height[hg.top()]>height[i]){            int top_min=hg.top();            hg.pop();            curArea=height[top_min]*(hg.empty()?i:i-hg.top()-1);            if(curArea>maxArea) maxArea=curArea;            }            hg.push(i); //将hg.top()] <= height[i]条件的柱子入栈    }    }        return maxArea;    } };
//解法二,额外处理最后的柱子class Solution {public:    int largestRectangleArea(vector<int> &height) {    int n=height.size();    if(n==0) return 0;    int maxArea=0;    int curArea=0;    stack<int> hg;        int i=0;    while(i<n){    if(hg.empty() || height[hg.top()] <= height[i])    hg.push(i++);    else{    int top_min=hg.top();    hg.pop();    curArea=height[top_min]*(hg.empty()?i:i-hg.top()-1);    if(curArea>maxArea)    maxArea=curArea;    }    }    while(!hg.empty()){    int top_min=hg.top();    hg.pop();    curArea=height[top_min]*(hg.empty()?i:i-hg.top()-1);    if(curArea>maxArea)    maxArea=curArea;    }    return maxArea;    } };

题目四:Maximal Rectangle http://oj.leetcode.com/problems/maximal-rectangle/

Given a 2D bianry matrix filled with 0's and 1's, find the largest rectangle containing all ones and return its area

思路:我毫无思路。求助于discussion。一位机智的小伙伴利用上面求maximal histogram area的方法求这道题。把每列当做是一个水柱,如果为'1',则柱子高度加上1,如果为'0',则柱子高度清零(柱子断开了,当然得为零)。

class Solution {public:    int maximalRectangle(vector<vector<char> > &matrix) {        const int m=matrix.size();        if(m==0) return 0;        const int n=matrix[0].size();                int maxarea=0;        int height[n+1];        memset(height,0,sizeof(height));                for(int i=0; i<m; i++){            stack<int> pstack;  //该方法中最重要的数据结构,可以得到当前值附近的值            for(int j=0; j<=n; j++){                if(j<n){        //统计当前行中每一列的高度                    if(matrix[i][j]=='1')                        height[j]+=1;                    else height[j]=0;                }               //计算面积                if(pstack.empty() || height[pstack.top()]<=height[j]){                    pstack.push(j);                }                else{                    while(!pstack.empty()&&height[pstack.top()]>height[j]){                        int top=pstack.top();                        pstack.pop();                        int area=height[top]*(pstack.empty()?j:(j-pstack.top()-1));                        if(area>maxarea) maxarea=area;                    }                    pstack.push(j);                }            }        }        return maxarea;    }};

题目五:Trapping Rain Water http://oj.leetcode.com/problems/trapping-rain-water/

Given n non-negative integers representing an elevating map where the width of each bar is 1, compute how much water it is able to trap after rainning.


思路二:利用求反的思想,把总的面积减去block的面积,得到积水的面积。具体是两个指针往中间走,如果当前的两者最低值小于current water level(初始值为0),则求积水面积。否则移动左边或者右边的index,并计算block数。

class Solution {public:    int trap(int A[], int n) {        int block=0, cur=0, l=0, r=n-1, vol=0;        if(n==0) return 0;        while(l<=r){            int minVal=min(A[l],A[r]);            if(minVal>cur){                vol=vol+(minVal-cur)*(r-l+1);                cur=minVal;            }            if(A[l]<A[r]) block+=A[l++];            else block+=A[r--];        }        return vol-block;    }};

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