Leetcode中几道二叉树题 I

来源:互联网 发布:怎么通过关键字查域名 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 05:57

一、二叉搜索树 (Binary Search Tree)

题目一:Recover Binary Search Tree

Two elements of a binary search tree (BST) are swapped by mistake. Recover the tree without changing its structure.


class Solution {private:    int first, second, last;public:    void recoverTree(TreeNode *root) {        if(root==NULL) return;        first=1<<12;        second=1<<12;        last=-1<<12;        findSwapNodes(root);        recoverSwapNodes(root);    }        void recoverSwapNodes(TreeNode *root){        if(root==NULL) return;        recoverSwapNodes(root->left);        if(first==root->val){            root->val=second;        }        else if(second==root->val){            root->val=first;        }        recoverSwapNodes(root->right);    }        void findSwapNodes(TreeNode *root){        if(root==NULL) return;        findSwapNodes(root->left);        if(root->val<last){            if(second==1<<12){                 second=last;                first=root->val;            }            if(root->val<first) first=root->val;        }        last=root->val;        findSwapNodes(root->right);    }    };

题目二:Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree

Given a singly linked list where elements are sorted in ascending order, convert it to height balanced BST


class Solution {public:    TreeNode *sortedListToBST(ListNode *head) {        if(head==NULL) return NULL;        if(head->next==NULL) return new TreeNode(head->val);                TreeNode *newhead=NULL;        ListNode *p1, *p2;        p2=head;        p1=head->next; //使得p2在中间位置的前二位        while(p1 && p1->next && p1->next->next){            p1=p1->next->next;            p2=p2->next;        }        p1=p2->next;        p2->next=NULL;        newhead=new TreeNode(p1->val);        if(p1->next) newhead->right=sortedListToBST(p1->next);        newhead->left=sortedListToBST(head);         return newhead;    }};

题目三:Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree

Given an array where elements are sorted in ascending order, convert it to a height balanced BST


class Solution {public:    TreeNode *sortedArrayToBST(vector<int> &num) {        if(num.size()==0) return NULL;        return sortedArrayToBST(num, 0, num.size()-1);    }        TreeNode *sortedArrayToBST(vector<int>& num, int start, int end){        TreeNode *head=NULL;        if(start<=end){            int mid=(start+end)/2;            head=new TreeNode(num[mid]);            if(start<mid){  //边界条件                head->left=sortedArrayToBST(num, start, mid-1);            }            if(mid<end){                head->right=sortedArrayToBST(num, mid+1, end);            }        }        return head;    }};

题目四:Unique Binary Search Trees

Given n, how many structurally unique BST's (binary search trees) that store values 1...n?


class Solution {public:    int numTrees(int n) {        if(n<=0) return 0;            vector<int> result;        result.push_back(1); //n=0 退化的情况        result.push_back(1); //n=1            for(int k=2;k<=n;k++) //n>1        {            int sum=0;            for(int i=1;i<=k;i++)            {                sum+=(result[i-1]*result[k-i]);            }                result.push_back(sum);        }            return result[n];    }};

题目五:Unique Binary Search Trees II

Given n, generate all structurally unique BST's (binary search trees) that store values 1..n.

思路:不同于上面那道题,这里必须用枚举的方法。二分递归。这道题最开始我一直被一个weird problem缠住,我也不能理解,为啥出错。下面先贴出错误代码。

class Solution {public:    vector<TreeNode*> generateTrees(int low, int high){        vector<TreeNode*> res;        if(low<=high){            TreeNode *root;            vector<TreeNode*> left, right;            for(int i=low; i<=high; i++){                root=new TreeNode(i);                left.clear();                right.clear();left=generateTrees(low, i-1);right=generateTrees(i+1, high);if(left.size() && right.size()){                for(int j=0; j<left.size(); j++)                for(int k=0; k<right.size(); k++){root->left=left[j];root->right=right[k];res.push_back(root);} }else if(left.size() || right.size()){for(int j=0; j<left.size(); j++){root->left=left[j];res.push_back(root);}for(int j=0; j<right.size(); j++){root->right=right[j];res.push_back(root);}            }            else res.push_back(root);}        }        return res;    }        vector<TreeNode *> generateTrees(int n) {        vector<TreeNode*> res;        if(n==0){            res.push_back(NULL);            return res;        }        return generateTrees(1, n);    }};

class Solution {public:    vector<TreeNode*> generateTrees(int low, int high){        vector<TreeNode*> res;        if(low>high){            res.push_back(NULL);   //添加叶子节点也是十分必要的呀!            return res;        }        else{            for(int i=low; i<=high; i++){vector<TreeNode*> left=generateTrees(low, i-1);vector<TreeNode*> right=generateTrees(i+1, high);TreeNode *root;for(int j=0; j<left.size(); j++){                for(int k=0; k<right.size(); k++){                    root=new TreeNode(i);           //root必须放在着这个循环里!root->left=left[j];root->right=right[k];res.push_back(root);} }}return res;        }    }        vector<TreeNode *> generateTrees(int n) {        vector<TreeNode*> res;        if(n==0){            res.push_back(NULL);            return res;        }        return generateTrees(1, n);    }};

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